
Apr 18, 2018
I need some help. Please forgive my wall of text and my English.

I want to go, but I don't have much of a choice of methods. Out of everything I researched, it seems like an overdose on over-the-counter drugs is my only option. I have a lot of different stuff. Soon I'm planning to just take all of them. I'll crush them on a spoon, so I could take a lot in a quick time. I'll have around 4 hours before people find me.

I know that it is almost impossible to overdose on over-the-counter drugs. It doesn't matter anyway, I just want to try and pray this stupid body will shut itself down already. I have some questions... I know people here maybe don't know that too, but maybe someone does.

1. Should I eat before I take the pills, or should I rather skip a couple of meals? (I have no problem with that) Maybe skip two days of eating (the most I can make without anyone noticing weird stuff)
2. Should I skip sleep the day before so I could fall asleep quicker after taking the pills? (I don't have sleep medication, only sedatives (a lot)).
3. Is going at it without anti-emetics a no-hope situation? :( Because I don't think I have any. I can't buy anything or go anywhere without people noticing.

Please if anyone has any advice, help. I would appreciate anything.


Apr 17, 2018
I took 180 anti anxiety pills (3 bottles, 4,000mg) and would've died if I wasn't found and taken to the hospital. I'm not sure if it was just luck but nothing was going wrong. I didn't feel any pain, nor did I throw up. I hadn't eaten in about 10 hours though, so maybe hold off on the food. I recommend mixing the pills with alcohol though, which is something I didn't do.


Apr 18, 2018
I took 180 anti anxiety pills (3 bottles, 4,000mg) and would've died if I wasn't found and taken to the hospital. I'm not sure if it was just luck but nothing was going wrong. I didn't feel any pain, nor did I throw up. I hadn't eaten in about 10 hours though, so maybe hold off on the food. I recommend mixing the pills with alcohol though, which is something I didn't do.
Thank you for the response, I appreciate it.

If you don't mind me asking, how long it was since you took the pills that you have been found? I know that you probably have been unconsious, but still, maybe you remember... I would really like to know how long it takes for a body to start shutting down if you don't throw up or get found.


Apr 17, 2018
Thank you for the response, I appreciate it.

If you don't mind me asking, how long it was since you took the pills that you have been found? I know that you probably have been unconsious, but still, maybe you remember... I would really like to know how long it takes for a body to start shutting down if you don't throw up or get found.

I didn't get to the point where I passed out but I was taken to the hospital about 2 and a half hours after I took them. I was fully conscious at the time but soon after I arrived I started to have body tremors. When I got to the hospital they immediately gave me IVs because my blood pressure dropped so low and my heart started to beat sporadically and jumped around to high numbers. It wouldn't have been much longer until my heart would've stopped beating completely, I'd say within 30 minutes to a couple of hours.


Apr 18, 2018
think they put stuff in otc pills to make you vomit it up, anti-emetics might be a must


Mar 18, 2018
[QUOTE = "WingsToTheSky, publicación: 1199, miembro: 310"] Necesito ayuda. Por favor, perdona mi muro de texto y mi inglés.

Quiero ir, pero no tengo muchas opciones de métodos. De todo lo que investigué, parece que una sobredosis de medicamentos de venta libre es mi única opción. Tengo muchas cosas diferentes Pronto estoy planeando tomar todos ellos. Los aplastaré en una cuchara, así podría tomar mucho en un tiempo rápido. Tendré alrededor de 4 horas antes de que la gente me encuentre.

Sé que es casi imposible tomar una sobredosis de medicamentos de venta libre. De todos modos, no importa, solo quiero intentar y rezar para que este estúpido cuerpo ya se apague. Tengo algunas preguntas ... Sé que la gente aquí quizás no lo sepa también, pero tal vez alguien lo haga.

1. ¿Debo comer antes de tomar las píldoras, o debería evitarme un par de comidas? (No tengo ningún problema con eso) Tal vez salte dos días de comer (lo máximo que puedo hacer sin que nadie note cosas raras)
2. ¿Debería omitir el sueño el día anterior para poder quedarme dormido más rápido después de tomar las píldoras? (No tengo medicamentos para dormir, solo sedantes (mucho)).
3. ¿Va en contra de eso sin antieméticos una situación sin esperanza? :( Porque no creo que tenga ninguno. No puedo comprar nada ni ir a ningún lado sin que la gente se dé cuenta.

Por favor, si alguien tiene algún consejo, ayuda . Apreciaría cualquier cosa. [/ QUOTE]
Según mi experiencia, no lo recomendaría como un método seguro.
Lo hice hace años con antidepresivos + ansiolíticos (con receta médica) y no funcionó.
Se necesitarían grandes cantidades y aún así ... los excipientes están diseñados para causar vómitos tan pronto como se superen las 10 o 20 píldoras.
No digo que sea imposible, pero no es confiable.


Apr 7, 2018
I took 180 anti anxiety pills (3 bottles, 4,000mg) and would've died if I wasn't found and taken to the hospital. I'm not sure if it was just luck but nothing was going wrong. I didn't feel any pain, nor did I throw up. I hadn't eaten in about 10 hours though, so maybe hold off on the food. I recommend mixing the pills with alcohol though, which is something I didn't do.

Who found you?
El Topo

El Topo

Apr 21, 2018
I need some help. Please forgive my wall of text and my English.

I want to go, but I don't have much of a choice of methods. Out of everything I researched, it seems like an overdose on over-the-counter drugs is my only option. I have a lot of different stuff. Soon I'm planning to just take all of them. I'll crush them on a spoon, so I could take a lot in a quick time. I'll have around 4 hours before people find me.

I know that it is almost impossible to overdose on over-the-counter drugs. It doesn't matter anyway, I just want to try and pray this stupid body will shut itself down already. I have some questions... I know people here maybe don't know that too, but maybe someone does.

1. Should I eat before I take the pills, or should I rather skip a couple of meals? (I have no problem with that) Maybe skip two days of eating (the most I can make without anyone noticing weird stuff)
2. Should I skip sleep the day before so I could fall asleep quicker after taking the pills? (I don't have sleep medication, only sedatives (a lot)).
3. Is going at it without anti-emetics a no-hope situation? :( Because I don't think I have any. I can't buy anything or go anywhere without people noticing.

Please if anyone has any advice, help. I would appreciate anything.

1. You can eat a light breakfast, but don't eat for 12 hours before the pills.
2. Skipping sleep the night before could help.
3. Anti-emetics are not 100% necessary. There are people who have successfully ctb with pentobarbital without anti-emetics.

Just curious, what combination of meds are you planning on? OTC drugs are really not a good option...


Apr 18, 2018
1. You can eat a light breakfast, but don't eat for 12 hours before the pills.
2. Skipping sleep the night before could help.
3. Anti-emetics are not 100% necessary. There are people who have successfully ctb with pentobarbital without anti-emetics.

Just curious, what combination of meds are you planning on? OTC drugs are really not a good option...
Hello, sorry for the very late response. First of all, thank you. You really helped me a lot, going to follow your advice.

About the combination, I have lots of pills and I didn't count them, since I'm planning to just swallow all of them.
Well, I can say that I have some anti-anxiety pills, "valerian" pills, some light sleep-aid pills, ibuprofen, cough syrups, anti-cold and anti-flu pills , and antibiotics. That's pretty much it. I think there definitely should be more than 100 pills.
I think mixing them all together would make a poison. They're all over-the-counter. I can't get any access to anything else, I'm not independent. So I'm probably just going to vomit them all out and/or get a liver failure :( But I'm so tired of suffering, the only thing I can do is to hope for death.
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Jan 2, 2020
I took 180 anti anxiety pills (3 bottles, 4,000mg) and would've died if I wasn't found and taken to the hospital. I'm not sure if it was just luck but nothing was going wrong. I didn't feel any pain, nor did I throw up. I hadn't eaten in about 10 hours though, so maybe hold off on the food. I recommend mixing the pills with alcohol though, which is something I didn't do.

Which pills
BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/chloroquine-or-sn.29441/ this might be of interest to you.

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