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Born again christian 😏
Jun 4, 2024
"This dawning epoch, this age of reason. An empire grown fat, ripe for the bleeding." Blood and bloat, filth and foul, power the grotesque factory at the heart of Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. What steam there is should sooner emanate from a swine's rotting corpse than a coal furnace. The game presents a regime of production where waste is not merely spurned or reduced - it is the very driver of the great engine itself. Malodorous fumes pump the pistons, and pigs are ferried down the line by the momentum of their death throes. the harnessing and taming of excess is the true aim of all political economy. A new theory oriented around consumption rather than production. All life is endowed with energy beyond what is required for its simple functioning. This excess is usually allocated to growth and reproduction, This wayward expenditure, emblematic of everything from excrement to human sacrifice, constitutes that cursed portion of human activity, the accursed share.

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A game about the horror of consumption, it features sacrificial rites, cannibalism, industrialization, and the limits of the human mind among its many themes. When we're hiding from the hideous manpigs, we can no longer rely on our senses. Darkness all around and the ceaseless, infernal grind of machinery. Can't see, can't hear; we are foreigners in an unwelcome body that rejects us at every turn. I have carried this world on my back, with its legs about me. Damn this wretched soul, I am given birth to nothing but machinery. A birth is always a violent event, in the sense that the creation of another is also the negation of oneself, sexual reproduction a "luxurious detour" in that it consumes the excess energy that we can no longer put towards our own growth, it is merely the "accentuation" of cell division; although reproduction may appear to lead to the growth of the species, on an individual level it is really a wasteful process. This is especially true for animals, In order to understand excess, luxury, and sacrifice, we must first grasp notion of general economy, which is a lot more insane than it sounds. It is nothing less than a Copernican transformation in how we think about life, to talk about energy, we have to begin with the sun.

we understand that all life on Earth is the result of cosmic waste. Everything we see around us exists in this play of energy which the sun freely bestows us with. the sun as an agent of excretion as well as a source of life. The sun is rotten, to look directly at it is to be driven mad. The closest we can get, the sacrifice of the sun in effigy. Sunset in the window like a bleeding sky, the horizon a slit throat. The seeping dark to drain the guilt from us. Only when the sun bleeds can we glimpse it. And when we can conceive of all energy, from the first, as a flow of excess, we understand that consumption, not production, is the major organizing force of human society and economics. So, if everything on Earth contains an excess of solar energy, why then do we see starving children, impoverished nations, and the like? Well, conception of excess extends even to seemingly fundamental aspects of life like growth and reproduction. Individuals and groups may have to deal with want and lack, In this way, the accursed share is a fundamental fact of the human condition. Normally, this excess leads to population booms and the further expansion of production. Life always aspires towards ever more growth. But when growth comes up against boundaries - geographic, demographic, etc. - the excess can no longer be expelled, and it begins to boil. In the explosive character of this pressurized activity, we apprehend In other words, we can't get away from the heat of the sun; its energy is always latent in everything we do. The curse of man is that, ignorant of these principles, we cannot direct our excess energy in a salvific way. These men, professor, these so-called men of vision, they would shackle the masses to a wheel, and turn it till their backs break! All for that opiate, the lure of profit. But what solution, my dear man, how to break a cycle? You cannot simply remove the promise of a better world for these unfortunates. We do not need to wait! We can bring forth paradise now! We can speed the passion! We only a small sacrifice we can hold the apocalypse. With just a small sacrifice we can free our shackles, and deliver them to paradise now!

Without this intervention, our consumption demands extravagant wars and rampant inequality. And when civilizations in the past have tamed this pressure, it was often through ritual human sacrifice. I am the jaguar-faced man. I am the feathered serpent. This priesthood is mine. an obsession with the Aztec culture, the fascination revolves around the centrality of human sacrifice to Aztec religion and society. In Aztec myth, the sun continually decays. The god Nanauatzin sacrificed himself to bring light into the world, and now demands sacrifices of his own to sustain his existence, men and wars were created In this view, humanity is both the sun's waste product and its vital sustenance. Fascinatingly, The Aztec word 'teocuitlatl' literally means 'excrement of the gods,' and the Maya word 'taak'in' is best rendered as 'sun shit. everything of value is merely a solar accident. Oh god help me; I am lost in the dry paper soul of the world. But why sacrifice, what does it do? In its original etymology, 'sacrifice' only meant 'to make holy.

"All labor, not just under capitalism, desubjectivizes human beings, it renders them into things which can be said to be useful or not. But if one is utterly annihilated, heart carved out and body discarded, then we can no longer speak of man as a thing. In sacrifice one becomes the accursed share, the body consumed without profit" But at the same time the victim enters into a realm of intimacy known to very few. This negation, and the restoration of intimacy to human existence, the aim of all religion. We observe this in the regal treatment lavished upon Aztec victims before their death.

My heart is your heart. I will rip them loose from this rotten world and set them to burn, all to save them. The heat of sacrifice ignites the dry paper soul into something warm and divine. Industrial growth precedes demographic expansion. The factories produce their waste in the form of more consumers.

the erotic movements of the earth, how Pressure builds the further down we tunnel. The underground is home to a constant roil. The sun's excreted rays cannot penetrate so deep, but their influence is there, layered in the sediment. All that we burrow through is history, the crystallized light of ages stacked upon ages.

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⦿ ⦿
Jul 31, 2023
I couldn't find Waldo. 😦

The title seems interesting but I find the wall of text too daunting. Though this may be just due to my poor reading skills. Looking forward to other commenters.


Born again christian 😏
Jun 4, 2024
I couldn't find Wally. 😦

The title seems interesting but I find the wall of text too daunting. Though this may be just due to my poor reading skills. Looking forward to other commenters.
Here, I just mentioned only the interesting parts in the thread.

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