

F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
(Disclaimer: mentions of violence, no intention or desire to carry out anything. Just venting my feelings and thoughts. No worries!)

More and more lately I feel like I am not connected to the world. I go outside and nothing feels real. Like everything around me is fake. Like it's all a set from the Truman Show.

The trees. The wind, even other people outside all feel fake. Like everything around us has been produced to keep us trapped and suffering.

I don't want to go outside anymore. I hate this world. I hate this society. And I hate human beings. Looking around me and realizing most of the world has been successfully brainwashed and propagandized to accept things the way they are and never try to change it. It's infuriating. It's sickening. It's even worse when you realize mental health professionals are only there to get you back into the capitalist machine.

I told my therapist I have no interest in working because it's basically slavery with extra steps. And she has no alternative to offer me to live this life.

It's basically participate in all this or die. But we're also not allowed to leave peacefully. It's the needless cruelty of it, and how most of our species defends that cruelty.

I really wish a big meteor would hit this planet or that Yellowstone would erupt. Humanity deserves a reckoning for all the various and continuing ways in which we fail as the arrogant, hubristic, egotistical, stupid animals we are. Though we like to jerk ourselves off by thinking we are nature's finest achievement. When we're really just the trailer trash of the cosmos.

Nothing is real. Everything out there is a lie. A lie perpetuated to keep us complacent and unquestioning of the systems that use, abuse and exploit us.

It needs to end. Either the people in control of the world need to be killed and replaced, or the world just needs to be destroyed.

Or they could just let people like me get help dying and then they would have less dissent to worry about.
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abyss princess

abyss princess

utterly insignificant
Apr 4, 2024
i hear you. this happened to me last year, i kept feeling like i was living in a dream and had no control over my actions, it was hell. it was initially triggered by the massive amount of anxiety i was experiencing then, i remember just eating my lunch and all of a sudden the people in front of me were imposible to recognize and felt like 'impostors' and every time i left my house i would get even more panicked, all the trees, the houses the people, everything was so weird, it's hard to describe but it just felt fake.
slowly it started to go away though, very slowly, it was just for about 5 months that i experienced it and it felt like eternity, but it went away eventually and rarely ever happens now.
i wish you the best and know that you're not alone in this, i know how scary it feels. I hope you find peace
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memento mori
Mar 27, 2019
I told my therapist I have no interest in working because it's basically slavery with extra steps. And she has no alternative to offer me to live this life.

It's basically participate in all this or die. But we're also not allowed to leave peacefully. It's the needless cruelty of it, and how most of our species defends that cruelty.

no but fr 😭 it's all "aha noo don't kill yourself" but when you ask for alternatives they're like "well idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe work towards changing the system"

like this isn't the hunger games, i'm not starting a revolution or anything so it's literally wage slavery or death and i'd rather ctb than be a metaphorical "house slave" and happily be a part of this system
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Feb 2, 2023
DR is by far the worst shit I've ever experienced, pure ctb fuel. I understand (something resembling) how you feel.
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Jan 1, 2024
DR is awful and scary I deal with everyday
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Mar 15, 2019
I have come to realize how we are stuck in a world / society, where at the end of the day, simply 99.9999% of things on this earth, have absolutely nothing to do with us at all, but yet we are forced to co-exist with it

The moment you're dead, the world will just completely move on as if you've never even existed for a split second

Then while we're alive, the only "value" or "purpose" that we are perceived to have, is either as a slave to help corporations earn more money, or as a customer, so corporations can make money off of us

We're all just a piece of useless "tool", hanging around in survival mode, waiting to be exploited / forced to help run this soul-less rat race of a system, so it can continue to operate

In the end our existence is worthless and meaningless. The best is to simply not have been born, to avoid all this pointless hassle
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I want to die slowly and painfully
Oct 11, 2023
no but fr 😭 it's all "aha noo don't kill yourself" but when you ask for alternatives they're like "well idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe work towards changing the system"

like this isn't the hunger games, i'm not starting a revolution or anything so it's literally wage slavery or death and i'd rather ctb than be a metaphorical "house slave" and happily be a part of this system
"Naaaaaur don't kill yourself that'll fix your problems, we ain't doing all that we're just trying to put band aids on that shii" kind of vibes, i get that vibe from most therapists I've had
Like bro give me a break you can find someone else to pay you to "help" them, everyone's depressed these days it ain't gonna be that hard
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