
Apr 29, 2020
Rofl and crying at the same time because this is the virtue signalling at its absolute finest. Let's call him David. It makes me so mad that everyone is like All hail David, the amazing social media leader who is contributing to suicide prevention.
When in reality he literally cut me off after I spoke about my suicide attempt. How does someone live with themselves quite smugly (appearing so anyway) when doing stuff like that!?
I've actually had a rollercoaster of a week but this takes the biscuit.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I don't know how viable this is or if it's really a good idea so take it with a grain of salt but is it possible for you to expose him? Like, do you have screencaps to prove what he said and that he did that to you? Can you also share those to other people from his social media? Idk, if something like this happened to me it wouldn't sit right with me to just let them get away with it like that but I don't fully know your situation so it might not work out for you if you do.
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Apr 29, 2020
I don't know how viable this is or if it's really a good idea so take it with a grain of salt but is it possible for you to expose him? Like, do you have screencaps to prove what he said and that he did that to you? Can you also share those to other people from his social media? Idk, if something like this happened to me it wouldn't sit right with me to just let them get away with it like that but I don't fully know your situation so it might not work out for you if you do.
I would love to expose it so much, but he hasn't been the only one who has done that. He's the only one I think who has blocked me but others have either muted me or are just choosing to not engage with me anymore. I stupidly posted months ago that I had tried to kill myself and now it seems I don't get any responses to tweets or anything from the people I used to. I've also outrightly been told by mental health professionals who followed me on Twitter that they have muted me because if they see a tweet that suggests I'm a danger to myself then not doing anything about it would put their job at risk. So they are essentially saying, as long as they don't see my tweet then if I actually do die they won't get in trouble.
And they are also the ones spouting like hell about suicide prevention today and the importance of "talking" and "reducing the stigma" because apparently "people care". I mean sorry but they've basically just said to me that they won't engage with me at all now online because I literally that one time voiced about a recent suicide attempt.
Fuck all them (sorry for the language)
So yeah I would love to expose "David" but seems like I would just be ganged up on by further virtue signalling pricks.
Thank you for the empathy though because the whole thing makes me feel like I'm the one being unreasonable. But in reality what they are doing is causing so much harm by painting themselves as caring, compassionate, inclusive people who are all about social justice, when in reality they won't even talk to a suicidal person online.
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Sep 1, 2020
I would love to expose it so much, but he hasn't been the only one who has done that. He's the only one I think who has blocked me but others have either muted me or are just choosing to not engage with me anymore. I stupidly posted months ago that I had tried to kill myself and now it seems I don't get any responses to tweets or anything from the people I used to. I've also outrightly been told by mental health professionals who followed me on Twitter that they have muted me because if they see a tweet that suggests I'm a danger to myself then not doing anything about it would put their job at risk. So they are essentially saying, as long as they don't see my tweet then if I actually do die they won't get in trouble.
And they are also the ones spouting like hell about suicide prevention today and the importance of "talking" and "reducing the stigma" because apparently "people care". I mean sorry but they've basically just said to me that they won't engage with me at all now online because I literally that one time voiced about a recent suicide attempt.
Fuck all them (sorry for the language)
So yeah I would love to expose "David" but seems like I would just be ganged up on by further virtue signalling pricks.
Thank you for the empathy though because the whole thing makes me feel like I'm the one being unreasonable. But in reality what they are doing is causing so much harm by painting themselves as caring, compassionate, inclusive people who are all about social justice, when in reality they won't even talk to a suicidal person online.
Fucked up on multiple levels. Hypocritical and egotistic. Fuck em let them live in their bubble of narcissism
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Apr 29, 2020
And it makes so effing mad that they then wonder why I'm all over the place and emotionally unstable what not, like they haven't been telling me they care about me one minute and then just "out of sight out of mind, if she dies then at least I didn't see the warning signs". I'm so effing mad that they tell me it's important to talk, and give me superficial hope that if I do so things will get better, to then be dumped like a piece of shit.
Fucked up on multiple levels. Hypocritical and egotistic. Fuck em let them live in their bubble of narcissism
Exactly. It's made me so made. I'd actually go as far as calling it abusive because they make it feel like I'm safe to voice my experiences and then shit on me like I've never been shat on before.

AND yet those are the people that go flying up the career and status ladder. Those are the people that end up being included in a close knit (albeit stigmatising and discriminating) community. I mean goddamn I don't really want to be in that kind of community but I'm also horrified as to how I've lost out in a community online because of my suicide attempt.
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Apr 29, 2020
Post this on your Facebook page, and ask, "Do you have virtue, or do you just signal that you do?"

Followed by:

View attachment 44198
Ironically some of them have posted that exact suicide vs suicidal photo :pfff: :pfff: I legitimately can't get over the hypocrisy. Hypocrisy, as a term, I don't even feel cuts it though, it's beyond that!:pfff:
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May 27, 2020
And it makes so effing mad that they then wonder why I'm all over the place and emotionally unstable what not, like they haven't been telling me they care about me one minute and then just "out of sight out of mind, if she dies then at least I didn't see the warning signs".

They don't care about you or your pain, but at the same time they don't want to feel guilty for not caring.
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May 27, 2020
Yup. Makes me sad reading that but true.

I did not mean for my post to upset you. It was mean't to be a criticism of the person/people who blocked you.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
They don't care about you or your pain, but at the same time they don't want to feel guilty for not caring.

Projection! Tell others to care and take the burden off of them!
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Aug 17, 2020
Rofl and crying at the same time because this is the virtue signalling at its absolute finest. Let's call him David. It makes me so mad that everyone is like All hail David, the amazing social media leader who is contributing to suicide prevention.
When in reality he literally cut me off after I spoke about my suicide attempt. How does someone live with themselves quite smugly (appearing so anyway) when doing stuff like that!?
I've actually had a rollercoaster of a week but this takes the biscuit.
This is not someone here, right?

They are possibly trying to create a following to earn money (usual reason), then when someone they are supposedly trying to help does try to ctb, they cut them off because it's bad for business.

Not called Richard is he?
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
@madbananas here are some memes you can post in the comments:

Images 66

Images 44

Images 45

Images 48

Polish 20200701 105329967

Images 702
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May 15, 2019
All this after our colourful discussions the other day about suicide prevention month.
Is this one of the dudes who has a semi colon tatood on the back of his neck ?
https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/world-suicide-prevention-day.47867/post-864350 (borrowed from user who doesnt exist)
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Apr 29, 2020
I did not mean for my post to upset you. It was mean't to be a criticism of the person/people who blocked you.
No you didn't upset me haha cause it's the truth. I just meant it is sad to read but it is the truth anyway and I know that so don't think you made me sad! :hug:
This is not someone here, right?

They are possibly trying to create a following to earn money (usual reason), then when someone they are supposedly trying to help does try to ctb, they cut them off because it's bad for business.

Not called Richard is he?
His name is not Richard, and it's no one from here. But I reckon you are spot on, though I know this is not a person who is making money from it but getting his name "up there" with the people of status. Probably so he will eventually make more money but I also reckon he's just doing it for the feeling of power and being "up there" with them.
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lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
"reduce the stigma" they say, but they can't sacrifice their comfort for a moment or two to listen to people who are suffering? what a joke. "suicide makes me feel sad and uncomfortable" i've felt that way for a long time. you can handle being upset for an hour or two. they'll just forget everything anyways.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I think "Richard" meant "dick." :pfff:
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Apr 29, 2020
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Aug 17, 2020
If it's not richard it must be Sam?
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Apr 29, 2020
"reduce the stigma" they say, but they can't sacrifice their comfort for a moment or two to listen to people who are suffering? what a joke. "suicide makes me feel sad and uncomfortable" i've felt that way for a long time. you can handle being upset for an hour or two. they'll just forget everything anyways.
Exactly! That's the thing! How would they feel if they were suicidal and in my position?! Honestly you've put this so well. Thank you :smiling:
I think "Richard" meant "dick." :pfff:
Ahhhh :pfff: well then twitter is full of Richards then:pfff::pfff::pfff: how did I not get that!


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
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Jan 14, 2020
Rofl and crying at the same time because this is the virtue signalling at its absolute finest. Let's call him David. It makes me so mad that everyone is like All hail David, the amazing social media leader who is contributing to suicide prevention.
When in reality he literally cut me off after I spoke about my suicide attempt. How does someone live with themselves quite smugly (appearing so anyway) when doing stuff like that!?
I've actually had a rollercoaster of a week but this takes the biscuit.
You do realise strangers online are not your therapists right? Can you imagine how many messages and cries for help these YT/twitter therapists Get on a daily basis? If the only time you ever interacted with them was when you were crying for help (wanting free advice) then they have a job to protect themselves from such damaging behaviour for their own mental health. You can't expect online therapists to faun over you because of a failed attempt. Don't be cheap and get yourself a real life therapist

NB: I'm simply guessing wtf you are talking about in the first place but that's what I'm guessing the rant means.
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Apr 29, 2020
You do realise strangers online are not your therapists right? Can you imagine how many messages and cries for help these YT/twitter therapists Get on a daily basis? If the only time you ever interacted with them was when you were crying for help (wanting free advice) then they have a job to protect themselves from such damaging behaviour for their own mental health. You can't expect online therapists to faun over you because of a failed attempt. Don't be cheap and get yourself a real life therapist

NB: I'm simply guessing wtf you are talking about in the first place but that's what I'm guessing the rant means.
He's not a therapist. I didn't message him I simply posted on my timeline :wink:
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Jan 14, 2020
He's not a therapist. I didn't message him I simply posted on my timeline :wink:
Posted what on your timeline? So someone called 'David' posted something about suicide prevention month, you posted it on your wall and the problem here is what exactly?
You do realise strangers online (David) are not your therapists right? Can you imagine how many messages and cries for help these YT/twitter therapists Get on a daily basis? If the only time you ever interacted with them was when you were crying for help (wanting free advice) then they have a job to protect themselves from such damaging behaviour for their own mental health. You can't expect online therapists to faun over you because of a failed attempt. Don't be cheap and get yourself a real life therapist

NB: I'm simply guessing wtf you are talking about in the first place but that's what I'm guessing the rant means.
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Apr 29, 2020
You do realise strangers online are not your therapists right? Can you imagine how many messages and cries for help these YT/twitter therapists Get on a daily basis? If the only time you ever interacted with them was when you were crying for help (wanting free advice) then they have a job to protect themselves from such damaging behaviour for their own mental health. You can't expect online therapists to faun over you because of a failed attempt. Don't be cheap and get yourself a real life therapist

NB: I'm simply guessing wtf you are talking about in the first place but that's what I'm guessing the rant means.
And you're actually coming across as really rude. How about first asking me to elaborate first? Then you can call me "cheap"
Posted what on your timeline? So someone called 'David' posted something about suicide prevention month, you posted it on your wall and the problem here is what exactly?
I had a breakdown tried to kill my self and then posted on my wall that I had tried to kill my self.
He blocks me.
Now he's talking about the importance of social connectedness and reaching out to people to prevent suicide. I can only see it based on other people commenting on his tweet which I cannot see.

ps you don't need to come across as rude as you are doing just now?
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Jan 14, 2020
And you're actually coming across as really rude. How about first asking me to elaborate first? Then you can call me "cheap"

I had a breakdown tried to kill my self and then posted on my wall that I had tried to kill my self.
He blocks me.
Now he's talking about the importance of social connectedness and reaching out to people to prevent suicide. I can only see it based on other people commenting on his tweet which I cannot see.

ps you don't need to come across as rude as you are doing just now?
No, I'm not being rude. I am just blunt. Your post wasn't actually that clear as to what your complaint or issue was so I was TRYING to understand it more to give you advice.

I am sorry to hear of your breakdown and failed attempt. Sounds like you have a lot to deal with.

If this David character has blocked you, how can you see what he's posting? Is this person a real life friend? Maybe don't worry about what people who block you are posting. Social media is going to be a shit storm this month of Suicide Awareness virtue signalling which is why I've temporarily disabled all my social media. I find the whole thing immensely cringe and insincere
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Jul 21, 2020
I feel this thread a lot because there was a girl I went to a party and seen, who I just found out the next day I had on Snapchat . She was feeling depresssed and I was there by her side comforting her and asking if she was okay and all that, she went all sexual afterwards and all, a story for another time, but recently months ago when I was depressed in a psych ward, I was talking to her and she blocked me cause I found myself in the state she was in before. People man how it come from helping someone to being separated from them soon after.


Apr 29, 2020
All this after our colourful discussions the other day about suicide prevention month.
Is this one of the dudes who has a semi colon tatood on the back of his neck ?
https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/world-suicide-prevention-day.47867/post-864350 (borrowed from user who doesnt exist)
Hey sorry I saw the notification and realised I hadn't replied to David Brent yet!! I wouldn't be surprised if he did have a semi colon tattoo :pfff: :pfff:
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