

Nov 17, 2020
I hate that this is something that comes naturally to BPD. I hate feeling like they're my light, hope & warmth from the cold world- like without them I couldn't possibly feel whole. *vicious eye roll*

This codependency eats at me as I struggle to make & maintain friendships. So many questions run through my mind regarding my viability as a true friend/support, that I play these conversation in my head- rather than risk being too much (heard that from a few people over the years). Desiring closeness but being afraid to share the most intimate of details, all in the same breath.

Am I:
Coming on too strong? Oversharing too much? Burdening people with my problems? Do I ask too much of those around me? Am I just weak? :notsure:

Anyone else with BPD struggle with friendships/FPs?
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Jan 4, 2021
Just off the top of my head ... after deleting yet another comment on here , ha ha .

Someone talked to me about 'choreographing' the way we talk to people once ...
I understand it to be 'alluding to' things , or generalizing ... so as to defuse the intensity .

Sorry if this is off beam and unhelpful ... but I am an over sharer , big time.

It does make people uncomfortable ...

"One just doesn't talk about these things...." in a kind of Victorian prudish sense .
Maybe we get hardened to some fairly gnarly psho-spiritual angst soaked stuff that most people leave inside dark literary novels ?

edit to add : I looked up FP .... first person ?
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Nov 17, 2020
Just off the top of my head ... after deleting yet another comment on here , ha ha .

Someone talked to me about 'choreographing' the way we talk to people once ...
I understand it to be 'alluding to' things , or generalizing ... so as to defuse the intensity .

Sorry if this is off beam and unhelpful ... but I am an over sharer , big time.

It does make people uncomfortable ...

"One just doesn't talk about these things...." in a kind of Victorian prudish sense .
Maybe we get hardened to some fairly gnarly psho-spiritual angst soaked stuff that most people leave inside dark literary novels ?

edit to add : I looked up FP .... first person ?

Thanks for responding, it's "Favourite Person. :)

It's a sort of dependency thing that a lot of being with BPD talk about. It can become obsessive, though I find in myself that it's this idea that this person whomever they happen to be is the source of happiness.

I feel that- I erase many a comments before I write something that makes sense. :ahhha:

I hear that, oversharing sucks, frankly. It almost feels like an outer body experience as you watch yourself as you overshare, but are powerless to stop it in the moment. Has the "choreography" been effective for you?


Jan 4, 2021
'Favourite Person' ... that makes sense .

It reminds me of that 'codependent' idea , that I maybe had going on .

I'm lucky to have a close friend from years ago ... in another town and am concerned I might be relying on them too much .

That being said ... maybe it's ok to rely on other people , and it's the obsession part that is the issue ?

Like an OCD thing ? I have definitely done the OCD thing with people ( mainly romantically ... my sexual education was bordering on abuse via lack of information ... so I never 'developed' a healthy sexuality ... pretty common I think )

Have I used choreography ?
Maybe in being a bit jokey ?
Ironic ... light hearted ... it always seems to help.
I think I may have generalized stuff that was actually very intense ... it almost seems natural in that "asking for a friend" kind of way ... ?

I think you have raised a good issue here ...

I sometimes go in the OTHER direction and fail to nurture new potential friendships if I 'sense' they aren't what I'm after / needing / going to reward me ... whatever ...

I did get locked in to some dependency vibes ... it's weird when it's the other person ... especially ( and I am conjecturing here as I am the only witness) when they are a bit toxic but still stay in touch on a regular basis .
That is very confusing , and I have had to walk away a few times because I couldn't work it out.

It takes two to reach an agreement ... and some people are willing to analyse behaviour and regard it as a possible avenue of growth or just 'normal life' whereas some others just don't go there . It's not everyones cup of tea to share their inner worlds . Some folk actively avoid it and become defensive if the topic is raised ...
( evidence : my entire family of origin. )

Didn't delete this one :sunglasses:
second response ... ( this is my thing ... relational dynamics ... I'm bloody hopeless with people , socializing , so I'm fascinated ... )

Is it a rehash of the parent / child relationship do you think ?
A replacement for that ?

A fix it attempt for the oceanic sense of loss we experience and some never resove ' functionally' ( by commiting to a relationship or devoting their life to world pece or getting a dog ? )

I'm most definitely guilty of that .
I want all the love and support ,but feel controlled and disempowered if asked for support .
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Deleted member 23885

Nov 18, 2020
I very likely have BPD and experience a lot of emotional pain :(
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Nov 17, 2020
I'm lucky to have a close friend from years ago ... in another town and am concerned I might be relying on them too much .

That being said ... maybe it's ok to rely on other people , and it's the obsession part that is the issue ?

Like an OCD thing ? I have definitely done the OCD thing with people ( mainly romantically ... my sexual education was bordering on abuse via lack of information ... so I never 'developed' a healthy sexuality ... pretty common I think )

Have I used choreography ?
Maybe in being a bit jokey ?
Ironic ... light hearted ... it always seems to help.
I think I may have generalized stuff that was actually very intense ... it almost seems natural in that "asking for a friend" kind of way ... ?

Do you find it challenging or beneficial to have your close friend in another town?

Well it can be for some, the obsession, but in my case it tends to tie itself to my self worth. It's frustrating more than anything because I'm not always aware I'm doing anything "wrong" until sometime after. By wrong I mean, something selfish or inconsiderate to their needs, oversharing or crossing boundaries, etc. I don't know if it's OCD related.

Oh, okay- I see. I do tend to have these elaborate conversation or scenarios play out in my head sometimes as a way to quell my anxiety. Like playing out the possibilities of a situation before I am immersed in it & cannot leave. Don't know if that would fall under what you'd mentioned as choreography.

I sometimes go in the OTHER direction and fail to nurture new potential friendships if I 'sense' they aren't what I'm after / needing / going to reward me ... whatever ...

I did get locked in to some dependency vibes ... it's weird when it's the other person ... especially ( and I am conjecturing here as I am the only witness) when they are a bit toxic but still stay in touch on a regular basis .
That is very confusing , and I have had to walk away a few times because I couldn't work it out.

It takes two to reach an agreement ... and some people are willing to analyse behaviour and regard it as a possible avenue of growth or just 'normal life' whereas some others just don't go there . It's not everyones cup of tea to share their inner worlds . Some folk actively avoid it and become defensive if the topic is raised ...
( evidence : my entire family of origin. )

Didn't delete this one :sunglasses:
second response ... ( this is my thing ... relational dynamics ... I'm bloody hopeless with people , socializing , so I'm fascinated ... )

Is it a rehash of the parent / child relationship do you think ?
A replacement for that ?

A fix it attempt for the oceanic sense of loss we experience and some never resove ' functionally' ( by commiting to a relationship or devoting their life to world pece or getting a dog ? )

I'm most definitely guilty of that .
I want all the love and support ,but feel controlled and disempowered if asked for support .

Yes, same & often. Perhaps it's our own version of self preservation. I don't feel I need anything from said person, other than their time & attention. I spend a lot of time alone otherwise (even before quarantine). Indeed. That toxic friend or person is hard to shake, though more & more- I feel I am that person. How do you navigate the toxic friend now?

Yes, self-reflection does in fact take work. It can be painstaking & overwhelming trying to sift through thoughts & emotions, which I can understand why some would avoid being face to face with their demons. Sorry to hear about your family. SIGH. I can appreciate that, it can feel like a fruitless endeavour.


I also find people fascinating, though it may stem more so from fear. There is a possibility, though I didn't have lasting friendships before HS, so around age 15/16. I have told one of my friends about my struggles with relationships (both, romantic & non-romantic) hoping for some understanding, but that is such a vulnerable conversation to have with a person that I haven't been able to do it more than once.

Ugh. I hear you. Fortunately, SS can offer love & support when it's missing IRL. How had you manage to keep it together before joining SS? I've never felt comfortable sharing the most intimate details of my with with others for support. If it does happen it's often out of desperation as my mind feels it's on the verge of eruption (hence the over sharing).


Oh, sorry to hear about your emotional pain, love.

Feel free to PM if you'd like to chat about it. I was diagnosed BPD a few years ago.
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Jan 31, 2021
I have BPD as well and unfortunately, I can fully relate. I've lost a lot of friends, people I cared for. And some of them might have genuinely cared for me as well, until I pushed them away by my extreme behavior I couldn't manage to control. Every time I lose a friend, it feels like a close family member died. It's the most horrible emotional pain you can imagine.
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Nov 17, 2020
I have BPD as well and unfortunately, I can fully relate. I've lost a lot of friends, people I cared for. And some of them might have genuinely cared for me as well, until I pushed them away by my extreme behavior I couldn't manage to control. Every time I lose a friend, it feels like a close family member died. It's the most horrible emotional pain you can imagine.

HUGS. I'm sorry you understand what this feels like too.

I definitely concur. It feel like such a heavy loss. Then there's the grieving process over the friendship, the wondering where I went wrong, the feelings of being a bad person, the anger, the wishing I could have said/done things differently, the scrutinizing of all current relationships... it's torturous.

It's exhausting experiencing this roller coaster, not only with emotions- but in relationships as well. SIGH.


Jan 4, 2021
Do you find it challenging or beneficial to have your close friend in another town?

Well it can be for some, the obsession, but in my case it tends to tie itself to my self worth. It's frustrating more than anything because I'm not always aware I'm doing anything "wrong" until sometime after. By wrong I mean, something selfish or inconsiderate to their needs, oversharing or crossing boundaries, etc. I don't know if it's OCD related.

Oh, okay- I see. I do tend to have these elaborate conversation or scenarios play out in my head sometimes as a way to quell my anxiety. Like playing out the possibilities of a situation before I am immersed in it & cannot leave. Don't know if that would fall under what you'd mentioned as choreography.

Yes, same & often. Perhaps it's our own version of self preservation. I don't feel I need anything from said person, other than their time & attention. I spend a lot of time alone otherwise (even before quarantine). Indeed. That toxic friend or person is hard to shake, though more & more- I feel I am that person. How do you navigate the toxic friend now?

Yes, self-reflection does in fact take work. It can be painstaking & overwhelming trying to sift through thoughts & emotions, which I can understand why some would avoid being face to face with their demons. Sorry to hear about your family. SIGH. I can appreciate that, it can feel like a fruitless endeavour.


I also find people fascinating, though it may stem more so from fear. There is a possibility, though I didn't have lasting friendships before HS, so around age 15/16. I have told one of my friends about my struggles with relationships (both, romantic & non-romantic) hoping for some understanding, but that is such a vulnerable conversation to have with a person that I haven't been able to do it more than once.

Ugh. I hear you. Fortunately, SS can offer love & support when it's missing IRL. How had you manage to keep it together before joining SS? I've never felt comfortable sharing the most intimate details of my with with others for support. If it does happen it's often out of desperation as my mind feels it's on the verge of eruption (hence the over sharing).



Thanks for replying ... I'm going to process this a bit !
I had a bit of a 'manic' phase yesterday on here !

Also ... these are issues that are great to discuss , because I relate to what you are talking about a lot ... but some ideas pop into my head and I begin to second guess myself and say "Is that a helpful thing to say ?" ... or some such .

I have personally connected with a few ideas about childhood trauma and sensitive personality types , family systems (the roles we learn to play in the family of origin ... not at all helpful for real life ... but understanding them can liberate us ...).

Also ... some very bleak Existential concepts that are gloomy and hopeless but also liberating when put into perspective with some negative ideologies that are "accepted cultural narratives".

It's complicated !

Also ... personally , I am crunching into reality after literally years of avoiding it ...
and writing here can feel a little bit like talking it but not walking it.

It would be cool to be able to come on here and rave about "making traction with reality" (fave phrase) rather than pontificate about abstractions of suffering .

Bit of both I guess.
I look forward to discussing more ... I feel like I need to percolate my subconscious a bit maybe ? Oh , and DO some stuff (sitting in bed with coffee and laptop while my world continues to disintegrate ... but also in contrast , possibly becomes less unlivable.)

Confusing !

tldr ; I say a lot about not saying much :/

I'm thinking about 'derealization' which suggests to me the idea of the 'mind body disconnect' ... that I would phase out and not feel present ... but simultaneously NOT KNOW I'm not present ... just taken over by panic , anxiety ,and both of those underlayed with low mood permanent depression. That has been my life time kind of normalized state.

I would do that while 'trying to live a normal life' ... alternating between being emotionally inaccessible to others (closed down) , to manically emotional and frustrated that others couldn't 'get me'.

Solutions ?
Well ... I've found just being able to 'model' these occurrences / situations /events / states of mind in SOME way has helped ... (and a lot of ideas have come from books and from this and other websites ).

"Back in the day" I was lost with no maps at all ... and that was awful.

On the contrarian side , I have never been diagnosed ... and that was my highly trained chameleon people pleaser personality getting in the way of presenting my self accurately to therapists I think .

Complexity splatters all over the place .

A last parting thought (for now ) is a spiritual buzz about having infinite worth as a creature (just like every other creature that is alive )and hold onto that sense of transcendental miraculousness (I find it more comfortable atheistically because of childhood religious trauma ) .

Just "being" is kind of crazily amazing ... and when we are smashed up by our own emotional internal storms it's easy for that sense of amazement to disappear.

I spent most of my life in a spiritual dead zone ... and I still go there .
( Does this emerge from the absence of 'unconditional love ' in our past ? We
practice a lack of acceptance of ourselves ... a lack of self love ? I've realized that's been my buzz ... always feeling "I'm not worthy".)

Sorry for that woo woo conclusion ! (cringe ) .

tldr; actually not doing anything but continueing to vent as wannabe intellectual ,(sigh) . :hug:
Oh, okay- I see. I do tend to have these elaborate conversation or scenarios play out in my head sometimes as a way to quell my anxiety. Like playing out the possibilities of a situation before I am immersed in it & cannot leave. Don't know if that would fall under what you'd mentioned as choreography.
Can we generalize our experience , where we are coming from and present that in a neutral zone "in between " ourselves and the other person ?
So we are less exposed ? Less "all in" and demanding of validification (which can be draining to others ... ?)

I came across a book about "relation" many years ago and it switched me on to the concept of "relation" symbolically being a third entity in a dynamic between two peope ... almost like a shared building project , sculpture , play , theatre ... so that both people are equally present and involved and it is 'mutual'.

Then , that can alleviate the potential drama of slipping into 'dysfunctional' roles ... (playing care taker , person needing care etc ).

I always loved that idea .

I think that is how it is with my friend ... (not perfect ) ... but a kind of accepted "historical construct". Who "we" are . In the same way as accepting and celebrating other "We's" however many or few , however valuable long lasting or fleeting .
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Nov 17, 2020
@kitch You know, you have an interesting point of view, given me a few things to think about. Don't worry about it feeling like "woo woo," if you want to vent- go ahead & vent.
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Jan 4, 2021
@kitch You know, you have an interesting point of view, given me a few things to think about. Don't worry about it feeling like "woo woo," if you want to vent- go ahead & vent.
Quite a rave I went on .
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