
Jun 24, 2019
A super commonly used phrase is "life's a game make the most of it" and I guess this is so true.

However with mental health issues and for people that are upset and suffering constantly isn't the point that it's just a game the reason we would want to end it, I'll explain...

For example if there was a video game that was complete and utter shitee, would you play it just for the sake of it even if you wasn't enjoying playing it?? The answer is no, you would eject the disk and choose not to play.

The same applies for if say the game was awful for the first 1/3 or so but then got better after that time, the likely hood is some people would suffer through the awful bit to get to the good, some understandably wouldn't want to.

Same for those people that argue that life is worth living because there are "good times" and things we enjoy--if a game was 90% terrible and filled with a couple of good enjoyable sections, that wouldn't make it a good game or "worth playing".

And the reality is if your mental health is constantly horrendous and just the fact that in general life isn't always fun or bearable even and isn't filled with filled with the good things we enjoy, it really is 90% (probs way more tbh) suffering and dealing with our issues, and a small portion of enjoyable times and moments to appreciate.

I guess the point I'm making is I don't want to play the bad bit to get to the good, having a few good sections in my own shitty game doesn't make it worth playing and I think I'm going to turn my game off, I'm feel I'm ready to ctb and do that now.

In my head all the above analogies make so much sense when you put it in such a simple way, why would we want to play a game that we're not enjoying, why should we have to? I guess we don't?

Sorry for the super long thread, I hope some people take the time to read it, just thought ide put it out there as thinking of life this way has really helped me come to peace with the way I think about life & death and ctb
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Nobody exists on purpose. Come ctb
Apr 19, 2019
I strongly agree with not wanting to go through bad game design to have a shitty reward, to get to even worse game design. But I guess people are just jealous we found a way to exploit the game mechanics.
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Still searching
Jun 18, 2019
You're right. I think it's perfectly fair to choose not to play a game you don't enjoy, or that you don't see a future in.

Life is that way to me too. I've lived a full life, checked off my bucket list items and there isn't anything left but 30+ years of being a slave and doing nothing important.

I see it as hitting the reset button, there isn't any penalty or loss of stats, it's just choosing to end this run and if the soul goes on you'll start a new game that hopefully is quite a bit better.
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Apr 5, 2018
Same for those people that argue that life is worth living because there are "good times" and things we enjoy--if a game was 90% terrible and filled with a couple of good enjoyable sections, that wouldn't make it a good game or "worth playing".
That's how it felt to play mmo's... I felt like I'm drunk atm... Like I am right now. I believe that I'm better off dead, but instead I'm alternating between sketching objects of sexual desire, eating bananas & cheese, playing word games and watching horseman. I am not feeling awake right now...

I like analogies. Not very precise but relatively effortless to understand.
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Conflicted Cat

Conflicted Cat

May 23, 2019
Great graphics, but that's basically the only good thing I can say about this game. The characters are all so stupid and unlikeable, the gameplay is so repetitive, you do the same fucking things, over and over again, and for what, where's the payoff? It's just a massive unfair, unfun grind. I keep asking myself "when am I getting to the fun part"? OH THAT'S RIGHT, BECAUSE THE FUN PART IS LOCKED BEHIND A PAYWALL OF MICRO-TRANSACTIONS! And you barely ever have enough to buy the fun stuff, the game is obviously rigged towards the Micro-Transactions. And the prices are absurd! I mean, seriously, COME ON.

And don't even get me started on the Online Multiplayer... The community is so toxic, you can't even do anything without someone losing their shit at you for what seems like no reason at all, and there's no penalty for it, no ban, no nothing, people just get away with bullying and griefing other players, there's no justice.

I give this game a 3/10. Just absolute hot garbage dumpster fire mess of a game, I don't even know how anyone APPROVED this mess. Did I mention the bugs? God this game is so buggy. Nothing ever works as it should, how did this game even get past QA testing, really...? Just please don't buy it.
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Dec 11, 2018
Yeah everything you've said makes a lot of sense! I've seen people give up on a game they can't get within 10 minutes of starting it and if we're gonna go and call life a game I'm gonna go ahead and exercise my right to quit 10 minutes in.


Jun 1, 2019
You're right. I think it's perfectly fair to choose not to play a game you don't enjoy, or that you don't see a future in.

Life is that way to me too. I've lived a full life, checked off my bucket list items and there isn't anything left but 30+ years of being a slave and doing nothing important.

I see it as hitting the reset button, there isn't any penalty or loss of stats, it's just choosing to end this run and if the soul goes on you'll start a new game that hopefully is quite a bit better.
You mind sharing some of your bucket list items?

I think I've pretty much done the same and you have described it well


Still searching
Jun 18, 2019
You mind sharing some of your bucket list items?

I think I've pretty much done the same and you have described it well

For bucket list things:
Traveled a lot, saw a lot of the world and met interesting people and did interesting things. Kind of to the point now where I wouldn't gain anything if I tried to do it more.

Had a house, a nice job, a car, a girlfriend / almost wife. So the family side is done. Don't want to bring kids into this world so that's fine as it is.

Trying new food items was a big one, but I don't really see the point in finding more since I already have a huge list of foods I love.

I still want to backpack the Pacific Crest Trail or something similar, but the purpose of that would be to find a quiet place in the middle of nowhere to CTB not to actually finish.

Remaining things I'd like to do if I didn't have to suffer to exist:
Travel to Mars and beyond someday
Work on my tailoring skills
Explore the world a little more

But none of those are really enough to keep me here anymore, so I wouldn't consider them a true bucket list, just things that would be interesting if I'm still around.

I guess I've done what I imagine a full life would have in it. And I don't really see anything left that really drives me forward to the next big thing.
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Jun 1, 2019
I guess I've done what I imagine a full life would have in it. And I don't really see anything left that really drives me forward to the next big thing.

Same with me, even if i visualise my perfect day, it's not actually enough to keep me here
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