- Oct 12, 2024
- 96
You'll see therapists saying , we couldn't do anything, they succumbed to illness or doctors saying the same thing but let's really take a look: How many people actually do succumb to illness, quite a bit probably, things like schizophrenia/dementia/parkinson's/PSTD/Anxiety/Depression and so many more take lives everyday by making the life of that person absolute hell, however, people are very quickly to blame the illness, I tend to 95% agree, it is after all the primary reason for those specific suicides and while I can't do anything to help , I still research about them to understand.
But how about we see it through the other side of the lenses, the emotional one . Let's pretend that from the day you were born, you are told that the world is a wonderful place, that humans are special, that we got eachother's backs, that in everyone's head at all times , there is only good will and happiness. In the reality? from the moment you are born, you can get raped, killed, abused, eaten alive, chopped into pieces , tortured , used as a ransom by some terrorists and so much more. The problem is that no matter what, as a kid you'd keep a positive outlook on life, you'd shut up, you'd eat it up, you'd be strong and mature for your age and once you hit a certain age, after many years of enduring shit, after many years of truly believing the lies you've been told and being bastardized in so many ways, you snap, you quite literally go down a spiral of questions, you question your very existence, why we are here, why are things like this and realise that having been through everything you've been, you're better off dead.
Okay , that is the two visions that I want to talk about now , there are many more examples but let's keep it at "two" for now.
One blames the illness which does not come out of nowhere , it comes from either ABUSE, GENETICS or LUCK (being born in certain parts, what parents you have, etc).
One vision blames the reality of it all and how as human beings they were deceived , they were chewed like gum then stuck onto the back of a table left to calcify.
In truth, not all suicides are byproducts of one's own autonomy, but all suicides in one way or another are caused by the lack of it, because you have owners from the moment you are born and unless you are born as a part of the owners, you are out of luck, because what they say, goes. You not being able to get treatment in time or you not being able to voice your concerns and see a visible change based on what you present as facts, lead to a lifetime of suffering. Of course, do not get me wrong, there are cases , since we are animals after all, where being born, no matter what, no matter the universe, the choices or how much you wish for it to not be true , will lead to a life of suffering and in the end suicide.
But nobody accepts that, nobody can accept that you can be born and then literally sentenced to death by LUCK, pure fucking LUCK, we are humans after all, we are the chosen ones as many movies , religion propaganda and patriotic propaganda would lead us to believe, a load of fucking bullshit.
And nobody accepts the fact that a person who is born healthy can get into a place of despair, how could they accept that some people could be born like that. And nobody wants to alleviate the pain of people who were unfortunate enough to be dealt this bad of a hand either at birth or later in life, they don't even want to KNOW that they exist, just SWEEP 'EM right under the rug. I mean we can't even accept as a society that the only reason we eat meat is because we like the taste of it, why? are you afraid of the truth for some reason? will it get on your conscience? *crickets* , every single time. Why make my life miserable and accept your way of thinking hur dur, well I'm not saying it because I want to see people miserable, I just want people to acknowledge EN MASSE that the way we live is not some god given right or some way things should be, we actively choose to do shitty things, and I don't want some arbitrary understanding of it, I want everyone to know what we are capable off and if they get angry or sad , good, then it would mean that it works. (this is just a fantasy of mine, this will never happen unless some higher power that eloquently declares and proves it is good, lectures us for it , which is in truth just an extension of this fantasy)
(Side rant, pointless read)
But it's not fine because grandma , grandpa , mother and father , sister and brother would cry if they knew, but the government indoctrination and slavery IS OKAY BECAUSE IT GIVES THEM FALSE HOPE? so let me get this straight. If I tell you all that god doesn't exist and you all begin to have an existential crisis and question the reality and maybe end up mourning together , I am the bad guy, because I made you all cry and be sad; HOWEVER if the government says "sky daddy, now go WORK AND MAKE MONEY AND NEVER EVER THINK ABOUT QUITTING WORK UNLESS YOU WANT TO DIE OF HUNGER but always remember Sky Daddy up there, he loves you OwO, now keep working you sluts) THEN IT"S ALL FINE NO? because emotionally and psychologically people are patrick the star , they hit rock with hammer and are very happy , fuck off.
So who is right in this whole thing? well it does not matter, because no matter who is right, the only way and let's be real it's not the right way to do things but the only way things ARE DONE, is dictated by the people with money: governments, politicians, people of influence, they all dictate how things are run, your owners as I said previously. And if they say that the therapists and doctors are true, then no matter what, no matter how you cut it, no matter in how many slices you divide it , you could be the most rational person on earth, you could make lists and lists of reasons , you could show the best proof available that the world does suck for you and many others , if the doctors say "it's the illness", it's the illness, and you can't do anything about it. And this is why I hate our world. Because no matter who you are, you are assigned a tribe, I empathize and I love the people who have terminal illnesses and I would never say that they are to blame for me being assigned as a case of suicide because of my illness, it is not remotely their fault, they are in the same shithole that we are, those people would love to be seen as humans, to laugh with other people, to be able to voice their fears and struggles, they get absolutely no say in that, they are literally swept under the rug as I said, we are all being conglomerated into a mass off rejects , of monsters and infantilized into oblivion, those poor suicidal people.
We are the only community we have in the end, no matter what , people are not going to understand us, some are conditioned not to and some don't want to and that's not fine but it is our reality and if we must face it in one way or another, let's just make sure we leave the world when our end comes with no regrets because we can't do anything else right now
But how about we see it through the other side of the lenses, the emotional one . Let's pretend that from the day you were born, you are told that the world is a wonderful place, that humans are special, that we got eachother's backs, that in everyone's head at all times , there is only good will and happiness. In the reality? from the moment you are born, you can get raped, killed, abused, eaten alive, chopped into pieces , tortured , used as a ransom by some terrorists and so much more. The problem is that no matter what, as a kid you'd keep a positive outlook on life, you'd shut up, you'd eat it up, you'd be strong and mature for your age and once you hit a certain age, after many years of enduring shit, after many years of truly believing the lies you've been told and being bastardized in so many ways, you snap, you quite literally go down a spiral of questions, you question your very existence, why we are here, why are things like this and realise that having been through everything you've been, you're better off dead.
Okay , that is the two visions that I want to talk about now , there are many more examples but let's keep it at "two" for now.
One blames the illness which does not come out of nowhere , it comes from either ABUSE, GENETICS or LUCK (being born in certain parts, what parents you have, etc).
One vision blames the reality of it all and how as human beings they were deceived , they were chewed like gum then stuck onto the back of a table left to calcify.
In truth, not all suicides are byproducts of one's own autonomy, but all suicides in one way or another are caused by the lack of it, because you have owners from the moment you are born and unless you are born as a part of the owners, you are out of luck, because what they say, goes. You not being able to get treatment in time or you not being able to voice your concerns and see a visible change based on what you present as facts, lead to a lifetime of suffering. Of course, do not get me wrong, there are cases , since we are animals after all, where being born, no matter what, no matter the universe, the choices or how much you wish for it to not be true , will lead to a life of suffering and in the end suicide.
But nobody accepts that, nobody can accept that you can be born and then literally sentenced to death by LUCK, pure fucking LUCK, we are humans after all, we are the chosen ones as many movies , religion propaganda and patriotic propaganda would lead us to believe, a load of fucking bullshit.
And nobody accepts the fact that a person who is born healthy can get into a place of despair, how could they accept that some people could be born like that. And nobody wants to alleviate the pain of people who were unfortunate enough to be dealt this bad of a hand either at birth or later in life, they don't even want to KNOW that they exist, just SWEEP 'EM right under the rug. I mean we can't even accept as a society that the only reason we eat meat is because we like the taste of it, why? are you afraid of the truth for some reason? will it get on your conscience? *crickets* , every single time. Why make my life miserable and accept your way of thinking hur dur, well I'm not saying it because I want to see people miserable, I just want people to acknowledge EN MASSE that the way we live is not some god given right or some way things should be, we actively choose to do shitty things, and I don't want some arbitrary understanding of it, I want everyone to know what we are capable off and if they get angry or sad , good, then it would mean that it works. (this is just a fantasy of mine, this will never happen unless some higher power that eloquently declares and proves it is good, lectures us for it , which is in truth just an extension of this fantasy)
(Side rant, pointless read)
But it's not fine because grandma , grandpa , mother and father , sister and brother would cry if they knew, but the government indoctrination and slavery IS OKAY BECAUSE IT GIVES THEM FALSE HOPE? so let me get this straight. If I tell you all that god doesn't exist and you all begin to have an existential crisis and question the reality and maybe end up mourning together , I am the bad guy, because I made you all cry and be sad; HOWEVER if the government says "sky daddy, now go WORK AND MAKE MONEY AND NEVER EVER THINK ABOUT QUITTING WORK UNLESS YOU WANT TO DIE OF HUNGER but always remember Sky Daddy up there, he loves you OwO, now keep working you sluts) THEN IT"S ALL FINE NO? because emotionally and psychologically people are patrick the star , they hit rock with hammer and are very happy , fuck off.
So who is right in this whole thing? well it does not matter, because no matter who is right, the only way and let's be real it's not the right way to do things but the only way things ARE DONE, is dictated by the people with money: governments, politicians, people of influence, they all dictate how things are run, your owners as I said previously. And if they say that the therapists and doctors are true, then no matter what, no matter how you cut it, no matter in how many slices you divide it , you could be the most rational person on earth, you could make lists and lists of reasons , you could show the best proof available that the world does suck for you and many others , if the doctors say "it's the illness", it's the illness, and you can't do anything about it. And this is why I hate our world. Because no matter who you are, you are assigned a tribe, I empathize and I love the people who have terminal illnesses and I would never say that they are to blame for me being assigned as a case of suicide because of my illness, it is not remotely their fault, they are in the same shithole that we are, those people would love to be seen as humans, to laugh with other people, to be able to voice their fears and struggles, they get absolutely no say in that, they are literally swept under the rug as I said, we are all being conglomerated into a mass off rejects , of monsters and infantilized into oblivion, those poor suicidal people.
We are the only community we have in the end, no matter what , people are not going to understand us, some are conditioned not to and some don't want to and that's not fine but it is our reality and if we must face it in one way or another, let's just make sure we leave the world when our end comes with no regrets because we can't do anything else right now