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Feb 7, 2023
Recently I've been having very toxic thoughts of suicide, especifically as a way to get back at my ex-partner. I loved the idea of my death being a sacrifice, a way to make this uncaring person suffer, and a big statement. I talked about this whole ordeal in depth in this post, and the response I got to it was pretty mixed to say the least. Which honestly kinda surprised me in a good way, I expected the response to be a lot more encouraging and violent, and less ''talk me out of it''-ish, if you know what I mean.

Your comments got the wheels turning in my head, and while this whole ''killing myself as a sacrifice'' idea and fantasy is still very much alive, I want to take a slightly less destructive approach to it, which is why I'm back with another discussion. What are some not-so-fatal suicide methods?

I've realized the main idea i had, electrocuting myself to death in my bathtub, was way too fatal and intense for my liking. and so was jumping off a 6-story building, which was my plan B if I couldn't pull the bathtub thing off. there's absolutely no way in hell i'd survive either of those, and even if I did i'd be completely disfigured and broken. I need something to really fall back on, there's undeniably a little bit of uncertainty in me. If my better judgement ever fails completely, i want to at least have a chance of surviving. I also thought that going through with a less deadly method, failing, and actually living to see my ex's reaction to what she's almost 100% responsible for, would be a lot better than just dying completely and never getting to see what happened afterwards. it's the same effect, just a lot less destructive, and probably way smarter than my original plan. Of course, the best case scenario would be to not try it at all, heal, and get to shove my success and new found happiness in that girl's face in the end - but that'll take some time. and in the meantime, i want to at least consider this, if not as an option at least as a fantasy to get me through the darker days.

But, what do you think?


Feb 15, 2023
IMO ctb (or ctb attempts) as a way of revenge are never ever a good idea.
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O'lord! I Have My Doubts
Sep 2, 2022
I didn't read your other post sorry.
But hearing your words, that you might wanna survive even if it's just to see ur ex's reaction is a red flag that you're not really sure about your decision. Take some time off there'll always be a bus...
Also btw I wouldn't risk 6 floors not high enough go for 10 atleast
Regards ^^
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Feb 15, 2023
Hey, I can understand the anger that you may have over what happened. I went through something similar when I was younger due to my best friend at the time moving away and then blocking me on all social media due to my own actions. I was angry at her, and I told myself that I truly hated her. When in reality, I still loved her, she was my first real love, and I knew that there wasn't anything that I could do to get her back. I wanted to do something similar, hurt myself in some way to show her that it was her that caused this and make her feel some of the pain that she had made me feel. But, it's been five years now since then and I ended up not doing much of anything. While it may hurt a lot, you can't let someone else influence you to ctb or attempt it. You should know deep down that you want to, and not let your judgement be clouded by your emotions over losing her. I don't blame you at all though for feeling these things, it hurts a lot, especially if they ended things in a terrible way. But, ctb as revenge rarely is a good idea nor works out. Try and rest from everything and come back to it after a bit, then try to make a decision. You can PM me if you'd like, this situation is somewhat similar to my own so I feel I could help.
If you do decide to go through with this though, that's ok too. It's your choice and if you are confident in it, go for it. Just make sure and really think if it's the right decision for you.

Stay safe.
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Jan 6, 2023
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Jul 15, 2022
All methods are really brutal as they are considered as severe deaths.


Oct 18, 2021
Hey, I've read both your posts and I think I would say that you might be in the wrong place. SS isn't really here to discuss suicide as a vehicle of some sort of tool of some sort to hurt others or to cause suffering to others, it's where people discuss suicide as our escape from the pain we ourselves cannot bear anymore. I understand hurt very well, we all do, but you won't really find many people here (I'd hope, anyways) who would help you use an attempt to "send a message." It's clear that since you want less fatal methods, you don't really want to be dead, you just want to use the attempt/action as a vehicle for revenge. Nobody here would ever encourage someone to ctb, and especially not if the person themselves isn't even certain that they want to. I hope you manage to take this pain and anger you're feeling and turn it into something genuinely beautiful, it's where most great art is birthed from. I also hope you realize this place might not be for you. We'll never encourage anyone to end their own life, I think in reality if many users here could, we would flip a switch and make nobody suicidal. It's a desperate desire for escape.
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Feb 13, 2023
what are the chances she'll even care or that it'll stump her in anyway.

for me personally, i wouldn't get jumped up if i was the other person in this situation because it's not my choice or my fault ultimately. i didn't read the other post, i don't know what happened to make you feel this way

it's likely as she's already moved on (just read it so im editing) and even cheated on you she'll just go on in life and let by gones be bygones


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I doubt that people like that would even care really so I don't really see the point of torturing yourself by failing a non fatal suicide method, such a thing would just lead to more suffering.
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Jan 24, 2023
I haven't seen anyones life actually improved after an attempt, I've never seen anyone starting to actually care long-term and the person getting any useful help that would improve anything. So I strongly advise against attempts when it's not a mature decision to end your life. However I get how fantasizing about it may get one through the day.
"Cutting veins" is very non-lethal, but drastic and can be scary and has this stigma of attention-seeking. One can also destroy important tendons and nerves, leading to permanent disability.
Overdosing on benzodiazepines isn't very lethal. The cliche of alcohol + sleeping pills being a way to go comes from the times when more lethal barbiturates were prescribed often. Now they all prescribe benzos and a-drugs, and you'd have to figure out the dosage and all, but for most people who try it it's usually like a lot of puking, two days of sleep and an involuntary commitment. Not fun, but rarely lethal unless you will choke on puke while unconscious. The problem is that benzos are still considered narcotics in most or all countries, so doctors may not want to prescribe them and you may get into trouble for trying to buy them in some other way than with a legit prescription.
Because of the lack of availability of barbiturates, people now switch to using sodium nitrite, a meat-curing agent, thing used to turn meat into cold cuts. It could be reliable if people used it properly, but we see a lot of "doomed to fail" attempts too. I would advise against it, because it could be lethal still even if you tried to just fake an attempt. Regulations on purchasing it may vary in different countries.
Still I dislike your idea because its manipulative and unlikely to turn anyone into a better person. But I understand how it can be appealing. Enjoy your fantasies, but please don't do it, those people are not worth it.

Ah, also you seem to be asking about the "least lethal" attempts that may look real. A lot of people here describe attempts that didn't harm them in any significant way, and therefore wouldn't be a way to manipulate anyone. This includes failed drowning and failed night-night attempts.
I guess the most harmless way of pretending to be attempting would be pretend to want to jump, yet not jump at all, let the police/emergency/whatever talk you out of it and take you to the psychiatric hospital. Very non-lethal and painless thing if done well I guess, but would any douchebag care? But I guess it's a preferred way if you insist on it, as it can be 100% painless and not harmful to your body if you won't jump at all
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