I did it for about a month. Terrible side effects:
frustration, inability to feel almost all emotion, akathisia, increased suicidial ideation (would have tried to kill myself if I did not stop), huge appetite, fatigue, sense of just waiting and wanting to die of old age and nothing else, OCD and destruction of my personal property--acting in ways I have never acted before, pleasureable sensation is almost not felt at all
It is really not life at all to be on this class of drug and associated drugs, for me at least. High probability to permanently damage metabolism and sense of self. Brain and nervous system damage are a virtual certainty, and are cumulative, meaning the severity goes up the longer you take it.
If taking an antipsychotic was not the thing that ruined my life, it ever so severely tightened the screw. Every atypical antipsychotic including latuda, and every typical antipsychotic I have tried, makes the duration you're on it seem like empty time, ie that point of time in your life will have no value, no significance, and basically isn't worth living. When you stop it, it's like pulling out of a coma, but each time I've done this, I have come back to life as something lesser than I was before. One doctor told me never to take these drugs because of how they affect me, but others, through coercion keep putting me on them despite my insistance of communication difficulties and bad experiences, and what the other doctor said, on top of my not even having the problems these drugs are indicated for.