imo what an evil upside down prison world. they have 99% plus of people accepting that it's a crime to assist someone else with suicide. so if i or someone is in extreme suffering or will be soon as in homelessness they have no guaranteed way to escape torture but must just suffer torture for no logical reason.
It's ok to assist a dog or cat , give them a shot of Nembutal but a human has to suffer for even up to years constant unbearable pain , and then die anyway after years of suffering because we all will die. how is any of this even remotely rational?
Nobody has a guaranteed way to escape extreme torture or even exit this prison life prison world if they want to .
someone helping you with suicide would make it guaranteed. So this is why they made assisting in suicide a crime to make this world and life a worse prison.
we are all in danger of suffering extremely any day with no guaranteed way out. we will all die anyway but they say even if we are sufering we can't leave this imposed hell when we want to .
We are all going to die anyway. but we can't leave even if we are suffering extremely so have to suffer for years constant unbearable pain or take a risk to get brain damage with diy suicide method.
It's not any government idiot's business if i want to kill myself or hire someone like KL to help me kill myself. me killing myself wont' affect anyone else and also i'm going to die anyway. so it's totally irrational and evil to make it a crime to assist in suicide.
And you also have to kill yourself in secret so that makes it even more difficult . why do they treat it like a crime to want to move away from suffering? it's pure evil .
We are all going to die anyway so why do they force us to prolong our suffering ? pure evil
They stole everyone's most important rights . The right to move away from suffering and pain in a guaranteed way. Also the right to individual autonomy and to be the owner of your own life and body. They made this world and life a worse prison. If you can't leave a place in a guaranteed manner then you are in prison . i think they have most people not realizing this
i have to kill myself . so i have to risk brain damage with a risky diy method that has no scientific data or info. why do i have to risk brain damage , why do so many people also and with brutal methods? because they made anyone helping another with suicide a crime . and this case with Kenneth Law shows their evil oppression and injustice.
The real morality of wanting to move a way from extreme suffering is above all their made up bs "morality" that is just to control everyone take everyone's rights and keep everyone in this evil prison. we had a right to move away from excruciating unbearable pain until they made assisting in suicide a crime . now we don't and we are all in danger of suffering extremely any day with no guaranteed way out.
i have to stay in this meaningless hell called life for no objective reason. i have to work 15 hours per day a job chores etc only to wait for extreme torture.
I've asked here why do i have to life another minute? no one has answered. because there is no objective reason much less to wait for extreme suffering.
i want to kill this bag of 30 trillion cells i'm imprisoned in. it's no one else's business that i want to kill myself but my own. it wont' affect anyone else. i should be allowed to hire someone to help me escape extreme torture. it won't affect anyone else if i hire kenneth Law to help me move away form extreme suffering. both of us want to do it. he's not making me do anything. nothing could make me want to live anyway .
I'm going to die anyway. why is it some government idiot's business If i want to kill myself now or want to hire someone to help me escape extreme torture?
Where does some government monster or anybody get it into their head that they have a right to tell me i can't kill myself or seek help in killing myself? It's nobody's business what i do with this body and life as only i'm in this hell and only i know what suffering and only i am affected by this body and brain. i'm not affecting anyone else . if ask someone like Kenneth Law if they want to help me . that is then only between me and him,. it's no one else's business. plus i and every human is going to die anyway. so they tell us that yeah you're going to die anyway but we own you and we decide you can't leave now . and i ask why is that your business? i'm suffering extremely but you say i can't stop my suffering? so i have to risk brain damage with a diy suicide method. i can't hire anyone to help me because you controlling monsters made it a crime to hire anyone.
they are keeping us in prison for nothing . there is no objective reason as nothing matters except avoiding extreme pain.
so anyone that is suffering extremely or will suffer extremely can't escape that suffering . So the only option they have is to try to kill themselves with no help with risky diy methods for which there is very little data or information on . The reason there is no data is because they have censored it. this site is the only place were people can even discuss suicide methods.
it's even more oppressive and ridiculous when you look at things in the context of reality. We will all die anyway . Then if i'm suffering extremely i can't hire someone to help me escape torture. and if someone does help me then he is demonized as a criminal monster and jailed.
This life is meaningless suffering prison torture slavery an evil imposition. Another thing i haven't heard anyone mention is that we don't even remember any of this stupid life. if you think you do then pick several days last year or 2 years ago or even a few months ago and pull up the vidoe tape of that day and play it minute by minute of what you did that day. there is no video , it's all gone into obvlivion. try to remember the people the last times you went to a retail store or grocery what they were wearing etc. it's all gone . human memory is not what they tell us. you hardly remember anything just some representations models of a very few things . so what is life nothing imo.. they are keeping us in prison for nothing . there is no objective reason as nothing matters except avoiding extreme pain.
Every human will die anyway and is just cells, a machine. but has a brain that can suffer constant unbearable pain. so they should be allowed to hire someone to aid them is escaping or moving away from constant unbearable pain. that we don't have this and our rights is an extreme injustice oppression and abomination. they have most people accepting this being prisoners.