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New Member
Jul 18, 2024
I've tried VSED, self-gassing, and have made motions towards cutting my wrists, slitting my throat, and harakiri, but I can't cut my own skin to save my life. What are some ways for me to get around my mental block against suicide and without spending a lot of money?

I have never harmed a child. You can doubt that all you like. Pain has been afflicted on me since I was a child myself. I would never pass that pain onto another and I hate being conflated with those who do just because of how I was born. I'd like to not suffer any more pain than I already have. I know death is painful, but some deaths are less painful than others.

Any ideas on how to help a non-violent pedophile exit a violent world? Take it as killing a pedophile if you like. I'm non-exclusive so I might unintentionally breed if an adult ever consents to sleep with me without a condom - though, yes, that's highly unlikely. Here's your chance to take my pedo genes out of the gene pool permanently and end my life in the process, too! Think of yourself as one of my favorite characters - Deadpool! All those pedophiles he killed actually harmed children, and they died a lot faster than I expect to die!
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Apr 5, 2024
I'm sorry people treat you like a monster with no moral compass, they really don't differentiate between the desire and the act itself, it's clear hypocrisy as we've all had desire to do some kind of evil at some point.

Society really actively restricts access to coping methods by banning digital art showing sexual acts with minors even though nobody is harmed in the making or consumption of such media while providing no alternative, they really expect pedophiles to just kill themselves.

I know it's tough to deal with such tendencies but you really don't have to kill yourself, apart from how you feel about how others think of you, do you really see no chance of recovery?
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Dec 14, 2023
Contrary to popular belief - I personally don't think that being a pedophile alone is a reason that somebody shouldn't live. While I've been hurt by pedophiles myself, I can see a difference between pedophiles and child molesters, just as there's a difference heterosexual men and men who rapes women and it frustrates me that most people are so simple minded that they can't. I can't say I fully understand what you're going through, but I reckon it must be incredibly lonely, self-hating and painful and I'm truly sorry that you have to deal with this.

As to answer your question... I think it's up to finding some sense of belonging. People who understand and aren't going to judge you. I know that finding those are a risk, and hard as hell because, let's face it. Most people are idiots. But it's possible. It may be an easier option than CTB in your case?
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memento mori
Mar 27, 2019
i think there's a huge difference between thinking about something and acting on it. you don't seem like a bad person to me. there's even a form of OCD where people think about being pedophiles constantly even though they never act on it, and those people aren't bad either.

it sounds like you've had a hard time in life, i'm sorry. people can be incredibly judgemental, the second they feel uncomfortable they lash out, it's the worst trait in humans.
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Jun 11, 2024
It must suck so much to have these feelings, but it doesn't make you a bad person. You can't choose your feelings, otherwise you would have chosen something else.

You didn't act on them, and that's the most important thing. If I remember correctly, most abuse is situational and caused by non-pedophiles, and most pedophiles have never abused a child. There are probably tons of people like you, but unfortunately they are invisible because of the stigma and the fact that people don't understand statistics. You may have already tried this, but have you thought about trying medication to reduce your libido to make it less of an intrusive problem?

Are there things in life that you'd still like to live for?
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Mar 26, 2023
Hello - there many people, mostly men, in your situation that are afraid they will commit a harmful act while they still haven't. Talk to your doctor. There is no need for CTB. The usual solution is cyproterone acetate 50 mg once a day. Idk age, co-morbidities etc. so you would have to check with a doctor. The drive to commit those acts goes away. Write it down, make an appointment, read about it online and then suggest it to the doctor.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
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Oct 15, 2023
This might be hard for a lot of people to hear But no one deserves to suffer. You're not a monster because of the things you've done You're only that way if you wanna be. There's still time to change things you don't have to hate yourself.

I don't know if you're just trying to get a bunch of hate mail but I don't think this is the right way to go about it. Your new account so I should explain that the perception that this is a aggressively pro suicide forum is Not exactly correct. No one is going to egg you on or aggressively encourage you And it's a little bit disrespectful to encourage us to do so. There is barely anyone here who takes sadistically glee in people passing away.

To be totally honest you're on a brand new account no one is going to trust you just as a baseline. You have To share your experience and knowledge of the world with others Before people are going to trust you with sources. If you want to stay and talk with people And share what brought you to this point. I'm sure people would respect if you're at your limit in life after that.

Honestly some of the most compassionate people I've ever talked to are on this forum. Ironically this is a place of healing for some people not the end. Have you ever gotten any therapy in the past for your past Trauma? You don't seem like a bad person And I hope the best for you.
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Globl mod | Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
I've tried VSED, self-gassing, and have made motions towards cutting my wrists, slitting my throat, and harakiri, but I can't cut my own skin to save my life. What are some ways for me to get around my mental block against suicide and without spending a lot of money?

I have never harmed a child. You can doubt that all you like. Pain has been afflicted on me since I was a child myself. I would never pass that pain onto another and I hate being conflated with those who do just because of how I was born. I'd like to not suffer any more pain than I already have. I know death is painful, but some deaths are less painful than others.

Any ideas on how to help a non-violent pedophile exit a violent world? Take it as killing a pedophile if you like. I'm non-exclusive so I might unintentionally breed if an adult ever consents to sleep with me without a condom - though, yes, that's highly unlikely. Here's your chance to take my pedo genes out of the gene pool permanently and end my life in the process, too! Think of yourself as one of my favorite characters - Deadpool! All those pedophiles he killed actually harmed children, and they died a lot faster than I expect to die!

Membrs r nt permittd t/ sggest specfc methds hwevr thy cn emotnlly spport u thru ur strggles & decsns

Factul infrmatn & hrm-reductn info = availble thru th/ ste
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry you have to go through this. There's the Suicide Resource Compilation. There you can read about methods but nobody can suggest a method to you bc this is your personal decision and only you can make this decision for yourself.
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i'm a loser, a failure
Apr 3, 2024
Society really actively restricts access to coping methods by banning digital art showing sexual acts with minors even though nobody is harmed in the making or consumption of such media while providing no alternative, they really expect pedophiles to just kill themselves.
As @Kavka said, most abuse is situational and commited by what they called "non-pedophiles" (if you define "pedophile" as the person who experiences strong desire for children as opposed to "child molester"). There is no such thing as "coping methods" for pedophiles and I don't think leading them to hate themselves even more by enhancing their sexual desire for children through digital art would be the solution.
@mellie5, on the other hand, has a point. Cyproterone acetate is a very powerful anti-androgenic medication. It is used in my country for pedophiles' chemical castration and for transgender women who wish to lower their testosterone levels tremendously and it's a very effective libido-killer. I would understand if you don't want to open up about your sexual desire to your doctor. However, if you trust them, I would give it a shot if I were you. What do you have to lose? A person is not bad because of who they are but because of what they do. You hate yourself, but if you could just suppress those intrusive thoughts, would you still CTB? It's a question worth asking.


Nov 23, 2023
Crucify me for this, but we don't choose who we're attracted to, so it's not even the pedophile's fault for having this sick trait. This does not absolve them of the responsibility to act on their desires, however.
That being said, if you don't hurt anyone, I think it's stupid for anyone to have any resentment against you.
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Oceanic Member
Feb 6, 2024
Crucify me for this
I'm sorry of your bad experiences giving opinions. People here seems to agree with you, however, I think you're safe.

I hope OP can see they did nothing wrong. We're with you.
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Sep 10, 2023
b4uact has a lot of useful information and stories of hope for non violent pedophiles like you. as someone else in the thread said, pedophile =/= child molester, you still are able to live a normal life despite it.
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Mar 26, 2023
just a little note - cyproterone acetate shouldn't be seen as a "castration pill", the effects are not irreversible like an operation.

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