Be careful, you could be giving yourself brain damage with the multiple attempts.
i stopped. i cant believe how easy it is once you practice it enough. now i see how people in prison hang themselves with their sheets all the time. i will do it properly. if i dont come back today yall know what happend.
Do you think it would be better (as in, more comfortable) to do it with something thick and soft like a towel or a sheet rather than a rope?
Personally i think a sheet or towel is fine. There is slight pain but it only last for a few seconds then you black out. Its how prisoners do it all the time with their sheets. If my head was secure to were it didnt fall out of the towel after passing out i would have been dead forsure. I cant believe how fast it happens. You basically hang there thinking this is taking too long and is starting to hurt then the next few seconds you wake up on the floor wondering what happend with a slight headache. Just make sure you secure your head in the towel or sheet with a knot behind the neck so your head doesnt slip out. But be sure you want to do it because if your head is secure there is small chance of survival unless someone finds you before you die.
Are you skinny? I'm thinking on trying too, gives me hope.
im on the thicker side so it will still work with a fat neck.
Didn't you experience any sort of dizziness or blurry vision before passing out!
yes. Dizziness, blurry vision, slight pain on the neck. But it only lasts for a few seconds. When you start doubting it thinking it wont work is right when it does work and you are out like a light. Make sure you do this once properly. If you do what i did your neck will be sore because you didnt secure the towel/sheet. Practicing this over and over could lead to brain damage. So only practice a few times when you are ready.