

May we meet again
Jul 21, 2022
I don't know if I can call this negative SI or just an accident. basically I just got my SN and judging by how some other members are struggling to get their hands on it, it makes me feel privileged in a weird sinister way.

So I went ahead and tested it (blood test) and it passed. packaging says 99% purity and it looks (and tastes) authentic.

Yup you read that right for some odd reason I measured out a tablespoon of this harmless looking yellowish crystal salt and mixed it into as little water as I could. Then I decided to give it a quick taste test just to check if it's as bad as other ppl have mentioned (dumb idea I know)

The plan was that I'll take a small sip and spit it out right away, what actually happened was that I took that small sip and just fully swallowed it instead? I was more shocked than scared tbh it didn't taste that bad kinda like chlorinated pool water but dialled up 10X it had a very strong chemical taste that lingers for a while

this moment proved to me that I'm only still here to tie some loose ends and pick a time to ctb that won't devastate my family but internally I'm ready to go and have been for a long time.
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Reactions: Unknown21, CantDoIt, null_blank and 1 other person


just passing through
Aug 14, 2024
Congrats on your delivery~
May your preparations go smoothly.

I hope you find a way to enjoy the remainder of your time as much as you're able.


Jul 18, 2024
Congrats, but be careful! You will likely have symptoms from that, SN can be powerful even at low doses.


May we meet again
Jul 21, 2022
Congrats on your delivery~
May your preparations go smoothly.

I hope you find a way to enjoy the remainder of your time as much as you're able to
Ty kind stranger, been trying to enjoy my time but it's hard knowing that I'm better off gone asap and also after cutting off almost everyone I was once close to.
Congrats, but be careful! You will likely have symptoms from that, SN can be powerful even at low doses.
it's been about 30 mins and I feel fine, just a bit woozy and a minor headache


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I wish you all the best.

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