
Jul 19, 2020
On Stephen Colbert's show this week he premiered "The Colbert Questionert" - 15 questions he believes help you get to the core of who someone is, or at least make for a more interesting interview/conversation. He debuted it by asking them to Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, and George Clooney, and it was pretty cool.

I asked these questions to my mom, whom I know better than anyone else on earth, and I actually learned so much about her! Anyway, thought I'd pose the 15 questions here to see if anyone in the SS community is willing to play along.

1. What is the best sandwich?
2. What's the one thing you own which you really should throw out?
3. What's the scariest animal?
4. Apples or oranges?
5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph?
6. What do you think happens when we die?
7. Favorite action movie?
8. Favorite smell?
9. Least favorite smell?
10. Exercise: worth it?
11. Flat or sparkling?
12. Most used app on your phone?
13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life. What is it?
14. What number am I thinking of?
15. Describe the rest of your life in five words.
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Dec 7, 2020
1. Turkey and Bacon
2. Nothing, I'm pretty minimalist
3. Sharks
4. Oranges
5. No
6. Probably just nothingness, like dreamless sleep
7. Mad Max Fury Road
8. Leaves right after heavy rain
9. Vomit
10. 100% worth it
11. Sparkling
12. Youtube
13. Silence, only one song would be terrible
14. 34
15. Maybe short, long, hopefully fun
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Got my ticket
Aug 18, 2020
1. Ham and swiss
2. So many holey pairs of socks.
3. Bears or tarantulas, one is a rational fear, the other not so much.
4. Oranges
5. Yes, a local news reporter when I was a kid lol.
6. Nothingness
7. Kill Bill
8. Freshly baked cookies
9. Garbage
10. Naw lol
11. Flat, carbonated drinks give me the hiccups.
12. Web browser
13. So hard to choose ugh but maybe Karma Police?
14. 7
15. Dead, ashes spread hopefully.

What are your answers @Wisdom3_1-9 ? :hug:
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
1. What is the best sandwich? Toasted Tuna with cheese
2. What's the one thing you own which you really should throw out? Nothing - I move too often to have anything too old
3. What's the scariest animal? A mouse or any related rodent - I hate them!
4. Apples or oranges? Granny Smith Apples
5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? Yes. A Coronation Street actor (Tony, Eileen's beau :-) )
6. What do you think happens when we die? I don't care anymore; I just want to get this over with
7. Favorite action movie? I don't watch them.
8. Favorite smell? Lemons, toast, coffee, hyacinths
9. Least favorite smell? Urine, everywhere, from having a puppy :-)
10. Exercise: worth it? Yes. If I can keep it up.
11. Flat or sparkling? Flat
12. Most used app on your phone? TuneIn (for podcasts)
13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life. What is it? Sad Lisa by Cat Stevens
14. What number am I thinking of? 4. Always 4.
15. Describe the rest of your life in five words. Pathetic and ending alone, soon.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
1. What is the best sandwich? A free one.
2. What's the one thing you own which you really should throw out? My ancient boots.
3. What's the scariest animal? Goose ;-)
4. Apples or oranges? Silly.
5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? Nah.
6. What do you think happens when we die? Pointless question imo.
7. Favorite action movie? High Plains Drifter.
8. Favorite smell? The sea.
9. Least favorite smell? Death.
10. Exercise: worth it? Yes, very much so.
11. Flat or sparkling? Either.
12. Most used app on your phone? Telegram.
13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life. What is it? Handcuffed to a Fence in Mississippi by Jim White.
14. What number am I thinking of? 42.
15. Describe the rest of your life in five words. Weird melancholy weird sanguine weird.
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
1. What is the best sandwich? A free one.
2. What's the one thing you own which you really should throw out? My ancient boots.
3. What's the scariest animal? Goose ;-)
4. Apples or oranges? Silly.
5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? Nah.
6. What do you think happens when we die? Pointless question imo.
7. Favorite action movie? High Plains Drifter.
8. Favorite smell? The sea.
9. Least favorite smell? Death.
10. Exercise: worth it? Yes, very much so.
11. Flat or sparkling? Either.
12. Most used app on your phone? Telegram.
13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life. What is it? Take it to the Limit.
14. What number am I thinking of? 42.
15. Describe the rest of your life in five words. Weird weird weird weird weird.
Cheeky Monkey... :blarg: :heart:
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Cheeky Monkey... :blarg: :heart:
LOL thankyou? I promise I wasn't trying to be clever (well, maybe a bit:blarg:), those were honest answers. Life is absurd to me. I made a couple of edits too after some reflection.
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Dec 6, 2020
1. What is the best sandwich? Pan Bagnat
2. What's the one thing you own which you really should throw out? Nothing, I am an extreme minimalist
3. What's the scariest animal? Snakes
4. Apples or oranges? Bananas
5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? No
6. What do you think happens when we die? We cease to exist
7. Favorite action movie? ....
8. Favorite smell? After the storm
9. Least favorite smell? Death
10. Exercise: worth it? Yes
11. Flat or sparkling? Flat
12. Most used app on your phone? I don't really use too many apps so Maps
13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life. What is it? And there will your heart be also
14. What number am I thinking of? 13
15. Describe the rest of your life in five words. Waiting for death to come
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Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Dec 4, 2020
1. BLT with cheese avocado and best foods mayo
2. Im a minimalist .. its all gone.
3. Humans
4. Oranges
5. No
6. No idea
7. Alien
8. Gardenias
9. Someone elses farts
10. Yes
11. Sparkling
12. SS
13. The Winner Takes it All - ABBA
14. 12
15. Not lonely, not scared ... peaceful
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
1. What is the best sandwich?
2. What's the one thing you own which you really should throw out?
3. What's the scariest animal?
4. Apples or oranges?
5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph?
6. What do you think happens when we die?
7. Favorite action movie?
8. Favorite smell?
9. Least favorite smell?
10. Exercise: worth it?
11. Flat or sparkling?
12. Most used app on your phone?
13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life. What is it?
14. What number am I thinking of?
15. Describe the rest of your life in five words.
1. Smoked salmon avocado toast
2. My certificates. Thrown into the fire.
3. Anything that can and will, eat you alive
4. I have no preference. I like all fruits.
5. Not interested
6. Don't know, don't care
7. Train to Busan
8. Barbecue
9. Clothes that have been worn for many days in a row. The off-putting smell makes me want to wring someone's neck.
10. Yes, but requires dedication and commitment
11. Flat, hands down
12. Google-chan
13. 天翔ル娘 by C-CLAYS
14. 12. For some strange reason I like that number.
15. Wandering aimlessly without any direction
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Nov 17, 2020
1. What is the best sandwich? Something with cheese & bacon, hold the mayo
2. What's the one thing you own which you really should throw out? Gifts from an abusive ex
3. What's the scariest animal? Grizzly Bear
4. Apples or oranges? Oranges, but apple juice is better.
5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? Dearth Vader & Darth Maul
6. What do you think happens when we die? A piece of me hopes I'll lose this shell & be free to be, no real hope for a "paradise"
7. Favorite action movie? Bad Boys 2/The Matrix
8. Favorite smell? Bacon/Vanilla (It's a toss up)
9. Least favorite smell? Onions
10. Exercise: worth it? Gave me a sense of accomplishment/power over my failing body
11. Flat or sparkling? Flat
12. Most used app on your phone? Game: Mighty Party
13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life. What is it? Lemon Haze - Apollo James
14. What number am I thinking of? 42; the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything
15. Describe the rest of your life in five words. Ending on my own terms.

Mighty Party
Mighty Party
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Feb 5, 2020
1. What is the best sandwich? Something with an avocado.
2. What's the one thing you own which you really should throw out? Most of the supplements and nootropics I accumulated over the years trying to cure my anxiety and depression. Especially the unopened phenibut I should never touch again.
3. What's the scariest animal? I know I should be clever and say humans, but if I can only pick one, ALL crocodiles are terrifying.
4. Apples or oranges? Tough one, but I'll go with oranges.
5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? No. I've always found this very strange, but if I knew I for sure wasn't bothering someone, I may just to sell it or give it as a gift to someone who actually cares.
6. What do you think happens when we die? Nothing, but hey, I could be wrong.
7. Favorite action movie? Does The Princess Bride count?
8. Favorite smell? Gasoline
9. Least favorite smell? Anything rotting
10. Exercise: worth it? Definitely
11. Flat or sparkling? Flat
12. Most used app on your phone? Chrome
13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life. What is it? Crazy tough one, but right now I'll go with Marvin Gaye's How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)
14. What number am I thinking of? 7
15. Describe the rest of your life in five words. I have no fucking idea
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Jul 19, 2020
What are your answers @Wisdom3_1-9 ? :hug:
1. BLT on toast. You can add other fixings, but they're not necessary.

2. I never throw away old cables of any kind. I've got a giant tub full of them. Most of them probably don't even connect to anything useful anymore.

3. Snakes. Me no like snakes.

4. Oranges! Maybe it's because I spent my early years in the Caribbean, but I love them more.

5. Yes! Several musicians whom I admire.

6. I think our spirit lingers on but not in the sense we've been brought up to believe. I think the impact we make on others while we live leaves an imprint and that energy carries on even after our passing. It's not a ghost or a spirit; more of an energy — a bit more than a memory.

7. Can "Star Wars" be considered an action movie?

8. I actually have a really awful sense of smell, but I do love things that smell of cinnamon.

9. One of my friends growing up had a pig farm. That's the worst smell I've ever experienced in my life.

10. Everyone says exercise is worth it, but I've never felt that for me. Is something wrong with me? (What am I saying? Of course something's wrong with me. Lots of things are wrong with me...)

11. Sparkling. I'm a European at heart.

12. TIE: "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" and "Instagram". I've been posting a countdown story everyday to my IG, leading to my scheduled CTB day.

13. Can't decide between Palestrina's "Sicut cervus" and Joni Mitchell's "Clouds"...

14. 3. Always 3.

15. Probably longer than I'd like.
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Oct 30, 2020
1. What is the best sandwich? i don't eat sandwiches
2. What's the one thing you own which you really should throw out? myself. ok honestly. i am a minimalist so everything is already thrown out.
3. What's the scariest animal? humans
4. Apples or oranges? apples
5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? never ever. i think it's weird.
6. What do you think happens when we die? nothing
7. Favorite action movie? dredd
8. Favorite smell? too many to choose one
9. Least favorite smell? shit of others
10. Exercise: worth it? nope. i compensate with healthy food and walk a lot cause i have no car, not even a drivers license.
11. Flat or sparkling? flat i guess. don't really get it.
12. Most used app on your phone? went back from smartphone to old school phone - so no apps
13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life. What is it? beethoven symphony 7, movement 2
14. What number am I thinking of? 3.141592
15. Describe the rest of your life in five words. where is the fuckin exit?
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Feb 5, 2020
10. Exercise: worth it? nope. i compensate with healthy food and walk a lot cause i have no car, not even a drivers license.

Hey, I'd say walking counts as exercise! And I'm in the same boat (no car, no DL). I used to have both though, but the DL was expired for too long and now I have to take all the tests over again.. so obviously, I haven't. Fun stuff.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
1. I usually don't eat sandwiches but if I had to pick probably tomato, basil and mozzarella
2. Except for obviously myself - I think I could still go with even less old clothes
3. A tick because you might not find it quickly enough and then it can give you diseases
4. Apples
5. No, that's a stupid concept because Celebrities are normal people too
6. Sweet sweet non-existence
7. I like Mad Max because of the whole end of the world theme but usually don't really watch action movies
8. Freshly mown grass or just the forest in general
9. Decaying or rotting animals/humans
10. Yes, it is. When I still did - it sometimes wasn't fun. But it's definitely beneficial
11. Flat
12. Safari and because of work: Whatsapp
13. Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers
14. 666
15. There isn't much time left
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Jul 15, 2020
oh I like this

1. Any if it's vegetarian and without lactose (don't have many options here)
2. I own too many plushies
3. Probably monkeys or bugs
4. Apples
5. Nope, I'd be too scared to do that lol
6. Void, nothingness
7. Alita battle angel (is that action?)
8. Vanilla, baked goods
9. Garlic, sea food
10. Not worth it
11. Flat
12. YouTube
13. Delicate weapon by grimes
14. 8
15. Hopeless, depressed, melancholic, suicidal, therapy
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