sorry!! today was my birthday (03/08) and i was busy the last couple of days, so i'll answer the questions now
Do you feel better than when you entered the hospital?
i feel so much better than when i entered the hospital - when i went into the ER, i was at my bottom before ctb
i've wanted to ctb for as long as i could remember, but the fact that i wasn't scared anymore, and knew i wasn't ready to yet, i went to the ER
i came out with something that i never thought i would ever have, which is a positive outlook (even if it may be temporary, still too soon to tell) but so far, so good!!!
what do they let you do there? :) Like can you use phones, read books, and write stories and stuff~?
so you can't use phones while in there since i think part of it is to keep you away from any stressors that have put you in there from the outside! tbh, it's a good thing i didn't have my phone (even though i missed it so much lol) since it helped me out a lot more with my relationships and mental health being pretty much unreachable for ~2 weeks
you can read books, write, draw! the facility i was at even had 2 TVs with cable in the common areas, and had a switch donated to them so we did a group activity and would play mario party/smash together -- the facility also had art therapy which was amazing
how often and how long were you able to talk to the actual doctors there?
i had to meet with the onsite psych daily, along with drs as needed, but the nurses were on the floor 24/7 and answered any questions i had, and if i had any health related issues, they would contact a dr to have anything taken care of!
i got to talk to the nurses for as long as i wanted to, the psych i was able to talk to as long as i needed, which wasn't very long at all, but she answered all of the questions i had about the meds that were added to my pre-existing regimen
What substances they gave you?
if by substances, you mean medication, i had availability to several different types of anti-anxiety meds that they never pushed on us, and only gave it to us if we asked
xanax, ativan, alprazolam, aripiprazole (i'm on this), risperidone, gabapentin (i'm on this), trazodone (i'm also on this) are some examples, but we had a way longer list we could have depending on our situation, and what meds we're on/symptoms