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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020

I'm sorry if this thread is a little incoherent. I blame having Covid again making my brain into even more of a pile of mush than before. I've said before about how much I've been watching Dr. K as a meme and that I rarely take what he says seriously. I don't actually believe he can significantly help people like me and this video proves I was correct to assume that. This time he's really made me quite upset all day yesterday with this video, maybe because I can't think of any good way to refute it.

That's why I'm calling on anyone who sees this to help me come up with some counter arguments, in case one of my friends happens to come across this and tries to shove its arguments in my face. I don't feel like watching the video again but from what I remember he basically tries to say that we need to become more adaptable and basically just learn to accept every stupid bullshit therapy tactic that we already know is going to fail. Why? Because he said so. Idk. I couldn't think of a good argument against it because it's like if someone says "have you tried stabbing your eyes out whenever they hurt"? Obviously not, "but how will you know if you haven't tried it?" I hate sentences like this. I don't need to try everything to know I'm going to hate it.

And why should I be forced to adapt to the world around me if the world won't adapt to me? Why can't we just accept ending our existence and leaving it at that? I'm pretty sure he mocks suicide in this video as well so all the more reason to go after him I guess.
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I was wrong
Sep 19, 2023

I'm sorry if this thread is a little incoherent. I blame having Covid again making my brain into even more of a pile of mush than before. I've said before about how much I've been watching Dr. K as a meme and that I rarely take what he says seriously. I don't actually believe he can significantly help people like me and this video proves I was correct to assume that. This time he's really made me quite upset all day yesterday with this video, maybe because I can't think of any good way to refute it.

That's why I'm calling on anyone who sees this to help me come up with some counter arguments, in case one of my friends happens to come across this and tries to shove its arguments in my face. I don't feel like watching the video again but from what I remember he basically tries to say that we need to become more adaptable and basically just learn to accept every stupid bullshit therapy tactic that we already know is going to fail. Why? Because he said so. Idk. I couldn't think of a good argument against it because it's like if someone says "have you tried stabbing your eyes out whenever they hurt"? Obviously not, "but how will you know if you haven't tried it?" I hate sentences like this. I don't need to try everything to know I'm going to hate it.

And why should I be forced to adapt to the world around me if the world won't adapt to me? Why can't we just accept ending our existence and leaving it at that? I'm pretty sure he mocks suicide in this video as well so all the more reason to go after him I guess.

Thoughts and some "counterarguments":
  • At the outset, he sets up a strawman by making your "circumstances" be defined only by "rich" or "poor." For example, far more important as an indicator of success is whether you have both of your parents in the house growing up, and of course how your parents raise you is more important than just having a lot of money. You may also consider genetics such as looks and smarts.
  • I don't think convenience is inherently opposed to adaptability. I imagine people getting pissed at cars for being easy to ride horses. But, I think he has a bit of a point there because people aren't exposed to as much outside of their screens.
  • He's right to point out black-and-white thinking. It is a problem. I suffer from it. I see it a lot on here. It's hard to fight. I haven't gotten very good at fighting it, I just sarcastically correct myself. (eg., I think 'I'm always going to be miserable' and correct it to 'no, no, it is only very likely that I will always be this miserable.')
    • His point of starting by simply acknowledging that you are doing it is honestly what I normally advise and what I try to do.
  • lol sorry but I also agree about considering someone else's perspective. It is something people should try to do more. I like to think I've gotten better at this throughout the years, but if someone has a different perspective on my behavior I will consider it. (kek). [side bar, I don't know much about this guy, does he really just make everything about gaming terms? lol]
  • The issue I'm getting as I go through this is it isn't a video of solutions. It's just a video of recognizing the problem. That's fine for what it is, but like your title says, "just adapt" is an oversimplification. What he wants with this intellectual flexibility is something that takes a looong long time and a lot of work to fix (in my experience), so saying "just be better at it" is only helpful to a point.
  • "How do we increase adaptivity? Don't be not adaptive." (Paraphrase.) Again, I wouldn't write this video off. It is a good identification of something to work on, it's just dipping a toe in.
  • Again, towards the end, I like the point he makes about not letting an excuse dissuade you from trying to improve. He specifically mentions one that I see a lot on here, "I have autism therefore I CAN'T (do normal thing)." It is lazy, black and white, and - frankly - wrong.
Sorry, I ended up agreeing with him a good bit. He sounds a bit like me if I were really effeminate and only used gaming as the subject of my figurative language. But, it's a drive-by psychology take. It's entry level. It gives you the problem, but makes the solution sound far easier than it is. That doesn't mean you should write it off. There's both good and bad in there.
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⦿ ⦿
Jul 31, 2023
I like this comment 😆

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Sad Doggo
May 27, 2024
After using that esports player's BPD against him resulting in the guy killing himself, Dr K is genuinely evil and needs his license to practice revoked.
  • Hmph!
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Who the fuck is Dr. K? I keep on seeing so many threads on here talking about him.
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Oct 8, 2023
After using that esports player's BPD against him resulting in the guy killing himself, Dr K is genuinely evil and needs his license to practice revoked.
Wait, what happened? I've never heard of this and am wondering what Dr. K did?
Who the fuck is Dr. K? I keep on seeing so many threads on here talking about him.
He's a very famous psychiatrist who gives advice on YouTube and also talks to people struggling with issues on stream. Some of the things he says are all well and good, but other things are out of touch.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Sorry, I ended up agreeing with him a good bit. He sounds a bit like me if I were really effeminate and only used gaming as the subject of my figurative language. But, it's a drive-by psychology take. It's entry level. It gives you the problem, but makes the solution sound far easier than it is. That doesn't mean you should write it off. There's both good and bad in there.
Hmm I forgot that he mentions black-and-white thinking even though it's the main part that made me so upset.

I think it bothered me so much because I'm also usually pretty inclined to agree with wanting to identify and reduce this type of thinking wherever I can even though I also practice it a lot. I'm so stupid because a lot of times when it comes to anything that's not about myself, like opinions on movies/shows/games/other people's problems, I tend to look for the grayer or more nuanced opinions and solutions to everything and yet when it comes to my self and my own circumstances, I've known that I think about them in black and white for years and yet knowing hasn't helped me at all because nothing has ever proven me wrong. I'm so used to giving up and compromising for so many other people on so many other topics that why shouldn't I be allowed to have it a little bit for myself? I'm not even autistic (as far as I know) but I can't help but take on these tendencies anyway when it comes to my own life because it's the one place I'd rather have some certainty. There's a reason English teachers mark students down for adding too many "maybes" or other vague qualifiers into their language. Humanity demands decisiveness and black and white thinking is superior for that reason alone.

After using that esports player's BPD against him resulting in the guy killing himself, Dr K is genuinely evil and needs his license to practice revoked.
Nice. You win. Now any time someone tries to use his good advice against me I'll always get to win by responding with this. 😂

Who the fuck is Dr. K? I keep on seeing so many threads on here talking about him.
He's a former monk turned licensed therapist slash YouTuber and streamer who tries to use his knowledge to help people especially in the gaming community. One of his biggest mistakes was trying to help incels and other misogynists heal instead of demonizing them like he's supposed to, I think. As far as I know I thought I was the only one who ever brings him up in threads though.
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Sad Doggo
May 27, 2024
Wait, what happened? I've never heard of this and am wondering what Dr. K did?
This video goes through it all, even interviewing a lot of professionals in the mental health field about how much of a fuck up Dr K is.

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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
This video goes through it all, even interviewing a lot of professionals in the mental health field about how much of a fuck up Dr K is.

To be fair I don't really agree with the mental health professionals either. I don't think any human or humans can ever be fully equipped to tackle mental illness because they'll inherently have their own biases and narrow worldview to contend with. It's like asking a horse to understand horse racing. The horse just does the race but it can never hope to comprehend the intricacies of it.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
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Oct 8, 2023
He strawmans and says that someone might experience bad stuff and experience PTSD, then in the next sentence he talks about someone having a setback at work. This is at around the 15:30 mark. Yeah, no Dr. K you can't use an argument like this and say that something so traumatic that they get PTSD and say that they're not as adaptable as someone who had a setback at work because these are two very different things. Also, in the case of PTSD, what do you say to someone who had a traumatic childhood? Maybe for something like abusive parents? They adapt to try to survive their parents, and can still get PTSD even if they don't that's going to fuck them up forever. This here wouldn't be a case of "just adapt", but rather accepting the fact that you lost your childhood (well, that's what I did anyways, and some studies I've found say that this can be helpful or very damaging). This isn't something that can be solved because it happened when you were a kid. LOTS of people are unhappy because their parents were shit. Especially here. I'm not sure adaptability can heal your loss. Yes, it's an extreme case, but he brought up PTSD in the first place.

Also didn't he say in several other videos that giving up is in itself an adaptation? Your brain is trying to save yourself energy by giving up? (I'm straw-manning here. This is a very very weak argument, but it is an argument like you asked).

He also blames black & white thinking, and to be honest I don't really buy into it that much. But I also don't really understand where he's going with it other than "don't think in black and white." "Don't think that this thing will either be good or bad." So... what, just do it? Honestly, I guess that's fair, but I think you should also allow yourself to listen to both the black and the white thinking, then morph into gray. That's usually how I go about it anyways. The more I look at this section, the more I think that it's just a high-level overview. He's right and giving you the knowledge for you to go to coaching or therapy for. Funnily enough, the commenters accuse detractors of thinking in black and white instead of doing what Dr. K said to do and trying to understand the other side. I don't think that getting rid of black and white thinking is going to work on its own though. I mean, you've already said, and don't seem to me from posts I've seen from you (at least the posts before I left) to be a black & white thinker. He seems to imply that if you're a gray thinker everything will be solved. No.

Honestly, I think the video is fine. It's high-level stuff and doesn't need to be more than that. I just don't necessarily agree with the notion because I tend to think of myself as a gray thinker, specifically, I think of the black, then the white, then smash them together. I'm doing what he says great! Now what? And that video wasn't about the now what part. I think you don't like the video because you already knew everything and felt it was out of touch like I did simply because we don't know what to do afterward, but other people might find it helpful. I know I found some of his other videos helpful more so just for the fact that I gained a better understanding of certain psychology topics that I like.

This video goes through it all, even interviewing a lot of professionals in the mental health field about how much of a fuck up Dr K is.
It's a little long and don't have time currently to view it, but I did skim what I did see is just... damn. I never noticed this stuff before when I used to listen to his VODs at work.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I think you don't like the video because you already knew everything and felt it was out of touch like I did simply because we don't know what to do afterward, but other people might find it helpful.
This is a good point too, actually.
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Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
Hm, I mostly got: "Seek adapt" out of it.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023

I'm sorry if this thread is a little incoherent. I blame having Covid again making my brain into even more of a pile of mush than before. I've said before about how much I've been watching Dr. K as a meme and that I rarely take what he says seriously. I don't actually believe he can significantly help people like me and this video proves I was correct to assume that. This time he's really made me quite upset all day yesterday with this video, maybe because I can't think of any good way to refute it.

That's why I'm calling on anyone who sees this to help me come up with some counter arguments, in case one of my friends happens to come across this and tries to shove its arguments in my face. I don't feel like watching the video again but from what I remember he basically tries to say that we need to become more adaptable and basically just learn to accept every stupid bullshit therapy tactic that we already know is going to fail. Why? Because he said so. Idk. I couldn't think of a good argument against it because it's like if someone says "have you tried stabbing your eyes out whenever they hurt"? Obviously not, "but how will you know if you haven't tried it?" I hate sentences like this. I don't need to try everything to know I'm going to hate it.

And why should I be forced to adapt to the world around me if the world won't adapt to me? Why can't we just accept ending our existence and leaving it at that? I'm pretty sure he mocks suicide in this video as well so all the more reason to go after him I guess.

I deserve better than this shit world and society. It should adapt to me, not the other way around. The world should have to change to suit me. It's honestly a crime that my parents want to force me into wageslavery. They keep pressuring me to get a job. It infuriates me when I think about this as my eventual fate. It's literally ropefuel and suifuel. Why should *I* be forced into this? It's so unfair. I never chose to be born. Why should I have to work just to survive? I'd rather rope. I want to rope to ensure and maintain my freedom. For me, it's live free or die. I'll never submit to society or modern day slavery

"The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows that he's in prison."

Most people are oblivious to the truth of the world and how work is modern day slavery. They willingly submit to the system and become slaves to it. This is probably because they're normies and have never questioned or thought critically about anything. They live their lives on autopilot like NPCs
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I deserve better than this shit world and society. It should adapt to me, not the other way around. The world should have to change to suit me. It's honestly a crime that my parents want to force me into wageslavery. It angers me when I think about this as my eventual fate. It's literally ropefuel and suifuel. Why should *I* be forced into this? It's so unfair. I never chose to be born. Why should I have to work just to survive? I'd rather rope

"The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows that he's in prison."

Most people are oblivious to the truth of the world and how work is modern day slavery. They willingly submit to the system and become slaves to it. This is probably because they're normies and have never questioned or thought critically about anything. They live their lives on autopilot like NPCs
Wish I was brave enough to tell this to him directly, or even comment it on his video.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
Wish I was brave enough to tell this to him directly, or even comment it on his video.
It's honestly unfair how we're all brought into a state of modern day slavery and forced to submit to ensure our survival. Part of my suicide will be to defy society and its expectations. I want to rebel against society by roping and denying it of a worker and contributor. I'll have the last laugh and I won't work my life away like normies and wagies do. I won't be just another NPC. I'll stay free, even if it means that I have to die. I will protest against society and express my discontent with life itself and this predatory and exploitative system that we're all forced to live in. I detest the systems and structures of this world and society. I won't be just another cog in the system. I won't let myself be just another wageslave. I'll never submit to wageslavery. It's NEET or rope for me
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Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
This is actually really helpful to keep in mind, I'm mostly hyperactive due to ADHD, which means my approaches aren't always at the point- I could start to curse the smallest details that aren't going my way (you know: I wish I could have a proper set of equipment, something is missing, wish I could be there, be with them, why everything is so hard, etc). All I think about is problems basically.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
To be honest, I haven't watched the video but to all advice regarding 'recovery'- I'd probably give the same answer: Simply that I don't want to do it. I'm likely not willing to put in all the effort required. Maybe because I've done this sort of thing before and the results (clearly) weren't worth it. I'm not in a headspace where I even want to change now. Don't we have the right to refuse someone else's ideas?

I have no way of really assessing whether their advice is good. It may be. It may help a lot of people- great- I'm happy for them. There's the saying though: 'You can only lead a horse to water, you can't make it drink.' What's the point in going to say church if you have absolutely no belief or interest in God? Same I feel goes for any sort of therapy, recovery, self help. I feel like you have to be at least in some way open to it.

So- if a person isn't open to it. What then? Surely, we can't be forced to take on their ideas. I suspect everyone will label us mentally ill or whatever but, who cares? They can think what they like.

That's how I would respond though. Not that their ideas don't work- I don't know enough on whether they do but that they do need to be believed in to work- surely? Someone needs to be open enough to take on whatever he's said and apply it to their life. I'm not interested in doing that at the moment thanks but- each to their own.
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Jan 29, 2024
Why would I want to adapt to this world? lol
It's fucking awful, it's designed to crush your spirit and keep you shackled to your paymasters for 60+ years.
Here's something you can adapt to Dr K,
"Take a long walk off a short pier ya fuckin' cunt."
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
Why would I want to adapt to this world? lol
It's fucking awful, it's designed to crush your spirit and keep you shackled to your paymasters for 60+ years.
Here's something you can adapt to Dr K,
"Take a long walk off a short pier ya fuckin' cunt."
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I was wrong
Sep 19, 2023
Why would I want to adapt to this world? lol
If you aren't going to/not able to ctb might as well make the most of it for yourself. Might as well treat yourself as well as possible, mentally and physically.
  • Aww..
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Jan 1, 2024
If you aren't going to/not able to ctb might as well make the most of it for yourself. Might as well treat yourself as well as possible, mentally and physically.
That it true, if only the brain could realize it deserves to feel good
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