

Mar 14, 2024
don't tell me i'm selfish. i honestly don't care. in melbourne, im not sure how fast the trains go. i'm too squeamish to look up any videos. so do you like, just jump on the tracks and the train takes care of it? is there a certain angle? what if the train is too slow? how do i know if its going fast enough? do i need to like take a bounding leap? how to i advert suspicion while waiting for the right time. what is the right time ? thanks guys

i need to do this after work in about 5 hours so some replies would be really appreciated, thank you very much.
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Apr 15, 2022
I wouldn't tell you your selfish. Others might, though. The thing about trains is that it's not guaranteed. Not that any method really is, but a train ctb is far from certain. There's a lot of physics at work, very unpredictable physics. It's about impossible to predict exactly how the train would impact you and how you might deflect off of it. You very well might only end up with ninor injuries. You could end up with major injuries, too, but still very much alive. Depending on what those injuries are, your life might turn into a worse nightmare than you are living now. I just don't think it's worth the risk.

All the questions you posit in your post pretty much highlights why this method is far from certain death - too many variables outside your control.
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Mar 14, 2024
I wouldn't tell you your selfish. Others might, though. The thing about trains is that it's not guaranteed. Not that any method really is, but a train ctb is far from certain. There's a lot of physics at work, very unpredictable physics. It's about impossible to predict exactly how the train would impact you and how you might deflect off of it. You very well might only end up with ninor injuries. You could end up with major injuries, too, but still very much alive. Depending on what those injuries are, your life might turn into a worse nightmare than you are living now. I just don't think it's worth the risk.

All the questions you posit in your post pretty much highlights why this method is far from certain death - too many variables outside your control.
thank you for a response. i was honestly thinking this, i know if i fuck up i'll just end up in hospital again. is there anything you reccomend? tall building? jump in front of car? i need something i can do in a split second if i think too much i start to back out. thank you.
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
I wouldn't tell you your selfish. Others might, though. The thing about trains is that it's not guaranteed. Not that any method really is, but a train ctb is far from certain. There's a lot of physics at work, very unpredictable physics. It's about impossible to predict exactly how the train would impact you and how you might deflect off of it. You very well might only end up with ninor injuries. You could end up with major injuries, too, but still very much alive. Depending on what those injuries are, your life might turn into a worse nightmare than you are living now. I just don't think it's worth the risk.

All the questions you posit in your post pretty much highlights why this method is far from certain death - too many variables outside your control.
To add: I read from someone on here that keeping one's head on a track as the train approaches is terrifying. Definitely a last resort
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Aug 25, 2024
I have a story you might not want to hear, but here goes.

So I actually tried something similar to this once. I was in a drunken morose state to an extreme degree and found myself heading for a point that I could access the railway line, near to where I used to live. Managed to place myself on the line walking away from the station, with my back to oncoming trains. It was night. It was drizzling with rain, which I knew at this point of the line, (I'm a railways buff) at this time after rush hour and in this weather it was unlikely the driver would see me in time.

But me being intoxicated, I wasn't fully aware of all the factors. As it happened, a member of railway staff must have seen me access the line, probably on CCTV, and made the drivers aware there was a trespasser on the tracks north of the station.

Stumbling along the line in the dark, (which isn't an easy walk) I heard a train approaching from behind, all be it travelling very slow, assuming the driver was on alert. The noise of the grinding wheels got louder and louder behind me. And it was at this point, I lost my footing on the wet ballast between the sleepers, and stumbled to one side, just as the train passed me. To this day I'm about ninety percent sure the train struck me on the knee as it passed, going less than about five miles an hour now, the driver must have seen me and slammed on the breaks. I could gauge the speed because the train came to a complete stop about thirty metres away. Those metro services never really got above sixty miles an hour, but if the driver managed to stop that close he must have been going really slow.

This was the first time. There would be another.

I do regret this episode. Later in life I watched a documentary about what it can do to train drivers who experience hitting a person on the track. It can be really traumatising and most never drive a train again. Now, I don't say this to make you feel guilty. Or to suggest a person is selfish for using this method. After all, this is a risk drivers take when they sign on the dotted line. They're taught during training that these things happen. But for me personally I'm so happy that during this time my plan never came to fruition as I would hate to think I was responsible for trauma in this way. Although you could make the point that I would never have known about it.

Additionally, this does broach the question about the planning of the act, including the thoughts about involving other individuals, whether it's against their will and who is going to discover the scene you leave behind. For me, after my railway episodes, I decided not just to carefully plan the act but to involve as few other people as possible.

But like I say, I have no right to speak for everyone.

And: I might have hurt my knee later on, climbing over a wall.
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
thank you for a response. i was honestly thinking this, i know if i fuck up i'll just end up in hospital again. is there anything you reccomend? tall building? jump in front of car? i need something i can do in a split second if i think too much i start to back out. thank you.
We aren't allowed to explicitly suggest methods

That said:

1. I would strongly recommend against jumping in front of a car, it has just as much risk and collateral as a train if not more
2. There are statistics online about method lethality. I would suggest looking at them yourself, but iirc the list goes: Gun, drowning, hanging, gas, jumping, poison. Look at the megathreads for each of those (including the gun one. You can get a black powder gun in the UK I believe)
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Apr 15, 2022
To add: I read from someone on here that keeping one's head on a track as the train approaches is terrifying. Definitely a last resort
I bet that's right! Sure would take balls of steel and a resolve to match.
thank you for a response. i was honestly thinking this, i know if i fuck up i'll just end up in hospital again. is there anything you reccomend? tall building? jump in front of car? i need something i can do in a split second if i think too much i start to back out. thank you.
Oh man, you're looking for impulsive type shit? If a train isn't guaranteed, a car sure isn't. Sure, yeah, a really tall building, like 100 meters or 300 feet. That might be difficult to do since access to rooftops is generally secured. I much prefer a planned-out, deliberate approach. I think there's less chance of things going wrong that way. SN fits that bill. CO fits that bill. Inert gas fits that bill. Even hanging fits that bill. You'd have to decide what's right, and even doable, for you, though.
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Jul 9, 2024
don't tell me i'm selfish. i honestly don't care. in melbourne, im not sure how fast the trains go. i'm too squeamish to look up any videos. so do you like, just jump on the tracks and the train takes care of it? is there a certain angle? what if the train is too slow? how do i know if its going fast enough? do i need to like take a bounding leap? how to i advert suspicion while waiting for the right time. what is the right time ? thanks guys

i need to do this after work in about 5 hours so some replies would be really appreciated, thank you very much.
It's question like these that signify you shouldn't do it. People who are successful are usually acting out on impulse or disillusionment, and trust me, their deaths are horrific.

If you can, find a reason to live. Old age is honestly better than being mangled by a train.
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