

I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Bonjour, ce n'est PAS pour le moment...
Je ne veux pas me tuer maintenant... PAS SUICIDAIRE
pensez juste à...

Je vous envoie une photo car au niveau de l'accueil j'ai pu atterrir sur de l'herbe un peu épais (1 photo d'été). Il y a du goudron puis de l'herbe puis après sol dur voir photo...
A partir du 19ème étage y at-il une chance de survie si je tombe sur cette herbe épaisse ???..

2) si je tombais sur le ventre ou sur le dos mais pas sur la tête, ce serait la mort pure ?. Il semble vraiment difficile de vraiment atterrir sur la tête..
Un Ami médecin m'a dit que le centre de gravité EST en haut du thorax quand on tombe de plus de 12 étages... sûr et certain ??
Même si je commence mal pendant le saut ça finit par finir vers le thorax ??

(je ne pèse que 56 kg, plus lourd aurait été mieux pour le choc)

2ème photo vue du 19ème étage en rouge la zone ciblée lors de la chute j'éviterai le toit du garage et les arbres à droite...
goulotte = goulotte

Merci de m'aider svp
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
Hi, its NOT for now...
I DONT want to kill me now...NOT SUICIDAL
just think about...

I send you a photo because at the reception level I could land on somewhat thick grass (1 summer photo). There is gourd then grass then after hard ground see photo...
From the 19th floor is there any chance of survival if I fall on this thick grass ???..


2) if I fell on my stomach or back but not on my head, it would be pure death?. It seems really hard to really land on your head..
A Friend doctor Said me that the center of gravity IS at the top of the thorax when you fall from more than 12 floors... sure and certain??
Even if I start badly during the jump it ends up ending towards the thorax??

(I only weigh 56 kg, heavier would have been better for the shock)

2nd photo seen from the 19thfloor in red the area targeted during the fall I will avoid the roof of the garage and the trees on the right...


Thank to help me please
Hm, the photos are not showing, just the file names. But you want to avoid landing on anything soft when you jump. Landing on something solid is preferred. Apparently 19 floors is around 62 meters, and you should probably aim for 100+, but even then you can't guarantee that it will be fully certain that you'll die.


I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Thanks but i dont find best than 19 th floor...its about 55 meters...

For this picture its ok now 🙏
Jai écrit mes dernières volontes a mon médecin et psychiatre... de ne pas me réanimer, que je refusais,il a compris que je refusais tout acharnement déraisonnable...


I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Pas ???

other opinions please


I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020


Dec 20, 2022
I don't know much about jumping. I do know that the most important thing is height. If you are jumping into soft dirt then there is a risk that it would absorb the impact leaving you mangled without ctb. Solid concrete is what I have heard people recommend. I'm just going with SN. High chance of success and low risk of damage if it fails.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
L'herbe n'est pas douce

mais je dois arriver à tomber sur le dur cf photo.

sinon je pense qu'il vaut mieux se laisser tomber vers l'avant que tenter un saut en parachute et risquer de finir à genoux


Nitrogen Master Race
May 15, 2022
Don't jump, is not worth it unless is a HUGE height.


I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
19 ème étage cest haut et j'essaierai d'atterrir sur le dur,pas sur l'herbe


I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020


Jul 16, 2020
Why do you write in French on an English speaking forum? It's pretty hard for us to understand what you want to talk about if we need to use google translate for each of your posts. And no.. do not jump, aint worth the risks in my opinion.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Oooh excuse me 😰sometimes I write in English but that puts it back to me in French... me it translates me directly without anything that I ask. ok i will be careful. 😉

19th floor on hard ground landing on stomach, back, side, head = 95/100 dead???
  • Aww..
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020
There is a saying - "from 7th to Heaven"... so 7 floors is over 90% when landing on concrete.
19th floor is as good as one can hope for from buildings (or bridges), if I were living that high, I don't believe I would be writing this now.
Although it takes A LOT of courage to repress the survival instinct.

From the photos, yes, the grass section is where a part of you would normally land... but if you just dive, just a bit to the left... you should land on the concrete part closer to your building.
There are more than 2m of concrete next to the building... it should be enough. A part of the body will touch the grass, but from 19 floors, I would say 95% certainty.
You don't get that kind of certainty with anything but a shotgun to the head.

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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
I'm thinking of tying my hands behind my back (handcuffs) and ankle ties... and letting myself fall by leaning forward... I'm afraid of messing up a jump if I try a dive and having the reflex to put my hands , elbows in front...

IS it ok?
Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020
Read the link I provided.
It says:
"... jumping from 150 feet (46 metres) or higher on land, and 250 feet (76 metres) or more on water, is 95% to 98% fatal. 150 feet/46 metres, equates to roughly 10 to 15 stories in a building, depending on the height of one story."

I don't think your arms and hands will make any difference with such kind of landing.
Tying both your hands and legs would keep your body upright, which would lead you straight to the grass part... and you don't want that.
Just dive head first to the left.

PS. This is all in theory, I don't want you to jump. It is your life and your call. Just trying to help.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
yes thank you I read the link... I could also fall before the grass there is a little room...

I don't know if I'll be able to dive head first, I'll risk making a mess...

it would be useful to take anticoagulants also a few days before and the same day to promote bleeding...
Lisez le lien que j'ai fourni.
Ça dit:
"... sauter de 150 pieds (46 mètres) ou plus sur terre, et de 250 pieds (76 mètres) ou plus sur l'eau, est de 95% à 98% mortel. 150 pieds/46 mètres, équivaut à environ 10 à 15 étages dans un bâtiment, en fonction de la hauteur d'un étage."

Je ne pense pas que vos bras et vos mains feront une différence avec ce genre d'atterrissage.
Attacher vos mains et vos jambes maintiendrait votre corps droit, ce qui vous mènerait directement à la partie en herbe... et vous ne le voulez pas.
Il suffit de plonger la tête la première vers la gauche.

PS. C'est tout en théorie, je ne veux pas que tu sautes. C'est votre vie et votre appel. J'essaie juste d'aider.
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Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020
yes thank you I read the link... I could also fall before the grass there is a little room...

I don't know if I'll be able to dive head first, I'll risk making a mess...

it would be useful to take anticoagulants also a few days before and the same day to promote bleeding...

Damn, I didn't know I could speak French... ;)

Regarding the photo... yes, enough space as long as you dive staying as close to the building as possible.
The body jumping from 19 floors would be crushed... no need for anticoagulants (but if they make you happy, take them).
Better take a lot of benzos to keep you as calm as possible.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
I continue in English for the rest of the forum :) (finally google translate)

The floors are small it must be about 50/55 meters...yes stay close to the partition but not too much either so as not to take the risk that the body rubs against the building or a flower pot etc and that I am slow motion

another thing, you can't see in the photo because for the photo I put my arms over the balustrade...but I'll have to balance on a very thin wall before jumping...the balustrade is more than 1 m high and is not thick (to keep in balance)
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Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020
I continue in English for the rest of the forum :) (finally google translate)

The floors are small it must be about 50/55 meters...yes stay close to the partition but not too much either so as not to take the risk that the body rubs against the building or a flower pot etc and that I am slow motion

another thing, you can't see in the photo because for the photo I put my arms over the balustrade...but I'll have to balance on a very thin wall before jumping...the balustrade is more than 1 m high and is not thick (to keep in balance)

Try not to stand and balance on the balustrade...
Bring out to the balcony something from your apartment that could be used for stepping up, standing on, and even changing your mind.
You must have something that is flat, wide enough and as close to 1m high as possible.

This is not an easy decision.
Your SI will be "screaming and kicking", you don't want to stand on such a narrow space, because unwanted things may happen (slipping).
If I could have you reconsider and pick a less traumatic method (SN), I wholeheartedly would... but I don't know your situation.
Jumping seems a radical measure for very desperate occasions.

PS. It's 4AM where I live, I wish you all the best. It doesn't have to be now. Take some time to think about it.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Thanks other opinion?

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