

Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I've seen a couple posts recently in Recovery about journaling, so I thought I'd share these journaling prompts I got from a book. They're good for working things out, planning, creative writing, or when you want to journal but don't know what to journal about. The prompts can be combined; springboards are great to combine with other methods.

Statements or questions

What is bothering me about this situation?
Today I feel __________ years old.
I am excited about…
Three things I want to accomplish [today, this week, this year, in my lifetime] are…
Where am I in the movement of my [life, business, relationship, career, etc.]?
What's the most important thing to do right now?
My ideal work/home environment would include…
How am I feeling right now?
The most important skill I need for [a task] is…
What resources are available to me?
How can I best use my resources?
What I value most in my relationship with _________ is…
How do I feel about [upcoming event]?
I'm happiest when…
What turns me on?
What turns me off?
I'm proud of myself for…
How am I using my power?
I'm alone, and it's…
Today was a [great, lousy, hectic, etc.] day.
Why am I feeling so [angry, sad, paranoid, etc.]?
What do I really want?
How am I experiencing [joy, indecision, rage, etc.]?
My biggest [secret, fear, wish, etc.] is…

Character Sketch
A written description of another person, yourself, or even how others see you. It's a very handy technique to use when you're having a conflict with someone, when you want to see how you might be coming across to someone else, whether you're projecting yourself onto somone else, or when you want to get to know the different parts of yourself in a more direct and intimate way.

Also called mind-mapping or webbing. Write a key word or phrase in the middle of the page and then free-associate from it, such as drawing lines to what ever comes from it, and then drawing lines from those things.

Captured Moments
Like a photograph but of the senses, write about a moment.

Helpful when I'm in conflict with someone or don't understand why they do something. It's also a good imagination exercise.

Dialogue with Persons
Dialogue with Events and Circumstances Dialogue with Works
Dialogue with the Body
Dialogue with Societies
Dialogue with Emotions/Feelings
Dialogue with Material Objects/Possessions
Dialogue with Subpersonalities/Symbols
Dialogue with Resistance/Block
Dialogue with Inner Wisdom

Good for clarifying thoughts, identifying patterns or problems, brainstorming solutions, getting below the surface, getting past the obvious, gathering a lot of information very quickly.

Lists of 100 can be anything, like 100 things I/I would ______, 100 things that ________. Repetition is fine and is in fact good. Often times, the most important things come up at the end, or something that repeats is really important or is getting in the way of other things. Try to keep going even if you repeat. It's also okay to go past 100.

Stream of Consciousness
Just sit down and write whatever. Other options: try writing with your non-dominant hand, or in a shape, or all over the page rather than linear, or setting a time limit and stopping when the timer goes off.

Stepping Stones
A serious of significant moments or milestones. Can be about life, a situation, a relationship, a thing such as the body, etc.

Time Capsules
A brief summary of a period of time, whether the day, week, month, year, decade, event, etc. May be what happened, or the moods, or sensory experiences, etc.

Unsent Letters
One-way communication rather than dialogue. Can be from you or to you (from yourself or from someone or something else).

Good for decision making. Examples: deciding about where to go, write about what each would be like to experience; considering how different people will be impacted by an action or decision.

Dreams, Fantasies and Imagery
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Avoiding flashing images, epilepsy.
Apr 26, 2020
Some good ideas there. 🌷🌷🛋🛋 I hope others find it helpful too.

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