Hiraeth Grimoire

Hiraeth Grimoire

Longing to answer the call of the Void
May 21, 2022


Recently, I started thinking about how I am going to write my suicide note, so I looked around for inspiration and there appear to be very few guides on the matter. I then decided that I would create my own format and share it with others. Now I realize the nature of the subject at hand, as this is one of the most personal pieces of literature that anyone could write. However, as with all other categories of literature, I think suicide notes are also worthy of study and development for those who wish to discuss such matters.

On Sanctioned Suicide, there seem to be a variety of opinions on how suicide notes could and/or should be written, if they should be written at all, so I will share my main takeaways from these readings before revealing my new format concept. Keep in mind that these are entirely my personal opinions, contemplations, and conclusions. I am not saying that there is a proper or improper way to write this type of literature, this is merely a flexible template to hopefully help inspire others to write suicide notes to their liking.

Basic Information
1. Why write a suicide note, if at all?

While there are many possible reasons one may wish to write a suicide note, some reasons may include easing death anxiety, saying goodbye to friends and family, expressing emotions or venting, requesting what is to be done with belongings and/or one's body, explaining why one has chosen to die by their own hand, etc.

2. Who does a suicide note concern?

This matter will of course vary depending upon the individual in question, but some examples of whom a suicide note may concern could include family members, close friends, colleagues and acquaintances, the person to discover the individual's body, medical personnel who collect the body, authorities who hold the body, etc.

2. What to write in a suicide note?

Possibilities of what one may wish to include in a suicide note could include goodbyes to friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances, an impromptu will explaining what is to be done with the body and/or personal belongings, the reasons that one has chosen to end their life, a description of one's philosophy and worldview, etc

3. How long should a suicide note be?

Of course, a suicide note can be as long or as short as the individual wishes, but the best school of thought I have encountered is that it should be as long as it needs to be, no more, and no less. From my readings, one page appears to be a reasonable default length, which can later be added or subtracted as one's intuition prefers.

The Template

This previously mentioned information is of course highly generalized for the sake of explanation, and will inevitably vary case by case depending upon the individual in question who wishes to write a suicide note. However, it is important to cover the basic information and descriptions of suicide notes so that my format will make sense for those who are new to the idea. This template attempts to cover all of the defaults of a suicide note in an easy-to-use, straightforward, well-planned, and highly customizable manner.

Using one standard page as the default length of this template (subject to give and take of course) it is divided into four paragraphs. All four paragraphs start with the letter P for ease of reference, and each paragraph will cover crucial elements of the hypothetical default suicide note. They proceed in the logical order of Preface, Philosophy, Practicality, and Personal, hence the chosen format name, IVXP. Below I will go into more detail describing these paragraphs, and how they structure this suicide note format.

The Paragraphs

1. Preface:

This first paragraph of the IVXP template serves as an introduction, to inform those with whom it may concern the purpose of the suicide note, and what aims it was intended to accomplish with its creation. This is also a paragraph where a few kind words of gratitude and/or apologies may find themselves (If the writer is so inclined).

2. Philosophy:

The second paragraph serves as a means to declare one's worldview and to inform the reader(s) of how the individual in question felt about the quality of their existence, and/or the external factors that ultimately played a role in the writer's decision to end their life. This is where the writer may want to leave their innermost pains.

3. Practicality:

This paragraph serves to deal with any important pragmatic affairs that the writer may want to inform the reader(s) of, such as the preferred distribution of financial resources and/or personal belongings, how one wishes to be buried, etc. In essence, this is where the writer may wish to put to rest the last of their unfinished business.

4. Personal:

The final paragraph of the IVXP format is simply a concluding passage where the writer can express their last feelings, thoughts, desires, best wishes for others, and similar closing remarks. This is also where the writer may wish to relieve others of responsibility for their decision to end their life and say final goodbyes to their inner circle.

In conclusion to this post, I would like to say that this is not a hard set of rules to be obeyed, simply a framework to help those who don't know where to begin. The writer should manipulate the template to suit their ends, not vice versa, as is said in creative writing communities. There are many enchanting ways that suicide notes have been and can be written, so by no means think this is the only pathway to embark upon this form of creative writing. I implore to be writers to read notes left behind by those who have passed.

There is a definite lack of templates and formats for suicide notes online, even in pro-choice communities such as SS. Hopefully, someone may find this information useful, and others will follow in my path and leave behind templates they found helpful or created so that others may also profit. I have benefited heavily from this website and figured this is the least I could do in return to hopefully contribute something to those who come after me, as I will be writing a note using the IVXP template and leaving this world soon.
Best regards fellow sufferers, may the otherworld welcome us with open arms!!!
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022


Recently, I started thinking about how I am going to write my suicide note, so I looked around for inspiration and there appear to be very few guides on the matter. I then decided that I would create my own format and share it with others. Now I realize the nature of the subject at hand, as this is one of the most personal pieces of literature that anyone could write. However, as with all other categories of literature, I think suicide notes are also worthy of study and development for those who wish to discuss such matters.

On Sanctioned Suicide, there seem to be a variety of opinions on how suicide notes could and/or should be written, if they should be written at all, so I will share my main takeaways from these readings before revealing my new format concept. Keep in mind that these are entirely my personal opinions, contemplations, and conclusions. I am not saying that there is a proper or improper way to write this type of literature, this is merely a flexible template to hopefully help inspire others to write suicide notes to their liking.

Basic Information
1. Why write a suicide note, if at all?

While there are many possible reasons one may wish to write a suicide note, some reasons may include easing death anxiety, saying goodbye to friends and family, expressing emotions or venting, requesting what is to be done with belongings and/or one's body, explaining why one has chosen to die by their own hand, etc.

2. Who does a suicide note concern?

This matter will of course vary depending upon the individual in question, but some examples of whom a suicide note may concern could include family members, close friends, colleagues and acquaintances, the person to discover the individual's body, medical personnel who collect the body, authorities who hold the body, etc.

2. What to write in a suicide note?

Possibilities of what one may wish to include in a suicide note could include goodbyes to friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances, an impromptu will explaining what is to be done with the body and/or personal belongings, the reasons that one has chosen to end their life, a description of one's philosophy and worldview, etc

3. How long should a suicide note be?

Of course, a suicide note can be as long or as short as the individual wishes, but the best school of thought I have encountered is that it should be as long as it needs to be, no more, and no less. From my readings, one page appears to be a reasonable default length, which can later be added or subtracted as one's intuition prefers.

The Template

This previously mentioned information is of course highly generalized for the sake of explanation, and will inevitably vary case by case depending upon the individual in question who wishes to write a suicide note. However, it is important to cover the basic information and descriptions of suicide notes so that my format will make sense for those who are new to the idea. This template attempts to cover all of the defaults of a suicide note in an easy-to-use, straightforward, well-planned, and highly customizable manner.

Using one standard page as the default length of this template (subject to give and take of course) it is divided into four paragraphs. All four paragraphs start with the letter P for ease of reference, and each paragraph will cover crucial elements of the hypothetical default suicide note. They proceed in the logical order of Preface, Philosophy, Practicality, and Personal, hence the chosen format name, IVXP. Below I will go into more detail describing these paragraphs, and how they structure this suicide note format.

The Paragraphs

1. Preface:

This first paragraph of the IVXP template serves as an introduction, to inform those with whom it may concern the purpose of the suicide note, and what aims it was intended to accomplish with its creation. This is also a paragraph where a few kind words of gratitude and/or apologies may find themselves (If the writer is so inclined).

2. Philosophy:

The second paragraph serves as a means to declare one's worldview and to inform the reader(s) of how the individual in question felt about the quality of their existence, and/or the external factors that ultimately played a role in the writer's decision to end their life. This is where the writer may want to leave their innermost pains.

3. Practicality:

This paragraph serves to deal with any important pragmatic affairs that the writer may want to inform the reader(s) of, such as the preferred distribution of financial resources and/or personal belongings, how one wishes to be buried, etc. In essence, this is where the writer may wish to put to rest the last of their unfinished business.

4. Personal:

The final paragraph of the IVXP format is simply a concluding passage where the writer can express their last feelings, thoughts, desires, best wishes for others, and similar closing remarks. This is also where the writer may wish to relieve others of responsibility for their decision to end their life and say final goodbyes to their inner circle.

In conclusion to this post, I would like to say that this is not a hard set of rules to be obeyed, simply a framework to help those who don't know where to begin. The writer should manipulate the template to suit their ends, not vice versa, as is said in creative writing communities. There are many enchanting ways that suicide notes have been and can be written, so by no means think this is the only pathway to embark upon this form of creative writing. I implore to be writers to read notes left behind by those who have passed.

There is a definite lack of templates and formats for suicide notes online, even in pro-choice communities such as SS. Hopefully, someone may find this information useful, and others will follow in my path and leave behind templates they found helpful or created so that others may also profit. I have benefited heavily from this website and figured this is the least I could do in return to hopefully contribute something to those who come after me, as I will be writing a note using the IVXP template and leaving this world soon.
Best regards fellow sufferers, may the otherworld welcome us with open arms!!!
Very useful post, I've seen quite a few threads about how to write a last note and who to in their life. This will definantly be helpful for so many people who might struggle with what to put into the letter, and structuring it.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Thank you for sharing this, it's very well written and I'm sure that it will be very useful for many. Best wishes.
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‘People can be dead before they’ve even died’
Jan 23, 2023
Thank you so much for this post

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