

Petting a cat might change my mind
Oct 27, 2023
I've been far too dramatic lately and i Don't know why.

This last week I've found all of my male friends insufferable, which isnt that weird for me since I'm a very sexist/mysandrist person, but it has gone to the point where it pisses me off to even see them or hear them breath when they're near me

Not to mention that one of my male friends has found it funny to start making fun/teasing me by calling me a "shotacon", ""map", or slmwtimes straight up "pedo" because I thought i could trust him enough to vent about my intrusive thoughts problem.

I've been avoiding my sister too because shes getting psychological help because of her sh problems even though I've been doing it too for years and ive never been helped for it, and it pisses me off

Even today! I accidentally dropped my phone and the screen broke like crazy, to the point where some pixels in the screen don't work anymore so now there's straight up black patches on my screen (pardon me for my spelling mistakes in this post, I pretty much can't See half of my screen). I relapsed because of this, cut EVERYWHERE. just because of it???

It's not my period btw, I know this. There's just something wrong and idk how to help it swghhhh
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
First off, cut those friends out of your life. They aren't your friends, especially if they react to you opening up about your intrusive thoughts by calling you names and making fun of you. It's better to cut them off now and find better people to hang out with than it is to stick around and have to put up with their name-calling.

Secondly, have you told your parents about your SH yet? If not, then you should try doing it soon instead of getting upset about your sister getting help for her SH. If you have and they haven't done anything about it, then (if you are in college or university), try looking into the mental health resources offered by your school or by your school insurance. You don't need to worry about them trying to hospitalized you or anything since hospitalizations only occur under specific circumstances, such as if you are experiencing a psychotic episode or admit to being suicidal.


Aug 26, 2024
Damn, that sucks :( Takes a lot of courage to open up to someone about intrusive thoughts and this dood thought it was okay to respond like that, not cool
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Petting a cat might change my mind
Oct 27, 2023
First off, cut those friends out of your life. They aren't your friends, especially if they react to you opening up about your intrusive thoughts by calling you names and making fun of you. It's better to cut them off now and find better people to hang out with than it is to stick around and have to put up with their name-calling.

Secondly, have you told your parents about your SH yet? If not, then you should try doing it soon instead of getting upset about your sister getting help for her SH. If you have and they haven't done anything about it, then (if you are in college or university), try looking into the mental health resources offered by your school or by your school insurance. You don't need to worry about them trying to hospitalized you or anything since hospitalizations only occur under specific circumstances, such as if you are experiencing a psychotic episode or admit to being suicidal.
Sadly I can't afford to cut off my friends right now sinceny social life pretty much depends on them and I'd rather be called names by people that consider me a friend than be called names by someone who I've cut all emotional ties with.

And second! No, my parents don't know about it and that's exactly why I mentioned, I'm incredibly aware of how irrational it is for me to be mad about this since they can't really help something they're not even aware of but I still somehow haven't been able to brush off the feeling
Damn, that sucks :( Takes a lot of courage to open up to someone about intrusive thoughts and this dood thought it was okay to respond like that, not cool
Yes! I almost cried when opening up about it and he told me he understood and he'd always be here for me and yada yada and next day he comes and tells me I'm a damn shota... Probably the worst thing someone has called me and I've been called a plethora of slurs even I feel wrong saying
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
IMG 1138

This is my cat, her name is Snowy she is also a misandrist and beliefs in female superiority. (She dislikes men and only likes women)

I would say more, but I am male and while I like to give my two cents, I can tell this is not my place. So I will just leave kitty picture. Hope you feel better though.
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Petting a cat might change my mind
Oct 27, 2023
View attachment 149033

This is my cat, her name is Snowy she is also a misandrist and beliefs in female superiority. (She dislikes men and only likes women)

I would say more, but I am male and while I like to give my two cents, I can tell this is not my place. So I will just leave kitty picture. Hope you feel better though.
CUTIE!!! yaaass girls save the world!!

And don't you worry, I'm not as intolerant online as I am irl since I find it stupid to be bitter in here when we're all damn struggling.
Still, thanks, your cat is very beautiful!!
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
If this is out of the norm for you, there are some common culprits to look at (in no particular order):

- eating (not enough, too much, irregular)
- sleeping (not enough, too much, irregular, poor quality)
- physiological issues (blood sugar, thyroid, hormonal, vitamin deficiencies)
- a new onset diagnosable mental health condition, or a worsening of existing condition
- changes in medication or medication interactions
- major life changes or looming changes
- a recent illness, injury, trauma, or conflict
- a past trauma or other psychological wound that's been reopened

It doesn't have to be a single major cause. It could also be a matter of too many minor-to-moderate stressors that have been building up over a period of time (anywhere from hours to months). These types of things, taken individually, are no big deal but become a big deal when combined all together and affecting you at the same time.

You could get a pen and paper, ask yourself "what the heck is bothering me right now," and write out everything that comes to mind, indiscriminately. Sometimes, things can hover around in the background of your mind where they're not consciously bothering you and yet still "there enough" to be subtly affecting you. These types of thoughts/worries/stressors can just need a little bit of prodding to be brought out into the forefront.

If you do write out a list of stressors, it can also be good to separate which of them are within your control from which of them are not in your control. For those within your control, look at which ones you can take action on. For those outside of your control, you'd want to think about ways to reconcile yourself with them.

As an aside, I would get away from the term "dramatic" which has negative connotations to it and can be harmful to self-esteem. I'd suggest thinking of this as more along the lines of angry, irritated, frustrated, annoyed, disgusted, stressed, etc.

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