

It’s the end of the line, cowboy
Feb 2, 2020
I'm going to fail one of my uni courses. I was doing fine before then, but once all of the quarantine stuff happened, I just couldn't teach myself all of the material. There's no chance of things getting better for me either. I only have two assignments left to complete, and those aren't enough to salvage it. I don't have anyone left to ask for help, either.
I should have died back before this became an issue. I'm going to go nowhere if I can't do something as simple as this. This does make me a bit happy though, at least I was right about something for once.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
sorry to hear.

online school has been rough during quarantine. i'd rather have school happening properly, so it forced me to actually go to school, particpate, and get work done. ever since it moved online, i've been hella lazy.

i'm wondering if you're uni has a pass/fail option? a ton of uni's have been implementing that option for final marks because of whats happened. are you barely failing? have you also tried talking to you're prof? i've heard of exceptions being made because of particular situations that have been influenced because of quarantine, so prof's have been more sincere and understanding and shown leniency with grades and marks.

some unis also have a way, where you can dispute you're final grades because of unforeseen circumstances, like this quarantine. we had a strike at my school, and it forced us to go online and stuff, and people disputed their grades and it got tossed out the window and expunged because it was actually justifiable. people will most definitely be disputing grades and protesting because of quarantine as well.

hopefully you have options like these, that allow you to either pass or have you're grade as a whole expunged. you aren't alone in this, as thousands are in the same situation, particularly because of how the quarantine has influenced their living situation and there will be disputes and protests. hopefully you're school has these options for you, and i'd definitely encourage you to ask around for such options at you're school.

take care.
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Deleted member 14573

Feb 2, 2020

These are extreme circumstances with the pandemic, so you would have a good reason to dispute any fails (if you get any). Your university must have sent out an update about their policy on this? My uni has also implemented the pass/fail system, and our final grades will not be included in our WAM/gpa (regardless if it's a fail or HD). Perhaps your university will do something similar? I'm sure there is something that can be worked out.

Also, if you feel that uni is taking a heavy toll on your mental health, it may be better to underload or defer next semester.
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I tried.
Apr 13, 2020
Hello @Ardesevent , like what Hasssssuùuu, you should check out options your university offers. And since the covid19 virus is making most unis go online, there should be a chance that professors should consider the chance of curving the grades. Good luck.
I once had that mind set where I needed high grades and failure would mean I had ended my life period. I later grew out of that mind set and decided not to let numbers and grade letters to decided my life. I'm not saying to have this mind set in place, everyone has there way in school. I would also seek counseling at your uni since they should offer that online like video chat.
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It’s the end of the line, cowboy
Feb 2, 2020
I just checked to see if there's been a pass/fail system implemented, there's nothing yet. This place is known for being extremely rigid in policies, so there's a pretty big chance they won't at all.
I've sent an email asking for extra credit, or make-ups to my professor. There's no response yet, but that's pretty reasonable.
If I don't get a response in the next few days, I'll try disputing it.
I'm hoping I have good luck, too. I only was able to get in due to getting a scholarship for a few thousand dollars off tuition, there's a good chance I'll lose it if I don't fix this. I want to get out of the grades-are-everything mindset, but I can't afford it right now with these circumstances.
I have a video-meeting with the counselor set up now, it'll be about a month before she can see me.
Thank you all for the advice!
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
I just checked to see if there's been a pass/fail system implemented, there's nothing yet. This place is known for being extremely rigid in policies, so there's a pretty big chance they won't at all.
I've sent an email asking for extra credit, or make-ups to my professor. There's no response yet, but that's pretty reasonable.
If I don't get a response in the next few days, I'll try disputing it.
I'm hoping I have good luck, too. I only was able to get in due to getting a scholarship for a few thousand dollars off tuition, there's a good chance I'll lose it if I don't fix this. I want to get out of the grades-are-everything mindset, but I can't afford it right now with these circumstances.
I have a video-meeting with the counselor set up now, it'll be about a month before she can see me.
Thank you all for the advice!
you definitely have a really really really strong case for disputing it and having it completely expunged and going down the extra credit path. this is an unprecedented situation that were in right now because of the virus, so if it helps, yeah you DEFINITELY have a strong chance. this is gonna be an ongoing situation, so you'll have a few months to have it expunged and what not, so don't worry that the meetings for next month.

and i'm glad you're talking to someone like a counselor about school and everything. trust me, i get how stressful school is, cause its significantly affecting me as well; and talking to a counselor, and getting someone to help you with school stuff is extremely helpful and eases so much stress and anxiety. hopefully you get to also feel the same way.
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Deleted member 14573

Feb 2, 2020
I just checked to see if there's been a pass/fail system implemented, there's nothing yet. This place is known for being extremely rigid in policies, so there's a pretty big chance they won't at all.
I've sent an email asking for extra credit, or make-ups to my professor. There's no response yet, but that's pretty reasonable.
If I don't get a response in the next few days, I'll try disputing it.
I'm hoping I have good luck, too. I only was able to get in due to getting a scholarship for a few thousand dollars off tuition, there's a good chance I'll lose it if I don't fix this. I want to get out of the grades-are-everything mindset, but I can't afford it right now with these circumstances.
I have a video-meeting with the counselor set up now, it'll be about a month before she can see me.
Thank you all for the advice!

I'm quite surprised that they haven't adapted any changes in policy for this semester, but as @Hasssssuùuu said, you have a very strong case against any fail grades or to have this semester affect your scholarship. Especially since it was specifically the bad transition to online teaching that has affected your marks.

And the 'grades-are-everything' mindset can bring on a lot of stress and suck the joy out of learning. That mindset is drilled into our heads from primary/high school through standardised testing, rote learning, etc. Ultimately we go to university to learn and expand our knowledge and understanding of the world. When you truly enjoy what you're learning and have the curiosity to discover more (and you have a good teacher), the good grades come naturally. Of course, I understand that there is also the pressure to keep the scholarship.

It's really awesome that you're seeing the counselor. Do not stress about this because you have a very strong case on your side. I hope it all goes smoothly :hug:
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Mar 10, 2020

I'm so sorry to hear that quarantine has affected your ability to study. I'm a uni student too and it really is very difficult to learn content by yourself. Please don't beat yourself up over it. Uni is hard enough without your profs not teaching you the content they should be. What I find helpful is to set a 45 minute timer and tell myself I'll just study. Sometimes, I only study for 45 minuets a day but it's better than nothing. Inertia is a real pain when you have no motivation to do anything.
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