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Dec 12, 2022
Appreciate any advice. I don't use drugs never have and know nothing about if what I got from dark web vendor labeled as 600x synthetic China white is something that needs to be cooked to dissolve it. I come from healthcare and am used to our powders just dissolving straight in, this didn't, just clumped in little chunks in syringe.
It's a gram total of white powder. A junkie coworker was willing to try it after it came in mail to see if it was anything, let alone something that could kill me in the quantity I ordered. He snorted maybe 1/100th of what I have, just like a small pinches worth, and said he had a strong high. He's a semi regular user but probably more frequent than I knew. Definitely not no tolerance though, so I imagine in comparison me using all of it IV with no tolerance would work? I just don't know how to dissolve? Cook it? I have citric acid but how much to add?

I have a syringe pump set up to push it all. Just don't want it to clump/clog in the line and have me wake up especially just a brain damaged version or consciously drowning in vomit too out of it to move and alone. Or wake up sick and wind up dying from sepsis in icu because this stuff I put in my veins was just dirty ground up aspirin or something. Really trying to troubleshoot as much as I possibly can. Should I even order another gram possibly? From a different vendor? It was archetype through tor taxi browser, seller has 500 plus sales of it and mostly good reviews so I trusted it would do what I need it to. I just have no idea what the hell China white even is, from readings in this forum I determined it seemed the more reliable product to pursue if going through the dark web, as it seems more sure fire way to kill you than heroin, even if you don't know what percentage of it is fentanyl and it's just this obscure white powder… is it usually cocaine too or amphetamines/anything that would counteract the respiratory depression effects of the fentanyl/opiate whatever in the powder? I know I can't troubleshoot this the way we do euthanasias in vet med, but I'm trying to ensure this attempt doesn't end again with me waking up covered in vomit with my iv catheter thrashed out. I need this to be done.
In the states so I can't send it to a lab for testing for free, but I do have fentanyl and xylazine tests strips and it tested positive for fentanyl negative for xylazine.


Nov 25, 2023
You could run the solution through a syringe filter to remove all the particulates. Assuming the fentanyl in it is water soluble it would retain it's potency and be safe enough iv.