I've been diagnosed bipolar, lithium medicated,
I've been electroshocked in my head
I'm still available to get a job as a software automation guy, im not the best, but I dont SUCK, well a little bit...
but I got my own project and working on my own ideas too, maybe thats why im not the best at my JOB
Im still suffering from occasional desire to die, because I dont see a point in living,
today is monday, I've got to push myself to have a good day, it wont come easily, I need to pay the price, do things, then I feel good
I'm overcoming my fucking illness, or at least im managing it,,, at the moment... currently.. .doesnt mean Im 100% yet, although 100% should be possible
I cant change the past
I got no power over the past
But today I have the power to do things that can alter my state and help change my situation somehow
Its all in the mind, except some real phsycall disabilities or medical problems which the mind has no power on, I think.
Change your mind change your reality, and phrases like that sometimes really disturb me, because I can get to hate them!!