
Aug 18, 2020
Maybe this is simply the logic of the market and it is just consequent that companies act in such a way.

Today I saw an ad about the artist Sinead O'Connor who probably has committed suicide. I read the following it is a while ago maybe I don't remember all the details. But she said something like I want that my children have the full control and access to the money that my music will make after my death. Due to the fact she was well aware how much money record companies crop out of artists after their death. The artists often get a boost in popularity afterwards. And personally I have the feeling after suicides this effect might be even increased. I think I once watched a youtube video about David Foster Wallace and the Cobain factor. Jonathan Franzen implied that DFW chose suicide due to the fact he prefered the admiration of strangers in contrast to the love of his loved ones. Such an allegation is pretty tough. I once read German media writting that Franzen is simply envious about the attention DFW receives. I don't know them enough to really make a fair judgement.

I might be a hyporcrite in this instance. It is similar to a comparison DFW does in the Pale King (which I currently read) the people like to insult and complain about companies though they still buy their products. And in some ways this also applies to my behavior concerning the title of this thread. Maybe/ Probably I would have never read David's texts if he never committed suicide. However not in all aspects this comparison is fair. If he never committed suicide I would have never known he had major depression and suicidal thoughts over decades. It is just natural that if you are in my position that you want to read the thoughts of people who share a similar experience. Moreover I am very interested in people who really try to live but in the end they cannot escape their fate because this is pretty close to my experience with life.

I see many parallels between DFW and me (though he was way way smarter and better skilled). I can very much relate to his neuroticism and his imposter syndrome. His literature comforts me in my loneliness. I am not just reading him because he committed suicide. There are suicide cases where I barely can relate. But I often share their sadness. Though there are cases of 95 year old elderly having had a great life and who have a bitter sweet end after experiencing a joyful life. I absolutely cannot relate to that. Also solely due to the fact in contrast to them my chances to receive assisted suicide is ridiculously low.

I already listened to Linkin Park before Chester's death. Though I am not sure whether I would have listened to Lil Peep without his early death. Probably not because he might would have never been big enough so that I could learn about him. I am often too late concerning trends. And I am not enough into the music industry or literature world to hear about new promising artists. Usually I only hear about the big stars of the business just because I invest my usual time into other topics. I think it is just normal that ones time is limited. I seem to consume a lot of mainstream content in these instances. Maybe in one aspect I am different my interest emerges after their big first hype is over. I never heard of Lil Peep 2017-2021 despite the fact he got a lot of attention during that time period. So I am always very late on such trends and I am not sure why. For example the new Kendrick Lamar album I kind of liked DAMN but I always postpone to listen to his new album. And I am not sure why exactly.

Maybe the title of the thread is exaggerated. One member once told me my moral outrage for example to use the word disgusting all the time is questionable. I am not sure how bad the behavior of these companies really is. One could take Lil Peep as an example. Maybe it is not that horrible that he gained popularity after his death. Maybe this has more to do with the behavior of consumers of art.

"His name will live, brother
No, I got—, I feel hella shitty because it's like, yo
Like, if I would have known he was so cool
And it's like, yo, if I would have watched interviews
Sooner bro, we were so alike
It's unfortunate because it's like, yo when
People die, that's when we like 'em, you know?
'Cause your remorse kinda
Makes you check 'em out"

XXtentacion about Lil Peep after his death. However I think it is important to mention this. There was a song released Lil Peep featuring XXXtentacion which he probably would have never approved. The quote is from that song. There are several reasons for that for example the homophobia of XXXtentacion. But the mainstream comsumers loved the song and major success. And the companies got a lot of money out of it despite the fact it was a questionable move.

There is also a quote of Lil Tracy one of Peep's best friends in a song. "I know that life is unfair You have to die for them to care" It is probably a comment on the fact that the popularity of Peep became insane after his death. Personally I have huge respect for people who supported him from the beginning.

Though I wanted to say something else. Maybe the hype postmortem is not the worst. The way Peep was treated by his management prior to to his death might have been way worse. They gave him way too much drugs which probably played a major role in his death. He could not cope with the stress anymore and took more and more to numb himself. These artists are dead. Maybe they would have liked the attention that there is a legacy. Maybe this is irrelvant because they are dead. It seems insane for me that Franz Kafka never wanted that anyone reads his texts. The story is very interesting but this thread is already long as fuck. Maybe it is more important what happens prior to one's death. On the other hand the love one's probably should have a right to determine what happens to the art of an artist to a certain extent after their death.

Another topic would be how media companies for example the yellow press uses such tragedies for clickbait. You can also see such videos on youtube. Though I should really end it here.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Van Gogh fits very well with this theory also. It's debatable whether he would have become so posthumously successful if he hadn't had such a tragic life. From what I've heard, it's debatable whether he did even commit suicide. Still- his dodgy doctor and his son seemed to do very well out of him and the story they cultured around him. There is even speculation of them forging work.

I agree though- it's pretty tasteless when other people profit off of any tragedy. Still- like you observed, we are fascinated by death I suppose. The whole- getting into someone's head the few days they had before they took their own life. In some Artist's work, I think you can definitely sense it. Mark Rothko's final paintings felt very oppressive.
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