Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
So, I know this is going to sound kooky to a lot of people but it's difficult to deny something you have experienced yourself (or at least- believe you have experienced).

Has anyone had a dream that came true? Not in terms of- you always wanted to be a vet or see Niagra Falls and it happened. I mean a snippet of a dream that then happened in real life?

I have and it was such an odd experience. It was such a banal event too and probably happened in under a minute. I guess I was around 11 or 12 and we were at a school fate. My step Mum and sibling went off to look around the various stalls and they came back with two jewelry boxes and this was the bit I dreamt- one had a jade green elephant, the other, a jade green dog. That was it- that was the only part I dreamt- but when they did it in real life- I REALLY wanted to say- 'you have an elephant and you have a dog' but I was too stunned and confused.

I don't feel like it was deja vu- which I believe they can explain by the brain catching up on itself type thing. This was DEFINITELY something I remember dreaming. I don't know. Maybe there is an explanation for it. I know our brains can play tricks on us.

Still, now and again it pops into my head and I start questioning things like linear time, fate, destiny etc. I was just wondering what other people thought and if anyone else has any 'spooky' experiences they want to share. We are nearing Halloween afterall...
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Yes, that's why I'm a determinist. The brain doesn't have that much capacity for deception. It's just all happened already.
Si, per això soc determinista. El cervell no te tanta capacitat d'engany. Simplement tot ha passat ja.
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