
Aug 4, 2022
Idk what to think…
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I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.
Dec 3, 2019
Life feels like a punishment in of it's self.

I honestly don't think so. For there to be punishment there would have to be a judge. What standard would that judge use? How could they be a just judge and allow so much evil in this life?
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Mar 15, 2019
If possible, I would instead try my best to punish whoever is trying to punish us, after death. Because seems like we were already being punished while being alive. So if even after death, we are still being further punished, then obviously there is some very crazy enemy that is constantly against us for absolutely no reason at all

Which means we are just being bullied non-stop. So at that point, it would be time to finally fight back and revenge (I wish, lol)
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Aug 4, 2022
Life feels like a punishment in of it's self.

I honestly don't think so. For there to be punishment there would have to be a judge. What standard would that judge use? How could they be a just judge and allow so much evil in this life?
Thanks Socrates, I miss you. Lol
If possible, I would instead try my best to punish whoever is trying to punish us, after death. Because seems like we were already being punished while being alive. So if even after death, we are still being further punished, then obviously there is some very crazy enemy that is constantly against us for absolutely no reason at all

Which means we are just being bullied non-stop. So at that point, it would be time to finally fight back and revenge (I wish, lol)
Do you think there is life after death?
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If you want, you can talk to me about anything
Jul 17, 2023
I sometimes think about it too. Even though I'm not religious, I wonder what if all this burning hell stuff it true. It makes me scared, because it means that there is really no escape, and what feels like an escape may just be a trap
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Jan 23, 2024
Even if there is one, it won't change that I'm not comfortable here so whatever punishment there is it's not a reason to act like this is the good part.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
I choose to believe there won't be any even though I was raised being taught otherwise. No one can say with 100% certainty but I don't really see the point in punishment for finding a life so hard and deciding to leave this life that you never agreed to nor chose in the first place. I guess what ever happens there is only one way of finding out.
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Jan 17, 2024
I bloody hope not.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I very strongly believe death to just be nothing more than an eternal and dreamless sleep where all is finally forgotten about which to me is all that's desirable and is why I find so much comfort in ceasing to exist. I don't believe in anything related to religion and I see it as all being fictional, invented by humans who were unable to accept that they are slowly dying in this meaningless existence destined for nothing and nowhere.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I very strongly believe death to just be nothing more than an eternal and dreamless sleep where all is finally forgotten about which to me is all that's desirable and is why I find so much comfort in ceasing to exist. I don't believe in anything related to religion and I see it as all being fictional, invented by humans who were unable to accept that they are slowly dying in this meaningless existence destined for nothing and nowhere.
I believe the same. It seems like consciousness is linked to the brain and, after death, the brain stops works and hence cannot perceive, feel, sense anything etc. You are spot on and very succinct when describing religion. I believe that after death is permanent non existence and permanent non existence scares a lot of people for some reason that I can't comprehend. For me, however, non existence permanently is so blissful
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Life feels like a punishment in of it's self.

I honestly don't think so. For there to be punishment there would have to be a judge. What standard would that judge use? How could they be a just judge and allow so much evil in this life?

Yeah, it would seem terribly unfair. I feel like we've been set up to fail. That's sadistic but then- look at the African eye worm. (Warning! Graphic details follow...) That survives by burrowing into the eye sockets of living creatures and eating their way out, making them blind. If that creator is our judge, I'd say we are all screwed. ☹️
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Dec 19, 2023
There's no way of knowing, honestly. You can look up books on different belief systems around the world and you'd get conflicting information for sure.
It's a topic i tried as much as i could to read up on, but wasn't that conclusive, either.
Some say there is. If so CTB means i'd burn in hell. Some say there isn't, and that life/existence is already hell. in which case I wanna go now, thanks for the experience. And for some there's nothingness.
The only thing I can say is it's up to the individual to decide.
In my case, i'm okay with the hell part, or at least that's what I told myself. Ready or not, here I come.
If it turns out i'm wrong and it's just a whole bunch of nothing, then yay!, i guess. Still better than here.
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Oct 17, 2023
Nobody knows what happens after death. I see no reason as to why there would be punishment after death. Same goes for non-existence. Non-existence is literally impossible, it's nothing, you cannot perceive or experience it. Even if non-existence is a thing, we came from nothing and became something, so why shouldn't the same happen after death? Of course, I hope that I don't end up here again after I ctb. That would be hell. I don't believe in religion. Heaven and hell obviously don't exist. But the fact that consciousness is still a mystery in this day and age, and cannot be found anywhere, strongly implies that it's non-physical. We don't really know anything about what life is supposed to be like, and probably never will. Earth is just a tiny grain of sand among millions of grains of sand in the universe. The size of the universe is so ridiculous that earth could blow up right now and it wouldn't even matter.
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Sep 3, 2018
As long as it involves getting away from my fucked up family forever I don't care what happens. Life is hell enough and ultimately what's one hell to trade for another?
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Dec 10, 2023
Was not being born enough of a punishment?
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Belief is the enemy of knowledge
Aug 20, 2023
Yes. Based on 1000s of accounts of NDEs. But not in the way people think. For example, if you are a child or animal abuser, you get to feel exactly what they felt from their perspective.
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Jan 18, 2024
No absolutely not. Death is a return to a state beyond good or bad, reward or punishment. Death does not judge, it is simply the way of life and the universe. It is everyone's fate. I believe that many of those battling depression, mental illness and suicidal thoughts are forced to dredge up more grit and bravery than most "normal" people. Even if it was choices earlier in life that contributed to current circumstances, it is simply a quirk of the human brain that it is stubborn about letting go of certain traumatic patterns. I believe that after death, you return to a state like you were pre-conception. Now as to what happens after that, I think it is beyond the human mind to comprehend. 🌠
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Aug 4, 2022
No absolutely not. Death is a return to a state beyond good or bad, reward or punishment. Death does not judge, it is simply the way of life and the universe. It is everyone's fate. I believe that many of those battling depression, mental illness and suicidal thoughts are forced to dredge up more grit and bravery than most "normal" people. Even if it was choices earlier in life that contributed to current circumstances, it is simply a quirk of the human brain that it is stubborn about letting go of certain traumatic patterns. I believe that after death, you return to a state like you were pre-conception. Now as to what happens after that, I think it is beyond the human mind to comprehend. 🌠
very well put, i agree
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Dec 9, 2023
I think trying to come up with guidelines for punishing people would be very hard for any deity (though I dont believe they exist anyways).

Let's use murder as an example. John (18) kills Adam (18) and it wasn't out of self defense, obviously John deserves punishment right? But what if John was poor and was paid to do it? More forgivable because of John's circumstances right? But what if John could've made that money from a harmless way but the alternative would've been harder so John did it simply because it's an easier way of making money? Also what if John was raised in a society where murder was encouraged and the concept of murder being bad never crossed his mind? Would it then be forgivable because despite him being old enough to make independent decisions, he was raised in an environment where murder was deeply engrained into his subconscious? and if it wasn't for money then what would be worse, John doing it for pleasure or John doing it out of such intense rage that he couldn't think straight? What if one of Adam's family members had killed a relative of John and it was revenge? In theory justice sounds comforting and I get why people want to believe in it since this world is full of cruelty but there's too many factors for there to ever be a truly fair deity judging how to punish and reward people.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I think the only punishment is having to reincarnate and do it all over again. Personally I hope that this is my last lifetime and that I'll never have to be human again. I'm looking for ways to escape the matrix and simulation, I heard that you could do it through lucid dreaming, astral projection, and meditation, as well as other ways. I won't be coming back to this planet!
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Aug 4, 2022
I think the only punishment is having to reincarnate and do it all over again. Personally I hope that this is my last lifetime and that I'll never have to be human again. I'm looking for ways to escape the matrix and simulation, I heard that you could do it through lucid dreaming, astral projection, and meditation, as well as other ways. I won't be coming back to this planet!
i heard that we get to decide, idk how true it is
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
No. I can understand the desire to believe that there is justice in some hidden spiritual realm, because there sure isn't any in the here and now.

But the universe has no obligation to be kind or fair or even comprehensible to a bunch of clothes-wearing, phone-obsessed great apes living on a watery rock in orbit around an obscure yellow star. The Occam's razor approach to the situation is that if death looks like the end of selfhood and consciousness, it actually is.

As Nabokov wrote: "The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Although the two are identical twins, man, as a rule, views the prenatal abyss with more calm than the one he is heading for."

I'm cool with non-existence—it's the actual dying process that scares me.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
None of us knows and will ever know before we are dead whether there is punishment after death or not.

Life is already such a big punishment sometimes. Why would there be even more punishment after the life is finally over? Even from a religious point of view that doesn't make really sense - at least not to me. Imo it's an invention of mans imagination that there is punishment after death when religions were invented.

I don't think there's punishment after death - there's nothing.

Dying is a natural process, everything dies one day even the universe itself.
Last edited:
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Jan 17, 2024
I hope not.
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Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
Yes, this world is punishment and prison. Souls are deprived of the senses of other dimensions but space and time. When the soul regains other senses, there will be enlightenment, being able to sense the full spectrum of light and regaining freedom. It's hard to say if death is the pathway, but indulgence in the material world is probably going against it.
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Mar 15, 2019
Yes, this world is punishment and prison. Souls are deprived of the senses of other dimensions but space and time. When the soul regains other senses, there will be enlightenment, being able to sense the full spectrum of light and regaining freedom. It's hard to say if death is the pathway, but indulgence in the material world is probably going against it.
I just wanted to say I love your name HOMO ERECTUS lol. Is it suppose to mean something??
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He is not even capable of committing suicide
Aug 19, 2023
my opinion

I doubt that anyone's almighty ass is interested in providing torture to some entity it created, I would rather believe that we are just NPCs from the galactic sims. Abrahamic religions are trash, because God in them looks too much like an ordinary insignificant person, and that's where all these punishments and other crap come from – they came up with it themselves. Maybe after death we become a geometric figure on a school board, who knows, there are too many options to choose one as more likely.
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There's nothing here..
Apr 30, 2023
My worst fear is when i die that some interdimensional being says "Hey time to be reborn" and throws me into another life.

I personally hope i can fight the bastard if such a thing happens, who knows guys?

I want the void, how is that so bad lol
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Oct 24, 2023
Not sure. Don't care. There is certainly punishment in life as we are all finding out - and the punishment was foe just being born/existing. Hell - life is so unfair and too worried about this punishment to bother thinking about if anything is to follow.

Apologies for being blunt - I think I need to stopped contributing to the threads this morning as just in a strange mood.

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