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Jan 6, 2024
Hi guys, I literally cannot die no matter what i do, im on attempt number 40 something and nothing seems to work so im coming here once again to ask for help. a very brief overview on me is that i currently live with my parents that know that i am "high risk" for suicide since ive been hospitalized for failed attempts 4 times so i cant order anything or go to somewhere to commit so i would need to be able to do it at home.

Any ways ive compiled a list of things that i can get my hands onto but idk how to make any of it an actually semi painless death so help is very needed
- Medication ( Tylenol, Seroquel, Buspar, lamotrigine, Benadryl, and maybe NyQuil but that's not 100% sure)
- compressed air
- sewing machine ( just incase i could make something to help if needed)
-most house hold cleaners
-bags & ropes etc

I will also like to add that i probably cant do anything that will leave scars or obvious evidence on my self if it happens to fail again ( I have been left with deep rope gashes one too many times from attempted hangings along with a whole face of petechia for 4 days unfortunately)

Ive looked at the resources mega thread and have attempted many of them to no avail, such as the night night method, shallow water black out, and partial suspension hanging.

i desperately need to die but i literally keep surviving everything... Im not even exaggerating ive taken 2 pong pong seeds, had two whole bottles of Benadryl, passed out while hanging from a noose due to compressed air and was out for 5 mins and woke up, injected 20 mLs of air into my veins & 1mL into the jugular vein, along with a painfully long laundry list of other attempts. Im sorry that this has kind of become a rant but please i beg of you, if you have any ideas please let me know ive never been more desperate in my life i wish i could do firearms but im not 21 so thats not an option. all i want is a way that i can finally just die without an extraordinarily long painful demise.

if you've made it this far thank you for reading and please, let me know if you have any ideas on what i could do ):
  • Hugs
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Global Mod
Jun 28, 2023
@wuaroi - I'm sorry that you've had to go through all of that. It was difficult to read about some of your past attempts.

Unfortunately, the site prohibits directly asking for methods, as anyone answering can be construed by authorities to be assisting a suicide.

I would suggest that you read through the various method megathreads to see if you can find your own pathway forward. You might try starting here:
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