I'm having a few problems to share the link, but there is a book called Peaceful Pill eHandbook, you should be able to find it in this forum or online. There are a few versions of this book, but in some of them, in the part that talks about N, there are a few mails of a person that is known for selling N, who is usually referred to as A. Anyway, I'm not sure if that person is still selling, but that's all the information that I'm able to give you right now. Also, keep in mind that N is expensive, since it's not entirely legal, and be careful with anyway trying to sell it, since there are scammers. There are many people in this forum that have shared their experiences buying N and SN, I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot of information here. So I would recommend looking for the book that I mentionned before and also the megathreads of SN and A. Get as much information as you can before buying anything