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Oct 14, 2023
Maybe I just have an overactive imagination, or have been influenced a lot by religion, but I constantly worry about things like "maybe demons are trying to get you to kill yourself" "if you were meant to kill yourself you wouldn't fear it" "the devil is tricking you to make you go to hell".

I really do want to die. If only I could know for sure this is just my imagination but I'm scared. My logic goes "if there's a God He allows so much suffering in this world, so why not in the next?"

And maybe I deserve to suffer? I don't know if that's true or not. I don't know what's real.
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Feb 24, 2024
I'm pretty sure SI is just what it is, an instinct every animal on this earth has in order to grow a population. While it made sense for the most part of human history, overcoming illnesses etc., it really doesn't mean anything nowadays. It's just your brain telling you not to end yourself, as you technically can help to keep the human lifeline, just like women's bodies tell us to get pregnant every month. Made sense when humanity was developing, doesn't make sense now when our morals and personal decisions are worth more than collective goals. I hope I made sense, it did in my head at least. So much for the logical aspect
As for religion, I grew up learning that god lets de devil control the earth until 'the end' comes, that's why he 'allows' Suffering. Yet the bible also forbids quiet a lot of things that genuinely makes me happy. For the time I still believed in god, I always thought, he couldn't possibly be mad at me for doing things that make me happy. So therefore I can't believe in a god that would judge you for not being strong enough to go through all of this bullshit. Either he is good and loves you and respects your decisions to be happy, or he can't be that good of a god. That's how I used to think about god. Loved him, hated the bible.
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New Member
Jun 9, 2024
This is just my opinion. I think that judging by the spordic and unpredictable natures of suffering in our world, I don't believe there's a God. There is a lot of thing in our world you can't really explain with religion, like why is there so much inequality, suffering, pain, etc in our world but you can explain by simply suggesting a random world, without any 'divine interference'. I really don't know what I'm going on about, but I do truly believe that there isn't any afterlife and even if there is one you're just re-rolling a dice, a dice to decide if you will be fortunate or not. I believe that if someone kills themselves, they won't be there feeling the regret of killing themselves. Once it's done, its over, and you won't be in any pain, sadness, or mourning, and you'll just be nothing anymore, which I think is much better than even eternal happiness.


Jun 20, 2023
There is no God (not one whose existence is pragmatically consequential, anyway). There's just Darwinism. You evolved neurobiologically just like you evolved physically—to stay alive. That's why SI exists. The concept of hell is a human invention—in fact, the concept of the Abrahamic hell was based on a physical place in Jerusalem—nothing otherworldly about it.
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Jun 8, 2024
You can interpret it however you like, most logical being that your brain (which is your driving force) does want to survive more than it wants to die. Deep down on a subconscious level you want to live but can't help the feelings of wanting to die even if you convince yourself it's the best option. It SI wasn't there, a lot more people would be dead but thankfully (or not depending who you ask) we are made to survive and endure trauma and emotional pain
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May 29, 2024
"There is no God". Maybe. Idk. But what about Demons and other malevolent enties? What are they up to? Tempting us, possessing us, tricking us? I ain't worried about God.
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Nov 4, 2023
There is a God and I do believe oppression is a real thing. God absolutely does not want you to suffer in this life or the next. But until Jesus comes back and we are with Him, there will be suffering in this world. All I can recommend is to do your own research. No one can make up your mind for you. I do believe that SI is there to help us not act impulsively. You absolutely do NOT deserve to suffer, especially in the afterlife. That is why He has given us a way to avoid that.
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