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Aug 18, 2020
The bible is very controversial. There are not a few atheists who argue that the bible in fact contains a lot of wisdom and was written by some very smart people. Here are some pro and con arguments:

I am very exhausted. I woke up 4 or 5 a.m. and cried pretty heavy today. I thought about never finding a gf and I looked up the courses of my next semester. I could throw up thinking about it.
So chatGPT will assist me in this task this evening.

The Bible, as a collection of ancient texts, has been revered for centuries and continues to be a subject of deep study and reflection. Let's explore five pros and five cons regarding whether it contains wisdom and was written by smart people:


1. Rich Wisdom Literature:

The Bible includes the Wisdom Books, such as Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. These contain beautifully-written sections that offer practical advice, insights, and reflections on life, morality, and God's ways1.

Proverbs, in particular, provides short, memorable insights on wise living and discernment.

2. Diverse Emotions and Experiences:

The Psalms cover a wide range of human emotions, including praise, doubt, repentance, and joy. They resonate with people across cultures and ages1.

The Bible acknowledges the complexities of human existence and doesn't shy away from addressing suffering, doubt, and existential questions.

3. Unique Perspectives:

Ecclesiastes offers a thought-provoking exploration of life's meaning. While it can seem cynical, it ultimately emphasizes living in obedience to God1.

Song of Songs celebrates love and sexuality, providing a unique perspective within the Bible. (-> sexuality just shows how distorted many modern interpretations of the bible are)

4. Historical and Cultural Significance:

The Bible has profoundly influenced art, literature, music, and Western civilization. Its impact on culture and history cannot be overstated.

It reflects the beliefs, struggles, and aspirations of ancient communities, making it a valuable historical document.

5. Spiritual Guidance:

For believers, the Bible serves as a guide for faith, morality, and spiritual growth. It offers comfort, encouragement, and hope.

Many find solace in its teachings during challenging times.


1. Challenging Language and Context:

The Bible was written in ancient languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek) and reflects cultural contexts vastly different from our own.

Some passages are hard to interpret due to poetic language, metaphors, and historical references.

2. Contradictions and Interpretations:

Different parts of the Bible sometimes appear contradictory, leading to varying interpretations.

Interpretive disagreements have led to denominational divisions and theological debates.

3. Problematic Passages:

The Bible contains passages that raise ethical concerns, such as violence, misogyny, and slavery.

Critics argue that these passages reflect the cultural norms of their time but may not align with modern values.

4. Authorship and Historical Accuracy:

While attributed to various authors (e.g., Moses, David, Solomon), authorship remains debated.

Some scholars question the historical accuracy of certain events described in the Bible.

5. Exclusivity and Intolerance:

The Bible claims exclusivity as the Word of God, which can lead to religious intolerance.

Its teachings on salvation and morality may conflict with secular or pluralistic perspectives.

In summary, the Bible is a complex and multifaceted text, cherished by believers and studied by scholars alike. Its wisdom, historical context, and impact continue to shape our world. Whether one views it as a book of profound wisdom or a product of its time depends on individual perspectives and beliefs.

OP again. I think the bible also get instrumentalized by many dogmatics. Jesus was more or less a communist before communism was a thing. And now the deeply religious people act like Reagonomics was one of the 10 commandments. I think in the bible there is no comdemnation of suicide as an unforgivable sin. That is just another lie they tell us.

I think the bible was written by some very smart people. The success sort of proves that (maybe). However I don't believe in the bible. I especially dislike the christian sole validity claim. I think they might not be the right translation. Many religions claim that they and only they preach the sole possible truth. There are some religions that don't claim something like that and I have way more sympathy for them.

I think there are a lot of things to learn from the bible. And not a few people who studied the bible or Torah have benefited from it. For example better reading skills or and gained a higher education which helped to become successful.
However the obivous thing: Religious indoctrination harms. Not only individuals also whole societies and can truely be a poison. But not everything is totally black and white. I am pretty glad that Germany is more secular than the US. However there are many semi-religious organizations that do important volunteer work for example for poor or homeless people.
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Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
I started reading the Bible once. Got to the part where the two sisters got their dad drunk and fucked him. That was enough Bible for me.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I think that the Bible is just a bunch of allegories. I heard that some of the parables are useful if you want to learn how to be a "good", "moral", and "upstanding" person. I've never read it though. I also dislike how members of a certain religion believe that only their religion and truth is correct. I also believe that religious indoctrination is harmful. The thing I dislike the most is how people try to convert others and force their religion upon others, as if their religion is superior. Personally, I'm against organized religion and I believe that the church and state should be separate.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think that the Bible is just a bunch of allegories. I heard that some of the parables are useful if you want to learn how to be a "good", "moral", and "upstanding" person. I've never read it though. I also dislike how members of a certain religion believe that only their religion and truth is correct. I also believe that religious indoctrination is harmful. The thing I dislike the most is how people try to convert others and force their religion upon others, as if their religion is superior. Personally, I'm against organized religion and I believe that the church and state should be separate.

I agree with you. I think it has both good and bad elements to it. I do love Ricky Gervais's comments on religion...

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Ignorance is bliss
Jun 27, 2023
I find it interesting that even in the bible there are people suiciding.

Just that noone ever talks about it. Somewhere deep inside i have this feeling of guilt and taking myself too improtant if I think of suiciding.Guess these thoughts are very explainable through our Christian influenced society/thinking and history but it shows that humans just filter out what they like and what suits them most (to suppress others?).
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Oct 1, 2020
I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
- 1 Timothy 2:12
Brilliant wisdom, lol
  • Hmph!
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
I find religions both wise and completely deranged. Some parts of them make sense to me, others not so much.
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