
Aug 18, 2020
Honestly I barely know anything. Especially on data and technology I am a complete noob. A great example for that was my ignorant thread about ChatGPT I think underestimated that AI a lot. Today I heard someone comparing it to the development of the first smartphone. So don't listen to me on such topics. So this was now a very good commercial to continue reading this thread. I insert some self-hatred with some self-deprecating remarks and you can get the attention of other people. I recognize people really like when someone pretends to underestimate his intelligence. The people like humbleness even if it is only acted. I think many people complimented me for being lucid. These jokes about myself are only a small part of that. In reality it is all way more self-obsessed and has many meta-levels. So in fact it is very insular and narcissistic. But there is always only a small layer of self-awareness that one should show other people. Otherwise people will start to recognize how obsessed one is with the way other people perceive oneself. So this was kind of off-topic. I wanted to integrate some witty thoughts to my half-knowledge on data and IT.

I think I underestimate how important data security is. I am very strict on data when you can identify me with it. My biggest flaw in this instance is writing here daily in this forum. But here I have to pay with data. I could not even pay with money. So I get relief from mental torment even if it is only a small dosage. It is almost priceless. But I try to be careful about information that could identify me.

On data which is separated from my real identity I am too careless. I am not even sure whether they are really anonymized. Other people have way more knowledge on that.
I mean with that for example cookies, websites where I enter fake IDs, data to personalize ads etc.

I have some friends who say. "I have ethical concerns about ad-blockers." I am not that concerned about that. I am kind of selfish there are many reasons for that. I was raised to get a material advantage to others. I have a fucked up life and probably need to ctb because of poverty. Why should I give people something back? I was bullied, people metaphorically spit in my face, was abused by so many. I don't have much trust in humankind. So I am chasing my own advantage. I know exactly this mentality is the reason why welfare is so fucked and will kill me. But it gives me a little bit of comfort not to pay anything back to the people who fucked my life. They can pay for all my medical bills. Honestly when I look at people like me I am not surprised that the German health insurances barely have any money. Germany is close to imploding. We are economically very fucked. We are way too gas and China dependent.

I know again very related to the issue.
Here a link to a source that acutally talks about the topic and that is more competent than me.

I think many would agree data is a very important (maybe the most important?) currency on the internet. I love the internet. And I am very glad that I can pay with data and not with money. I think many people would call this stupid. In some instances you are right. I changed the messenger for example because I don't want to pay with my data in this instance.

But I am very self-disciplined and I am more immune to ads than most other people. I think for average or especially affluent people paying with data is very detrimental. I could imagine most people pay in the end more when Amazon baits them with a new smartphone, smart-watch or other stuff they don't really need. I think I am not immune to marketing tricks. For example sale discounts sometimes trick me. Though I am very strict on money. And I often ruminate a lot before buying something. Especially when it is expensive. I usually do a lot of research to compare prices and usually buy products used. When I see how average people decide to buy a new product I am kind of different to them. I am extremely anxious about poverty. I tried to become more friendly towards myself. I even simulated poverty in the past. But gladly I stopped that. It would not prevent my suicide anyway.

I don't care whether Amazon shows me personalized ads or not. On youtube my favorite platform I block every ad. And on other websites I try to block ads as good as possible. I use different legal means to avoid ads, bypass paywalls (for some websites you just have to delete cookies lol) etc.

I usually insert fake names on websites. I barely give my real data. I use VPN and some anti-track extensions. Though I think people who have more knowledge would see many things to improve.

I am very glad I don't have to pay with money to use some online services. I try to save as much money as possible. I think for people like me who don't have much money and are good concerning impulse control this deal paying with data has a lot of advantages. I play some F2P games or games with gacha elements. I don't spend any money on it. Maybe it is questionable to support shit like that because they exploit other people. But I have to say there are some high quality games that I can use for free. This might be a parable to my approach on data. With impulse control you can try to trick the system.

Maybe I would change my take on it when I had more knowledge. So feel free to lecture me. I read some websites use dynamix prices online and other nasty tricks.

Here is another article that portays another stance on it.

I think they advocate for another world. A world in which privacy should be priceless. I can understand the position. Maybe such a world would be way better. And I might support changes into that direction. Though for now this is rather utopia. I cannot influence the world in that direction. I cannot even get a stable income. So I try to work with the environment how it currently is. And there are many good tricks to save money with the internet. So for me there are currently enough advantages to defend the internet.

What is your take on this way too long and meandering thread?
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Nov 26, 2020
I think it will be short lived as AI can now produce its own data points and train off that. Human data will become less necessary as the years pass.

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