

Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I can't relate to most popular uplifting music, it actually makes me feel lonelier and more depressed.

I made myself a TheirTube music playlist and it's either post-/punk, emo, rap or electronic but always with the sad element or at least energizing tunes that evoke rebelling against a miserable existence. The only oddities are some soul tracks that are just very good music despite the joyful tone.
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May 23, 2022
same i listen to those generes also. and yeah i cant relate to anything that isnt sad or angry.
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Jun 15, 2022
I think in a way it does. When you listen to any specific type of music, your mind reacts to it, so in a sense music is like a booster for your feeling?
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
I can't relate to uplifting music either. If it sounds overly happy, it just sounds fake to me, like the artist, band, or whatever is just pretending to be happy. Also can't stand sappy love songs either.

The only time I don't listen to something that's all doom and gloom is if it's comedic, like Weird Al for instance. I like the dark humor that he has in a lot of his parodies lol.

I guess listening to darker music can be harmful for some people, but not when the uplifting stuff makes them feel worse, like it does for you. Listening to the music that you relate to the most can't be a bad thing.
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Jun 28, 2022
I think it's not always looking for the right songs... I like a lot of guys even if I'm depressed...

the best thing is to listen to a playlist at random and you know if you like it... sometimes you discover more of the lyrics (I listen in other languages to not understand so much)
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Apr 18, 2022
It probably depends on the person and how said music affects them. I don't think it would always be bad regardless, but I can see it sometimes exacerbating things. That's true of all music not just one particular genre though.
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Down in a Mirror
Feb 19, 2022
I think so... I used to listen to really intense and experimental music all the time. It felt cathartic at times, but I don't think it was good for my already fraying mental state. I indulge in this kind of music sometimes now, but more like a spice or condiment to more emotionally sober music.
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Mar 26, 2020
We connect with music at an emotional level. Often the music from one's youth connects strongest. There is a lot of music most are unfamiliar with that you might try to explore and see if you discover something helpful. You might also ask for recommendations and see if there is anything new to you. I might suggest considering;

25% of Jethro Tull
100% of the Moody Blues first six albums and 30% of the next two.
Gerry Raferty album City to City (the others don't seems to measure up)
Its a Beautiful day (first album)
Mason Profit (Two Hangmen album)
Renaissance (Carpet of the Sun)

For Harmonies;
Simon and Garfunkle
Mamas and Papas
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I think in a way it does. When you listen to any specific type of music, your mind reacts to it, so in a sense music is like a booster for your feeling?
It's a tricky situation because it seems to expose that sadness or anger has become our comfort zone... But in that case it IS our comfort zone, trying to go somewhere else might make things worse.

Like, I have 2k posts in this forum, right? In an ideal scenario for my mental health, I would leave the forum, but I probably can't relate to people thay arent sad, lonely or anxious. So it's an scenario of soothing yourself with poison. I know I'm not "winning", but I dont actually respect or covet much of what goes in society. I dont like winners in a society I think it's a clownshow. So I'm just around, pensive and insecure. Don't want to kill myself, but neither do I know what I really want outside of not having social anxiety or unrefreshing sleep.

I'm pretty dure thay if I ever change for the better my music gaste would change.
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Dec 27, 2021
I personally find uplifting songs even more depressing than sad ones. Happy songs are like a constant reminder that everything will be fine if I pretend it is. Or they give off the strange vibes like the time staff played Happy by Pharrell Williams during lunch in the ward.

No one was clapping.
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Jun 26, 2022
I guess. I used to listen to drill rap all the time and it made me more aggressive. You know they say too much of anything will kill you. So just try to make sure you're only listening when you need to let out emotions and stuff
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Jun 15, 2022
It's a tricky situation because it seems to expose that sadness or anger has become our comfort zone... But in that case it IS our comfort zone, trying to go somewhere else might make things worse.
Like, I have 2k posts in this forum, right? In an ideal scenario for my mental health, I would leave the forum, but I probably can't relate to people thay arent sad, lonely or anxious. So it's an scenario of soothing yourself with poison. I know I'm not "winning", but I dont actually respect or covet much of what goes in society. I dont like winners in a society I think it's a clownshow. So I'm just around, pensive and insecure. Don't want to kill myself, but neither do I know what I really want outside of not having social anxiety or unrefreshing sleep.
Yeah, I guess we are entitled to "like" some stuff that are not so positive. Most people just don't get used to the idea that some people like sadness, they thought like=positivity, which might not be true.
I'm pretty dure thay if I ever change for the better my music gaste would change.
Like changing to a different kind of food- food for thought! haha.
Cosmic dust

Cosmic dust

Among the stars
Feb 28, 2022
Sounds like the kind of thing someone would make a scientific study about, but I am too lazy to search for it now.

I can't relate to most popular uplifting music, it actually makes me feel lonelier and more depressed.

I made myself a TheirTube music playlist and it's either post-/punk, emo, rap or electronic but always with the sad element or at least energizing tunes that evoke rebelling against a miserable existence. The only oddities are some soul tracks that are just very good music despite the joyful tone.

I used to hate popular and/or uplifiting music too, most of them talked about things I couldn't relate, but I now realize that I hated it mostly because they all reminded me of "normal people" and my feeling of inadequacy. After some time I overcame most of that when it comes to music, music is just music. I can enjoy some more mainstream and uplifiting stuff now, just not everyday.

I have come to have some weird music taste, one day I am listening to popular rock bands, then in the next day some instrumental goth stuff based on vampires (like wtf?).
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Yes, I think so. Especially with music that contains lyrics, it can encourage rumination.

When I get in a mood and can't tolerate happy or uplifting music, I listen to somber instrumental music instead. Feels like a release to listen to that instead of running the rage treadmill.
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Sibyl Vane

Sibyl Vane

May 28, 2022
I guess it depends on the person and what underlying conditions they may have. I have a very unconventional musical taste but I never experienced negative emotions with any of them. If anything, the "extreme" music makes me calmer.


Dec 8, 2020
I can't relate to most popular uplifting music, it actually makes me feel lonelier and more depressed.

I made myself a TheirTube music playlist and it's either post-/punk, emo, rap or electronic but always with the sad element or at least energizing tunes that evoke rebelling against a miserable existence. The only oddities are some soul tracks that are just very good music despite the joyful tone.
A study found that for people with depression sad music actually has a positive effect on them. If your at a really low point in your life then it's not a bad thing at all to only listen to those kinds of songs. If you manage to become happy then those songs may be triggering but I don't see how your supposed to listen to upbeat music when you feel so shitty.
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Jul 26, 2022
Oh yes, definitely. I've removed most angry and violent music from my life. I used to listen to stuff like Deicide, Vital Remains, Megadeth, Slayer, Mobb Deep, old 90s Memphis rap (it's really dark and violent), DJ Tron, Tieum and other stuff. A wide variety of dark, macabre, and violent music didn't matter if it was metal, rap, or hardcore, as long as it was angry. It certainly had an effect on me. That was back when I was more head strong which is also interesting.
I've since started listening to more Vaporwave, video game music (yeah vgm is actually really good), and house music. And I don't notice the same negative feelings.
However, there are times when I find myself gravitating towards Chicago Drill Rap which is extremely violent and destructive. I think because of my situation I can resonate well with the anger of the music, I can relate to it as an outlet of frustration. Granted it's really bad for you seriously many of the people in that genre are dead or marked for death.
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Apr 2, 2019
I think if that's all you listen to it's not good. For a while I got pretty into mumble rap because it's just hilarious and was almost like comedy. Went well with video games.

But I definitely do have days where I start my morning with Ghostemane at like 8-9am and although in the moment I'm pissed I feel like it does help if it's occasionally and not all I listen to.
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I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
I think if that's all you listen to it's not good. For a while I got pretty into mumble rap because it's just hilarious and was almost like comedy. Went well with video games.

But I definitely do have days where I start my morning with Ghostemane at like 8-9am and although in the moment I'm pissed I feel like it does help if it's occasionally and not all I listen to.

But not all the same with your profile pic is it? I can look at it all day, and will remember too when something goes in flames


Jan 4, 2022
It probably depends on how deeply you resonate with music emotionally. Dark postpunk and melancholic dreampop are of the few 'joys' I have left in life. I listen for the atmosphere, though my taste seems to be an extension of my personality.

If it's cathartic or enjoyable, I don't know that removing it would help, considering there's an underlying problem for being angry or sad.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
It probably depends on how deeply you resonate with music emotionally. Dark postpunk and melancholic dreampop are of the few 'joys' I have left in life. I listen for the atmosphere, though my taste seems to be an extension of my personality.

If it's cathartic or enjoyable, I don't know that removing it would help, considering there's an underlying problem for being angry or sad.

Is this song part of those categories?

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Aug 27, 2022
Whatever makes you feel something is good. There's nothing wrong with music being therapeutic in whatever way you find it to be.
I can't relate to most popular uplifting music, it actually makes me feel lonelier and more depressed.

I made myself a TheirTube music playlist and it's either post-/punk, emo, rap or electronic but always with the sad element or at least energizing tunes that evoke rebelling against a miserable existence. The only oddities are some soul tracks that are just very good music despite the joyful tone
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Jan 4, 2022
Is this song part of those categories?

I like this. Thanks for sharing; it's definitely reminiscent of the genres I listen to. While I'm a bit of a purist in my definition of 'postpunk' specifically, I wouldn't be surprised if either are an influence on this artist's current singles. The atmosphere is great.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I like this. Thanks for sharing; it's definitely reminiscent of the genres I listen to. While I'm a bit of a purist in my definition of 'postpunk' specifically, I wouldn't be surprised if either are an influence on this artist's current singles. The atmosphere is great.
Post some of your favorites here. Only sad or angry music! 😜
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Jan 4, 2022
Warning: I'm stuck in the 80s, but it's for a good reason.

In A Lonely Place ~ I didn't want to be a basic bitch with JD, but I love this demo too much not to recommend.

Permanent Sleep ~ melancholic dreampop

Winter ~ The Sound is usually depressing and spacious, sometimes with punk energy

Permafrost ~ Laid back tempo, but it has angry vibes. Either way it's an incredible song. Magazine is very sharp and slept on.

Watch me Bleed ~ Brooding synthpop from a flawless album.

I tried for variety, though I'm not sure I succeeded. The list is endless. Enjoy!
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Jul 15, 2022
This music brings out my deepest feelings and thoughts: I want to die.


Jul 8, 2018
I honestly dont think so.. Its an expression of my emotions and when I feel bad or going through some dark stuff it helps to know I am not the only one in the universe this has happened to.. With all those normies roaming around one easily gets the impression they're the only one in a bad place.


Oct 5, 2022
It depends on what the music does to you. Sad music can make you feel less alone in your feelings, but it can just as well make you ruminate and make it harder to see past them.


Oct 30, 2023
I can't relate to most popular uplifting music, it actually makes me feel lonelier and more depressed.

I made myself a TheirTube music playlist and it's either post-/punk, emo, rap or electronic but always with the sad element or at least energizing tunes that evoke rebelling against a miserable existence. The only oddities are some soul tracks that are just very good music despite the joyful tone.
I don't blame you I literally listened to suicideboys for a while
But 50s doowap and Irish folk songs rock my shit
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New Member
Oct 25, 2023
Listening to pop icons like Taylor Swift and The Weekend makes me more suicidal than actual suicide music

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