
Sep 3, 2018
Regarding death, if there's nothing and I believe so then doesn't that mean even though we all crave peacefulness there will be literally nothing you nor I can do about it once you cross? Plus it seems weird, I especially want the void to take me away but at the same time I have a hard understanding as to what I really want when confronting death. Like if this one life is all we will ever have and as soon as we die, POOF, no more consciousness then it'll be like we were never here to begin with. I don't know what's worse living forever or being dead forever. I sometimes feel like a ghost in a machine not understanding wtf is going on. All we have experienced is this twisted reality yet we crave oblivion, or atleast some of us do. All this wanting for death and yet we'll never experience what death is like or be aware of it. We will be no more and this life is but a disruption between two eternities. Whether you can accept this or not is up to you but I wholeheartedly feel indifferent about everything about it all. I guess that's why Camus said it is all absurd. It's just a fucked up situation all around, we were forced into these bodies as though it's a bad rpg game and displays total randomness and apathy. We are forced to make the decision ourselves to want to end this charade with no help at all. We only have two or so options with this reality: live or die, take it or leave it. We are slaves to life and death, trapped and woven together to create shadows and dust.
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Aug 20, 2018
i remember reading something like this imagine death as how u felt before being born.hope it helps (:
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Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
Regarding death, if there's nothing and I believe so then doesn't that mean even though we all crave peacefulness there will be literally nothing you nor I can do about it once you cross? Plus it seems weird, I especially want the void to take me away but at the same time I have a hard understanding as to what I really want when confronting death. Like if this one life is all we will ever have and as soon as we die, POOF, no more consciousness then it'll be like we were never here to begin with. I sometimes feel like a ghost in a machine not understanding wtf is going on. All we have experienced is this twisted reality yet we crave oblivion, or atleast some of us do. All this wanting for death and yet we'll never experience what death is like or be aware of it. We will be no more and this life is but a disruption between two eternities. Whether you can accept this or not is up to you but I wholeheartedly feel indifferent about everything about it all. I guess that's why Camus said it is all absurd.

To be honest, I don't think the analogies drawn from the Myth of Sisyphus to the human condition don't really hold up well enough to consider the absurdist way of living desirable. The survival instinct seems to be the closest thing to matching the eternal nature of Sisyphus' condition, but I guess that this site itself has enough instances of people disregarding it for it to merit a more thorough analysis that what it has received. However, it does serve as a good counterpoint to suicide for pro-lifers to parrot when they don't understand exactly how it pans out in the human context.
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Sep 3, 2018
I've heard that so many times. I understand the concept and accept that is what death is like. Like I said life is but a disruption between two eternities. All I'm blabbering about is how/why/what when confronting this reality. Like what gives? Why are we fucking here just to live this life? I know you don't know nor do I just want to be able to atleast understand the suffering and pointless of it all. It's all just total randomness and entropy.
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Aug 4, 2018
It doesn't matter whether you call it pointless or not, the point is that there would be no "you" to be bothered by whatever label you put into it, that's the point, which makes it absolutely not pointless.

The labels and qualifications doesn't matter because what we seek through suicide is precisely to discard the possibility to be concerned or bothered by them. What makes the pointlesness of life disturbing isn't just the fact that is objectively pointless, but that we are conscious of it, death destroys consciousness, therefore for someone seeking that as a goal, it can't by definition be pointless. It can be pointless only for someone seeking a positive state of comfort, that's only what the most naive suicidal seek, most of us seek to be free of seeking, of states, of the "me" that makes those sentences and states possible to begin with.
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Sep 3, 2018
To be honest, I don't think the analogies drawn from the Myth of Sisyphus to the human condition don't really hold up well enough to consider the absurdist way of living desirable. The survival instinct seems to be the closest thing to matching the eternal nature of Sisyphus' condition, but I guess that this site itself has enough instances of people disregarding it for it to merit a more thorough analysis that what it has received. However, it does serve as a good counterpoint to suicide for pro-lifers to parrot when they don't understand exactly how it pans out in the human context.
I didn't mention the Myth of Sisyphus. I only entertain Camus' idea of how absurd this reality is and how it thrust upon us a take it or leave it attitude. I am only thinking of metaphysics when regards with how fucked our situation is. Death is an absolute we crave but one which we'll never experience.
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Sep 3, 2018
It doesn't matter whether you call it pointless or not, the point is that there would be no "you" to be bothered by whatever label you put into it, that's the point, which makes it absolutely not pointless.

The labels and qualifications doesn't matter because what we seek through suicide is precisely to discard the possibility to be concerned or bothered by them. What makes the pointlesness of life disturbing isn't just the fact that is objectively pointless, but that we are conscious of it, death destroys consciousness, therefore for someone seeking that as a goal, it can't by definition be pointless. It can be pointless only for someone seeking a positive state of comfort, that's only what the most naive suicidal seek, most of us seek to be free of seeking, of states, of the "me" that makes those sentences and states possible to begin with.
Which I agree but at the time I feel indifferent about it. How am I supposed to feel about it? It's a numb racking feeling when I confront the void. All I was pointing out is that we are trapped within this body and then we'll be trapped forever in an aesthetic void. Of course you want your ego to vanish but I feel uncomfortable about it all especially since we never got to choose or control our own lives.
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Aug 4, 2018
Which I agree but at the time I feel indifferent about it. How am I supposed to feel about it? It's a numb racking feeling when I confront the void. All I was pointing out is that we are trapped within this body and then we'll be trapped forever in an aesthetic void. Of course you want your ego to vanish but I feel uncomfortable about it all especially since we never got to choose or control our own lives.

I understand perfectly what you mean, i was like that too. But now my disgust of life is so high that i long for oblivion without feeling any second thought.
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Sep 3, 2018
I understand perfectly what you mean, i was like that too. But now my disgust of life is so high that i long for oblivion without feeling any second thought.
You see that's my way of thinking most of the time but I feel just as disgusted by even accepting this. It makes me want to puke. I don't know how to feel about it but it's just feeling so real now especially since I want to end my life just as much as you do but I can't understand how I got to this place or why any of this charade even occurs. What I'm trying to say here basically is that I not only can't accept/understand this life but I can't even accept/understand death.
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Aug 31, 2018
I don't think it's pointless but could see why someone might think that way.

I've experienced nothingness before (have been put under a few times). It would be nice to have that for an eternity. No, I won't feel anymore pleasure, but suffering also goes out the window. I'll miss out on suffering and won't be able to give af about the other things I'll have missed out on.
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Aug 25, 2018
It's just a fucked up situation all around, we were forced into these bodies as though it's a bad rpg game and displays total randomness and apathy. We are forced to make the decision ourselves to want to end this charade with no help at all. We only have two or so options with this reality: live or die, take it or leave it.
I always think of life as a simulation game and that we're trapped in it but don't know how to turn it off.
But I think nothingness or non existence is way better than pain. Hell, I can't count how many times a day I wish I was unconscious, I need to turn my brain off. I want to leave this body. If the brain is just the software of the body, well I want to turn it off and end this faulty program to be honest. The only thing that sometimes scares me is that there could be something after death and that would suck. I actually crave nothingness. I want everything to just stop, just as if I never existed at all.
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Jul 9, 2018
Seems so:

The day of your death
Is better than the day of your
Birth better yet is to
Never be born at all.

The Bible
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⋔⊬ ☌⍜⎅, ⟟⏁´⌇ ⎎⎍⌰⌰ ⍜⎎ ⌿⍜⌰⟟☊⟒
Aug 17, 2018
Life is pointless. Accept it or leave it.
I needed a lot of time, sweat, energy, fear etc to accept that. And now it's easier for me to laugh about a lot of stupid shit like work, television humans in general...

We all gonna die. And thats Great for those who dont want to live. Not fast enough? Than suicide.

should i search for the meaning of death now? Lol NO! How would this help me in my situation??? Could I accept death easier? I dont think so.

Why not to accept it right now??? Accepting something that u cant change is a choice.

Brooding makes everything more difficult. It causes problems which didnt exist for u before u started thinking about them.
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Sep 3, 2018
Life is pointless. Accept it or leave it.
I needed a lot of time, sweat, energy, fear etc to accept that. And now it's easier for me to laugh about a lot of stupid shit like work, television humans in general...

We all gonna die. And thats Great for those who dont want to live. Not fast enough? Than suicide.

should i search for the meaning of death now? Lol NO! How would this help me in my situation??? Could I accept death easier? I dont think so.

Why not to accept it right now??? Accepting something that u cant change is a choice.

Brooding makes everything more difficult. It causes problems which didnt exist for u before u started thinking about them.
I've already accepted such premises but at the same time have a hard time understanding both life/death in its totality. Call me a pussy about it but hey atleast I can admit my fears. Such vigor in your belief of the void and yet you never had or will experience nothingness. All this want for death is paradoxical.
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Aug 21, 2018
i remember reading something like this imagine death as how u felt before being born.hope it helps (:
Exactly do you remember life before you got here? No? Well..there you have it, you will never know you existed. Try and find comfort in that...I know I do.
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Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
You see that's my way of thinking most of the time but I feel just as disgusted by even accepting this. It makes me want to puke. I don't know how to feel about it but it's just feeling so real now especially since I want to end my life just as much as you do but I can't understand how I got to this place or why any of this charade even occurs. What I'm trying to say here basically is that I not only can't accept/understand this life but I can't even accept/understand death.

What I find even more confusing is people who understand and ignore this facet of life. It makes me feel even more stupid, as if I'm incapable of grasping something that must be obvious, since they've evidently understood it.
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El revisionismo en castillano
Jul 16, 2018
Everything could be regarded as pointless, even the concept of meaning itself. Once you get it, it can be soon discarded in a pile of trash. Nonexistence has, though, the added benefit of being neither good (hence not forcing you to pursue perfection) nor bad.
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Soon to Die
Sep 4, 2018
Regarding death, if there's nothing and I believe so then doesn't that mean even though we all crave peacefulness there will be literally nothing you nor I can do about it once you cross? Plus it seems weird, I especially want the void to take me away but at the same time I have a hard understanding as to what I really want when confronting death. Like if this one life is all we will ever have and as soon as we die, POOF, no more consciousness then it'll be like we were never here to begin with. I don't know what's worse living forever or being dead forever. I sometimes feel like a ghost in a machine not understanding wtf is going on. All we have experienced is this twisted reality yet we crave oblivion, or atleast some of us do. All this wanting for death and yet we'll never experience what death is like or be aware of it. We will be no more and this life is but a disruption between two eternities. Whether you can accept this or not is up to you but I wholeheartedly feel indifferent about everything about it all. I guess that's why Camus said it is all absurd. It's just a fucked up situation all around, we were forced into these bodies as though it's a bad rpg game and displays total randomness and apathy. We are forced to make the decision ourselves to want to end this charade with no help at all. We only have two or so options with this reality: live or die, take it or leave it. We are slaves to life and death, trapped and woven together to create shadows and dust.
Yes it is
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