

Too p*ssy to end it, too suicidal to leave
Aug 17, 2018
I watch movies where the plot happens in the 80's in the USA and what I see is people with normal jobs, like primary school teacher in a small town living in a big home. I have a job that is supposed to be a little better than normal, and if I want to save some money at the end of the month, I have to live in a small room in a shared flat. I can't picture myself in a big house, except maybe if I win the lottery or just continue to live frugally for 20 years. Are the movies exaggerating? Or our generation has it way worse? (or am I really bad at negotiating a good salary/living a better life)? I'm starting to feel very defeated by life.
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Jan 6, 2020
Personally I think yes. But for me I feel like it has to do more with bad parenting. With how available technology is any kid can use it to their benefit but some can't/won't. I wish I knew how to live on my own but I don't but I'll have to soon. I think living is a bit worse than it was in the 80's or years ago.

(There is this incident that happened to me that could've and still might ruin my life (doubt it at this point) even though I was the victim and naive/young. I went to my parent to tell them what happened and they were unemphatic saying "I told you so". The incident has to do with the fact that my generation grows up in the age of technology. So many things I'm naive to.)
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
It's not your imagination people are getting poorer because of inflation over time. Basically we have been living under heavy regulations and dishonest money system so that's why people are getting poorer. Bad economic policies. Taxation. Endless wars. Governments destroy everything.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I don't know really. They're self obsessed so if some stranger on the internet disagrees with them about anything that's their whole day ruined. They are snowflakes to be honest. Doesn't mean they care about anyone else. Might do them some good if they did. Might do everyone some good because this sucks. I feel sorry for them in the sense their world used to be their street, their friends. Now they're jaded at 12. They're victims but not in the way they think
Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
Things are definitely getting harder. The kind of jobs you need for a 'good' standard of life require more training than they did a few decades ago, but the effort needed to get that training hasn't exactly decreased. My grandparents arrived here in the UK from poor backgrounds in Spain and Italy. With no real qualifications they still managed to get a house larger than what my family has managed with both my parents working full time in higher paid jobs than my grandparents.
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Self Saboteur
Jan 15, 2020
The root of all evil is....

Instant gratification
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Jun 16, 2020
I think it would be a fucking nightmare to grow up in this era. It was depressing enough when I had to do it in the 90s.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Yes. I feel sorry for kids. Life is harder for most, I believe. So it goes as society breaks down. Life was more fun and more innocent before the internet too. All the bad shit was still there, we just didn't know about it. Now you can find a corner of the internet that will cater to any depraved need and give validation to its normalcy.
And population growth and wealth disparity and blah blah blah #Malthusian Crisis #Holocene Extinction #Climate Destruction. That's just how the story goes.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Life is only going to get harder for everyone. This is definitely a sign of the times, but it's also been designed this way by our "dear leaders."
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Self Saboteur
Jan 15, 2020
Life is only going to get harder for everyone. This is definitely a sign of the times, but it's also been designed this way by our "dear leaders."

It's like a "push" to make the newer generation the successors but with more obstacles... for some (even most) it's just geared toward those who have family lineage to help out. All the people I see successful on my FB have mostly been handed the business from their family, or were given a shield while attending school. That's some white privilege if anything, but I don't believe that pertains to any white person. Just like not all black people are a problem or oppressed like the media makes it out to be.

And if we're going to be "fair" I've seen a lot of white people (living in the South) just hate on anyone that isn't white. So it doesn't just start and end with "black" people. If we're going to make this a thing to find more equality, then it should be geared toward other ethnicities as well so we all become the same essentially. Racism is ignorant to begin with, or maybe it's just my military mind (also wasn't raised that way, my cousins are black, and no that isn't an excuse to accept people) that you have to trust the person to your left/right to have your 6. That doesn't involve color or race, just simply a brotherhood of duty in what is right. Everyone wants to fight the good fight, no matter what the media tells you.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
It's like a "push" to make the newer generation the successors but with more obstacles... for some (even most) it's just geared toward those who have family lineage to help out. All the people I see successful on my FB have mostly been handed the business from their family, or were given a shield while attending school. That's some white privilege if anything, but I don't believe that pertains to any white person. Just like not all black people are a problem or oppressed like the media makes it out to be.
I don't think it's a push as much as it's a contraction. I feel like greed has made them see that they can take more then they used to.
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Self Saboteur
Jan 15, 2020
I don't think it's a push as much as it's a contraction. I feel like greed has made them see that they can take more then they used to.

Yes ... this :) more so this.

Overall things are very fast these days, that's why I say "instant gratification" is the root of all evil now vs money. If it isn't 2 day shipping or an audio book (simple example) then people don't want it. Partly why the newer generation feels "entitled", they expect a lot more to be given. I'm somewhat part of that generation (I'm 27) but I learned the hard way and grew up on WIC and EBT, watching my mom struggle and grind.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Yes ... this :) more so this.

Overall things are very fast these days, that's why I say "instant gratification" is the root of all evil now vs money. If it isn't 2 day shipping or an audio book (simple example) then people don't want it. Partly why the newer generation feels "entitled", they expect a lot more to be given. I'm somewhat part of that generation (I'm 27) but I learned the hard way and grew up on WIC and EBT, watching my mom struggle and grind.
Lemme combine two old sayings, it makes so much sense. "Money is the root of all evil" "money makes the world go 'round."

Combine those two and you see that we live in an evil corrupt world. You almost have to abuse government welfare to survive nowadays.

I was working 3 jobs at one point and still qualified for gov programs. It's not like I had 20 kids either, only 2...
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
So I guess the root of all evil makes the world go round. :I
We try to pretend it doesn't but it does really. Harsh but fair.
Sidenote: I couldn't imagine growing up with social media. It's a hideous thing for a young person to have to endure. Adolescence was bad enough without it.
I'd quite happily go back to simpler technology and stay that way. Hahaha try going to Cornwall, no phone signal there to check Twitter.
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May 1, 2020
Things are definitely getting harder. The kind of jobs you need for a 'good' standard of life require more training than they did a few decades ago, but the effort needed to get that training hasn't exactly decreased. My grandparents arrived here in the UK from poor backgrounds in Spain and Italy. With no real qualifications they still managed to get a house larger than what my family has managed with both my parents working full time in higher paid jobs than my grandparents.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
As a millennial and someone who is nearing 30 years of age (will turn 30 later this year), the simple answer is yes, life is indeed harder for my generation, not just with respect to economics and employment (this is coming from someone who studied STEM in university btw), but also quality of life, social issues, and what not. Yes, the Internet has made life easier in ways, but also caused other drawbacks such as human connection, interaction, and what not. As an older member who I used to communicate with before he was gone, @TiredHorse once told me that as humans are physical creatures and we are still bound by our nature, we also crave a personal connection, the Internet has made social interaction and physical connectedness become more distant over time.
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Mar 22, 2019
Something to add is the introduction of social media. It has made us less connected. I grew up in the era of social media. It's tough to say but my generation is self-obsessed and less empathetic. I know first hand that when it comes to social networking/ making friends. You are judged by how many followers you have. This is stupid as followers are so irrelevant but for some reason, people place value in that.

I don't think it is our to direct fault. We just used the tools we were given (social media, phones) and so self-obsession is what we got. We are regularly thinking about what others are up to. There is also the fact of how sheltered we are. Everything now is censored and soft.

Also now you need to go to higher education eg college or trade to be successful. If you dropped out you're at a severe disadvantage. Getting jobs is very difficult.

Though I didn't grow up in the 80s so I don't know if things were easier or harder back then. But I think there are pros and cons of growing up in this generation.

So yes I do think things are getting harder for this generation.
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Enemy of the world
May 2, 2020
Yes. With all this climate change and resources becoming scarce things will get harder for the younger and newer generations. Many places are overcrowded and there's competition for nearly everything, especially for jobs. And to what use? Everything is getting more and more expensive, but the wages are the same or less,the amount and effort put into work is the same or higher even though we have the means necessary to lower the hours of work. You can't even afford a house without becoming a slave to the bank or having rich parents.
Plus, this pandemic situation taught us that unexpected things can happen ANYTIME that can change the life and the course of humanity.
Things are getting worse around the world: protests, conflicts, wars. Authoritarian ideologies are rising again.
There's also this possibility of a new world war. So yes, younger generations really have it harder.
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Apr 8, 2020
I am 23 female and I live in the UK. I am writing from my experiences from the UK. I am a child of immigrants too.

I have mixed view of things you will see as you go along why i think the way i do.

Every generation has it own struggle ,its own problems; its own trauma . Every generation is grieving

1939-1945: that generation lived through world war 2 today they still grieve for the loved ones loss
The 1980s generation lived through the aids epidemic
So many examples
For my generation it is covid 19

Every struggle is valid and should NOT be dismissed.

I hate this whole fight of my
" generation had it harder than yours"

I hate how our politicans and the media have created the boomer v milenial war. Dividing generations so irresponsible and we need to be looking to the future.

The answer really is It depends on what kind of young person you are whether you are a minority , LGBTQA , disabled etc and your social class as well.

There are pros and cons to each sistuatuon lets start with the pros .
The pros and cons are divied in to social, economic , class etc

Social Pros of being young today
- Young people today in the UK are more freer to explore same sex relationships and gender identity.
Celebrites , youtubers coming out is helping young people feep it is ok to be that way.
Generally the UK is accepting same sex relationships
Long time ago in the UK such exploaration or conversation was forbidden.
My parents come from a country in which homosexuality is illegal and gays have no rights. My parents think such laws are ok.
Homophobia still exists but being young LGBT in the UK it is lot than better than other countries.
If you are a person of colour and lgbt then life is very hard for you as such communites dont except lgbt people .

- Mental health: Young people are having more honest converations about mental health thanks to social media and celebries.

Previous generations it was taboo to talk about mental health/illness.
Personally i think if the older gerneration properly discussed mental health/illness and sucide in a non judgemental way i think we wouldnt have such a broken generation like we do .

- Young people today in europe, america and canada travel way more than older generations . My friends and people my age do backpacking.
-Women my age in the UK have more choice. We still have long way to go which is why i am a feminist.

If woman wants to be a doctor or a professor or business enterpruner she can be . In the UK more women go to university than men
Long time ago i would have been expected to be some house wife and a baby machine.

Socially we are more freer than previous generations . If you come from immigrant parents from the 3rd world like i do then you can understand why i make this point.

Social Cons
-Social media people are being judged harshly if they think differently
I see online black conversatives get called uncle tom or coon just because they have a different perspective from white and black liberals

Young People who posted something silly years ago are now being judged on that. No one is perfect and people change

- Online bullying and online sexual abuse has led to a lot of sucides amoung young people look at poor amanda todd

I have had conversations with young sister about how can she keep safe online, i warn her about certain websites she should avoid and i watch what she is doing on her laptop when we are downstairs watching tv.

Economically pros
- The internet has created opportunities for people sell products online through ebay and amazon
This never existed for previous generations who had to use a market stall to sell stuff
- Netlfix has allowed opportunites for peolple from all sorts of people to get involved in making films and share thier ideas. Look at the documentaries on netflix they have a range of interesting topics which is not seen on mainstream tv

-Every job demands ridicious experience even entry level
It is expensive to train employees and goverments are too lazy to invest in the young . Employers see no benefit to train young employees.
- Automation /AI is growing means less people will be needed to do certain jobs in the future.
Automation effects every industry.
Retail: self checkouts
Maunfacutring : robots doing the repetitive tasks in making stuff
Fianace: AI systems can process and analyse large amounts of data.
HSBC is cutting thousands of jobs and moving it online
Sex robots soon sex workers will not exist

- Irresponsible politicans ( nigel farage/donald trump) and the media blaming immigration for job losses
immigrants have more experience than young people which is why they get the jobs always.

-Increased retirment age means competiting with older people for jobs.
- Globalsation. Countries should trade together but every country should have thier own maunfacturing as well.

Economically young people are worse off this is due to poor decisions made by politicians over the years. Other factors are to blame over population , ageing population

In the UK if you are well connected , went private school and oxford or cambridge university then you can be anything. Finance , law , media , , ,politics tend to be dominated by those who went to oxford or cambridge

If not life will always be difficult and you will struggle. UK truly is a classict society not a meritrocracy.

Imcompentent people in jobs they should not be in all because of thier connections.

Work hard is a myth .

Personally i think parents are to blame. Parents have no idea and more importantly dont listen to thier chidren.

The same parents that get upset when thier child ctb they are same parents that never listened to thier child or sought help.
They blame this website( shawn shatto), the iphone but never look at themselves

I tell my younger sister she can tell me anything espically matters relating to mental health.
I look out for my sister

Parents have failed to teach young people how to navigate the world.

My parents taught me all about prayer and living it all to jesus. My family believe in everything happens for a reason.
I do believe in a god but i like my problems fixed and managed.

My parents never taught me how to cope and be an adult and dealing with this confusion in my life.

The biggest reason why i am going to kill myself is because adulthood and ageing absolutley terrifies me.

If i was helped to live, find a purpose and be adult i would not be here on this forum
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
While this generation in terms of technology has been a marvel to behold, there are still plenty of drawbacks to be found. The world as it is, is still a terrible dark place where everyone is only in it for themselves and have no problem stepping over others to serve their own ends. Of course there's also global warming, growing conflicts all over the globe, overpopulation to name a few. Everyone is always on their phone, nobody looks up to say hi anymore. We may have potential to create great things, but in turn we've become even colder and more hateful to one another. This life isn't worth the trouble.
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Apr 8, 2020
While this generation in terms of technology has been a marvel to behold, there are still plenty of drawbacks to be found. The world as it is, is still a terrible dark place where everyone is only in it for themselves and have no problem stepping over others to serve their own ends. Of course there's also global warming, growing conflicts all over the globe, overpopulation to name a few. Everyone is always on their phone, nobody looks up to say hi anymore. We may have potential to create great things, but in turn we've become even colder and more hateful to one another. This life isn't worth the trouble.
@Green Destiny
We can create great things you but the problem is people dont question things and tend to follow. The existence of fake news due to technology made it possible.

People my age i feel like are sheep i am sorry.
Black lives matter protests/ statue toppling.
People have a right to be angry and stuff but i believe someome unknown is benefiting from all this choas .

Every time i see a discussion on race on the tv i ask myself who really is benefting from all this?

As a black woman i see no benefit as we have been discussing race for years.

Race is heated topic in which no conseus will be agreed . All it does is cause division. . Watch every tv debate on race all you see is arguing , division .

Blm have won the election for tump as racists will come out in thier doves.

We are facing the worst recession ever and no one is providing solutions on how to fix this.
We have learn to live together otherwise we die


Aug 9, 2019
I watch movies where the plot happens in the 80's in the USA and what I see is people with normal jobs, like primary school teacher in a small town living in a big home. I have a job that is supposed to be a little better than normal, and if I want to save some money at the end of the month, I have to live in a small room in a shared flat. I can't picture myself in a big house, except maybe if I win the lottery or just continue to live frugally for 20 years. Are the movies exaggerating? Or our generation has it way worse? (or am I really bad at negotiating a good salary/living a better life)? I'm starting to feel very defeated by life.
The movies are exaggerating. In olden days there were many more miserable people then there are today, only because of social media do we finally get to know about people's miseries and then we think life must have been much better back then .
No way were the olden days better, Today, The life expectancy has gone up, treatment options have become much better, working hours have gone down , work environment has become safer, luxury items are more affordable.
so tired or manic

so tired or manic

Jun 12, 2020
covid has done the pleasure of destroying just about everyone financially. some people have been exceptions of course, there's always exceptions.

there's less food on the shelves because factories have to shut down when people get sick. they're changing the rules about food labels so they can incorporate products without having to list them which is a nightmare for anyone with food allergies.

I keep hoping rent will lower so I can move, but cost still keeps rising with the logic of people don't have the money they used to so now they must charge more to get more per sale.
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