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you dont have to understand to accept.
Feb 15, 2020
Im 18. young, i guess. in theory i have a lot going for me. family is well off. im okay at school. would be going to uni in october. but my life is f-king unbearable.

i wont go into details about why i hate my life because im not trying to be a sob story. unless any one asks questions, i'll answer if you do.

ive attempted about 3 times before and got really close about 5? in the last two years this is. as you can tell im terrible at going through with it.

im petrified about hurting other people. im even more petrified about an attempt going well but failing last minute and leaving me injured and making my life even worse and maybe even taking away my freedom to CTB.

i see no other choice but suicide, and yet i also see no way i could do it.
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Nov 10, 2019
Only you can decide if it's time, unfortunately. Sorry you're here :hug:
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
ive attempted about 3 times before and got really close about 5?

Was this a typo? If not, the odds seemed to be in favor of a successful ctb! (A little humor.)

I'm sorry you're struggling. It's true that only you can decide if it's time yet. Even if you listed everything that causes you to consider ctb, and every external and internal influence that would make it the right time, it's still a judgement call that only you can make.
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Just waiting....
Jan 21, 2020
Hey Love..sorry to see u here at such a young age..True, only u can determine..But we can listen and help u to make sense of whatever is going on in ur life..
What is it that's making ur life so unbearable?
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I'm back and I'll still smile for you
Dec 31, 2019
While it's definitely for you to decide in the end I'd say if you're having doubts because you're scared of hurting others then you probably aren't ready yet. You should be mentally beaten to the point where you don't care about what anyone else will feel or think when you go to do it otherwise I'd say you're doubting too much and should wait.
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Feb 6, 2020
You don't need to worry about sharing your story, no one will think you are spinning a sob story, you'll get no judgement here if you want to tell us what is driving this.
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Feb 10, 2020
I understand. It feels like you are in a state of limbo. Where you feel you are stuck and can't excape.
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Feb 15, 2020
I dont think that its your time, you decide when that is, i hope you stay

Please share whats on your mind, that may help
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you dont have to understand to accept.
Feb 15, 2020
Was this a typo? If not, the odds seemed to be in favor of a successful ctb! (A little humor.)

I'm sorry you're struggling. It's true that only you can decide if it's time yet. Even if you listed everything that causes you to consider ctb, and every external and internal influence that would make it the right time, it's still a judgement call that only you can make.

ahah i meant more that ive actually gone through with an attempt 3 times (which have failed), but ive been close to attempting at least 5 times if not more, in the sense that i've bought pills but not taken them, tied a noose but not used it, went to the train station but not jumped etc etc
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I try to be funny...
Jan 14, 2020
Im 18. young, i guess. in theory i have a lot going for me. family is well off. im okay at school. would be going to uni in october. but my life is f-king unbearable.

i wont go into details about why i hate my life because im not trying to be a sob story. unless any one asks questions, i'll answer if you do.

ive attempted about 3 times before and got really close about 5? in the last two years this is. as you can tell im terrible at going through with it.

im petrified about hurting other people. im even more petrified about an attempt going well but failing last minute and leaving me injured and making my life even worse and maybe even taking away my freedom to CTB.

i see no other choice but suicide, and yet i also see no way i could do it.

What's making your life unbearable?


you dont have to understand to accept.
Feb 15, 2020
What's making your life unbearable?

it's a long story because its not as simple to understand as say, being depressed over the death of a loved one, or being sexually abused etc. it's lots of small things that have massively fucked me up.

i will go into it, i just need some time to think about how to explain it and write it up, and it'll probably be a long post


I try to be funny...
Jan 14, 2020
it's a long story because its not as simple to understand as say, being depressed over the death of a loved one, or being sexually abused etc. it's lots of small things that have massively fucked me up.

i will go into it, i just need some time to think about how to explain it and write it up, and it'll probably be a long post

Take your time. I'll read it when you're done. I understand that allot of things piling up can affect you.


Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
No it isn't and I'm glad that was so easy or it would have put me in a difficult position


The Temporary Problem is Life
Oct 24, 2019
it's a long story because its not as simple to understand as say, being depressed over the death of a loved one, or being sexually abused etc. it's lots of small things that have massively fucked me up.

i will go into it, i just need some time to think about how to explain it and write it up, and it'll probably be a long post
It's not the big events but the unending trudge through the mire which beats you down. There are a lot of people here who can empathize with that.
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you dont have to understand to accept.
Feb 15, 2020
my life is supposed to be good at thats part of the problem. my mum and dad had me and my twin unplanned, and only got married because of her being pregnant. my family has a history of depression. my mum tried to OD as a teen. i suppose it runs in the family.

my family is full of mental health disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders, and yet my parents and grandparents are very intolerant of mine and my sister's. the ones my parents know about are my autism, depression and anxiety. they know about my gender dysphoria but refuse to believe it. what they dont know about is my ADD, my OSDD and my psychotic depression (idk if its called that but lets roll w it). My sister has OCD. my parents act as if we are terrible people for ever showing signs of these.

most of this is from my childhood. my emotions and my mental health problems. its small things. like getting locked in a spare bedroom if i wasnt asleep at a certain time, in a bed that made me have the biggest sensory overload and panic attack id ever had at that age (happened until i was 9 ish?)

my parents would put me down to make my sister feel better. my dad called me names and screamed in my face and threw things at me. he's called me a c*nt for as long as i can remember. he used to get a bit physical. his anger is terrifying. he's better nowadays, a bit, but its left me scarred. most of the instances i have repressed, so they are hard to remember.

my mother is manipulative and so is my nan. they abuse me emotionally and then turn it against me and make me out to be the terrible person. ive been told i ruin our family. ive been told so many horrible things. which she then denies and turns on me to make it seem like im lying and trying to hurt her. she uses money as an excuse to be cruel. because as long as she's paying for my psychologist, she cant at all be a horrible person about my mental health can she?? well thats what she says. shes a lying manipulative b*tch.

my grandparents sexualise me. i am trans, but they are fixated with my chest and my genitals. my nan doesnt know im trans, but the other day she put her hand up my shirt and under my binder to feel why my chest didnt look as big. it made me feel sick and ive had extreme dysphoria ever since, even more than usual. she and my grandad say they want to see my chest more. they force me to be naked around them when i stay over. as in, watch me in the shower and make me sleep with no clothes on.

i also think i have been touched sexually by someone in my family when i was younger, based on the ptsd-type flashbacks and sensations i get. i dont have enough evidence to support this though, only my own flashbacks and the fact he went to court for allegations that he touched a very young girl's genitals, and despite not being found guilty for that, was found guilty of possession of child p*rn

my gender dysphoria is crippling. i get intense thoughts every day of carving my chest off. i rarely shower my body and when i do, i have to wear underwear. i hate looking at myself in the mirror.

my last bf was 28 years older than me. we had a very very complicated (and secret) relationship. at times i felt manipulated because of my vulnerability.

every day waking up is suffering. i feel so much pain and anxiety. i dont know how much longer i can bear being miserable. the thoughts i get and the hallucinations and the things i want to do to myself and to others, and the urges and the emotions and the hopelessness. is it really all worth it? im only really alive because other people want me to be. if i could press a button to die with 100% certainty that i wouldnt ever wake up from it again, that it was really all over, i would. in a heartbeat.

this really only covers the very basics of everything. feel free to ask questions. and i know people have got it worse than me, i know im stupid to be this depressed. but i am. callie lewis was my childhood friend's sibling. i knew them. i knew how good their life seemed from the outside. it makes me feel a bit less like im overreacting or stupid for wanting to die so much when everyone constantly tells me how lucky i am and how ungrateful im being.

(using gender neutral pronouns for Callie coz they mentioned not feeling like they are a female, so i think it is only respectful.)
  • Aww..
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I try to be funny...
Jan 14, 2020
Google "the identified patient" and read up on the concept. Tell me if it resonates with you.
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Nov 7, 2019
You'll know when it's your time. No one should tell you. You and only you.
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I try to be funny...
Jan 14, 2020
resonates massively, yeah

That's what I thought. Keep reading, dig deeper. Ask yourself questions. My family background fucked me up too. I know how u feel.
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you dont have to understand to accept.
Feb 15, 2020
i think the worst thing about having a shitty family is that they then try to force you to be alive.

i didnt choose to be born. theyve already forced that on me. i have a right to decide if i die. imo.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Read your story, so sorry for all the shit you've been put through. If you don't mind my asking, how old are you?


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Thankk you for responding to my question.

So when you ask if it's your time yet, I think it's time for the abuse to stop. Maybe there are other ways than stopping your life.

Please just ignore what I say here if you want to. I've lived for quite a while, but I don't live your life. I just try to offer my limited perspective and some empowerment.

You are now an adult. No one in your family can legally say that they have any right over your body, to punish or control.

If you want to get out, it may require looking for resources like young adult or domestic violence shelters. I ain't gonna lie, they're not fun places. If it were me, I would start calling domestic violence and LGBTQ+ social work programs to learn what support options are available for you, not just housing. Escaping takes a plan as much as ctb does.

Legally, you could right now report your grandparents for sexual abuse and assault. I already understand that no one in your family is on your side. If you call out abuse, everyone will likely turn on you, so you need outside support to help you get independent and empowered. And I don't mean your boyfriend. I don't mean anyone rescuing you, but someone to give you tools and guidance to become an autonomous and self-supporting adult. This will happen in steps, it's not an impulse thing. But I believe it is possible. I hope you will consider seeking the advice of those who can help you get both safe and independent. If you don't, that's okay. I just care enough to try to offer you something practical and empowering.
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you dont have to understand to accept.
Feb 15, 2020
Thankk you for responding to my question.

So when you ask if it's your time yet, I think it's time for the abuse to stop. Maybe there are other ways than stopping your life.

Please just ignore what I say here if you want to. I've lived for quite a while, but I don't live your life. I just try to offer my limited perspective and some empowerment.

You are now an adult. No one in your family can legally say that they have any right over your body, to punish or control.

If you want to get out, it may require looking for resources like young adult or domestic violence shelters. I ain't gonna lie, they're not fun places. If it were me, I would start calling domestic violence and LGBTQ+ social work programs to learn what support options are available for you, not just housing. Escaping takes a plan as much as ctb does.

Legally, you could right now report your grandparents for sexual abuse and assault. I already understand that no one in your family is on your side. If you call out abuse, everyone will likely turn on you, so you need outside support to help you get independent and empowered. And I don't mean your boyfriend. I don't mean anyone rescuing you, but someone to give you tools and guidance to become an autonomous and self-supporting adult. This will happen in steps, it's not an impulse thing. But I believe it is possible. I hope you will consider seeking the advice of those who can help you get both safe and independent. If you don't, that's okay. I just care enough to try to offer you something practical and empowering.

thank you, this means a lot
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
One more thing. Suggest you try to find a free or inexpensive self defense course. Instant empowerment. Instant tools.


Nov 10, 2019
Thankk you for responding to my question.

So when you ask if it's your time yet, I think it's time for the abuse to stop. Maybe there are other ways than stopping your life.

I'd be inclined to agree with this. 18 is very young, and you are at a time in your life when a lot can change very quickly. You don't sound entirely set on ending your life, so I would wait and see what is around the corner. My fingers are crossed for you getting into uni and away from your home life.
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Feb 6, 2020
Yeah, from reading your posts, I think getting out of your current living situation should be a priority. There are other ways to do this than ctb.
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