
Aug 31, 2024
Hi! I hope every1 here is doing okay. I know this might not be true, but I still hope for all of you. Anyways, I've been thinking of doing it for a long time. The first time I was having these thoughts was when I was 17 (I'm 21 rn btw). I prob had thousands of these thoughts and prob a hundred well detailed plans, but I never followed through any of them.

But this time is different. This time I really want to go through with it and be done with this miserable existance.

So I have a plan. I was thinking of doing it with drowning this time. Under the influence of Xanax. I have 30 (0.5 mg) xamax pills with me. My doc prescribed it 8 months ago for my Anxiety Disorder. It was a 2 months prescription, but I ended up buying and stockpiling a fair bit. Partially cus I was hooked on it, (It reduced my anxiety levels, especially when I was outdoors or when my anxiety was unbearable) and partially cus I knew this day would come. The dude at the counter didn't even question when I was buying like 4 months worth of these pills like bruh...

My Question is: Is drowning under the influence of Xanax a peaceful way to go? I'm not scared of the pain. Even if it's a lil bit painful, I would still go with it. But I don't want my last few moments in agony. I'm scared that if panic, I might not go through with it.

I've heard conflicting acounts of people saying if drowning is painful or not. I've heard from sumone that their experience of drowning was really peaceful. I won't go into details but if that's what drowning feels like then that's my choice. Xanax would help me feel less pain, cus I would be dipping in and out of consciousness. There's a man-made river/ canal ~100 km away from where I live. The canal is deep enough and fast enough to do the job (hopefully). I would do it in the middle of the night when most people would be eeping. I would spend sum time doing what I love, roaming around the countryside. Maybe spending sum time with nature. Then when night false, I will take 20 or so pills 20-25 minutes before doing it cus that's typically is when the effects takes place and I would hover over the bridge and jump off into the cold water below. Hopefully with the effects of xanax I would be less conscious and with cold river here in winter, my rate of surviving would be 0.

** Random vents, tl;dr: life miserable, pain pain pain, bad childhood, worst parents, no friends. **
Why am I doing this now? I just realized, no1 wants me in this world. So what's the point of it? I don't have any1 who cares bout me. My family hates me. They just like to control me, control where I'm going, control what I'm doing, controlling my future. I can't even go outside without asking for their permission. You know it's funny cus they were the reason I had such a shity childhood. My father is a narcissist peice of shit, who only cares bout himself, he would beat my mum, verbally abuses me. My mum is none better. I have no friends, the only friends that I had were from my high school. I have their contacts but you know how it is. We all have to move on. I'm not in high school anymore. I haven't seen them in a loooong time. I doubt they even remember me. I have a lot to say but I'm not here to vent. Just know that my life is miserable. And a few days ago, my mum (the only person I thought I had in this world) said face to face that I'm a burden to them 🤡

~sorry for long ass post. I'm just disoriented. I'm just not feeling well rn. and sorry bout the bad english. if sum1 here doesn't understand sumthing that I said, please feel free to ask me to rephrase it. I would be happy to do that!
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Death Seeker
Aug 22, 2024
Hi! I hope every1 here is doing okay. I know this might not be true, but I still hope for all of you. Anyways, I've been thinking of doing it for a long time. The first time I was having these thoughts was when I was 17 (I'm 21 rn btw). I prob had thousands of these thoughts and prob a hundred well detailed plans, but I never followed through any of them.

But this time is different. This time I really want to go through with it and be done with this miserable existance.

So I have a plan. I was thinking of doing it with drowning this time. Under the influence of Xanax. I have 30 (0.5 mg) xamax pills with me. My doc prescribed it 8 months ago for my Anxiety Disorder. It was a 2 months prescription, but I ended up buying and stockpiling a fair bit. Partially cus I was hooked on it, (It reduced my anxiety levels, especially when I was outdoors or when my anxiety was unbearable) and partially cus I knew this day would come. The dude at the counter didn't even question when I was buying like 4 months worth of these pills like bruh...

My Question is: Is drowning under the influence of Xanax a peaceful way to go? I'm not scared of the pain. Even if it's a lil bit painful, I would still go with it. But I don't want my last few moments in agony. I'm scared that if panic, I might not go through with it.

I've heard conflicting acounts of people saying if drowning is painful or not. I've heard from sumone that their experience of drowning was really peaceful. I won't go into details but if that's what drowning feels like then that's my choice. Xanax would help me feel less pain, cus I would be dipping in and out of consciousness. There's a man-made river/ canal ~100 km away from where I live. The canal is deep enough and fast enough to do the job (hopefully). I would do it in the middle of the night when most people would be eeping. I would spend sum time doing what I love, roaming around the countryside. Maybe spending sum time with nature. Then when night false, I will take 20 or so pills 20-25 minutes before doing it cus that's typically is when the effects takes place and I would hover over the bridge and jump off into the cold water below. Hopefully with the effects of xanax I would be less conscious and with cold river here in winter, my rate of surviving would be 0.

** Random vents, tl;dr: life miserable, pain pain pain, bad childhood, worst parents, no friends. **
Why am I doing this now? I just realized, no1 wants me in this world. So what's the point of it? I don't have any1 who cares bout me. My family hates me. They just like to control me, control where I'm going, control what I'm doing, controlling my future. I can't even go outside without asking for their permission. You know it's funny cus they were the reason I had such a shity childhood. My father is a narcissist peice of shit, who only cares bout himself, he would beat my mum, verbally abuses me. My mum is none better. I have no friends, the only friends that I had were from my high school. I have their contacts but you know how it is. We all have to move on. I'm not in high school anymore. I haven't seen them in a loooong time. I doubt they even remember me. I have a lot to say but I'm not here to vent. Just know that my life is miserable. And a few days ago, my mum (the only person I thought I had in this world) said face to face that I'm a burden to them 🤡

~sorry for long ass post. I'm just disoriented. I'm just not feeling well rn. and sorry bout the bad english. if sum1 here doesn't understand sumthing that I said, please feel free to ask me to rephrase it. I would be happy to do that!
Drowning in a lake has also become one of my main methods. Xanax has sedative effects so I would assume it will make the process more smooth. Sorry to hear about your situation, hope you find peace one way or another.
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Aug 31, 2024
Drowning in a lake has also become one of my main methods. Xanax has sedative effects so I would assume it will make the process more smooth. Sorry to hear about your situation, hope you find peace one way or another.
Thank you! I hope you'll find peace too. If you or sum1 else here knows a lil bit bout Xanax, please let me know how much I should take and how much dosage is gud enough. Also I've never took that many Xanax, I'm affraid I might mess it up. It doesn't help that they have a really sour taste even if you don't chew them. If I ended up vommiting it out then my plan would be f. Also I'm afraid of the cold water, I don't know but cold is my worst enemy. I think I have sum medical condition where my body doesn't regulate thermoregulation. Never diagnosed it tho. I know it wouldn't matter in the end. But still the thoughts of it really scares me.

Also should I strap sum weight around my body? Like I can bring two backpacks and fill it up with rocks and strap them on the back and front. I don't want my body to be discovered, like never. If I strap sum weight around my body, how long would it make my body stay at the bottom of the river? and how long would it take for my body to decompose so they never find my body?
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My own worst enemy🌹💔
Aug 10, 2024
There's 3 ways that I DO NOT want to go: gun, fire or drowning.
When I "trust fate" I'm usually screwed. If you ask me, I wouldn't do it. too many variables & things that can go wrong, at least for me.
I just imagine changing my mind or SI & can't get out.
I do hope you find elusive peace, whatever your choosing🌹💔
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Jan 29, 2024
I tried to drown myself just after the new year, all I did was drink a bottle of whiskey beforehand, being in that cold water was the most peace I had felt in a long time.
All I remember is going under and blacking out before waking up washed up on the shore coughing up water.
The most pain I felt was the briar patch I had to crawl through to get out.
It's just dumb luck I survived.
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Aug 31, 2024
I tried to drown myself just after the new year, all I did was drink a bottle of whiskey beforehand, being in that cold water was the most peace I had felt in a long time.
All I remember is going under and blacking out before waking up washed up on the shore coughing up water.
The most pain I felt was the briar patch I had to crawl through to get out.
It's just dumb luck I survived.
I've had simmilar experience before like when I was like 10 or sumthing. It was a pool not river but still pretty cold 🥶. I remember not feeling any pain, like I was just trying to swim and all I remember was It was seeing how big the reflection of the sun was, like it was covering my whole view. But I was 11 at that time so it might be that the pain memory part fadded away over time.

Do you mind if I ask you, how are you feeling right now? I know prob not gud since you're still here but I hope you'll find peace in this cruel world <3


Death Seeker
Aug 22, 2024
Thank you! I hope you'll find peace too. If you or sum1 else here knows a lil bit bout Xanax, please let me know how much I should take and how much dosage is gud enough. Also I've never took that many Xanax, I'm affraid I might mess it up. It doesn't help that they have a really sour taste even if you don't chew them. If I ended up vommiting it out then my plan would be f. Also I'm afraid of the cold water, I don't know but cold is my worst enemy. I think I have sum medical condition where my body doesn't regulate thermoregulation. Never diagnosed it tho. I know it wouldn't matter in the end. But still the thoughts of it really scares me.

Also should I strap sum weight around my body? Like I can bring two backpacks and fill it up with rocks and strap them on the back and front. I don't want my body to be discovered, like never. If I strap sum weight around my body, how long would it make my body stay at the bottom of the river? and how long would it take for my body to decompose so they never find my body?
I'm not sure about the Xanax, you should ask someone else but I do know they work quite well as a sedative. I think strapping some weight on your body will help greatly. Not entire sure how long it guarantees the body to stay under.


Jan 29, 2024
I've had simmilar experience before like when I was like 10 or sumthing. It was a pool not river but still pretty cold 🥶. I remember not feeling any pain, like I was just trying to swim and all I remember was It was seeing how big the reflection of the sun was, like it was covering my whole view. But I was 11 at that time so it might be that the pain memory part fadded away over time.

Do you mind if I ask you, how are you feeling right now? I know prob not gud since you're still here but I hope you'll find peace in this cruel world <3
I stopped drinking after that but funnily enough being sober has increased my desire to end it. The alcohol was just a numbing agent. Just living off my savings atm.

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