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Memento mori
Oct 1, 2019
I'm currently unable to buy anything dangerous because I'm under the careful watch of my family. So I'm a bit limited on resources. Is household bleach a reliable method? I know it will be painful but Im desperate.
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Lost in transition
Jan 25, 2019
Please don't. It is only reliable to cause horrible permanent damage.
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
… 382 messages: you should know better.

I am sorry you are feeling desperate; stay safe, don't hurt yourself unecessarily.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
It will reliably cause you horrific pain and suffering and permanent damage, but not death. Please don't.:hug:
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I'm not an expert but from what I've read no. You'll likely survive with horrible injuries. I understand feeling desperate but bleach is without a doubt one of the worst ways to go, if it even kills you and you're not rushed to the hospital and 'saved'. Imo it's absolutely not worth the gamble and it's highly likely you'll not only end up in horrible pain for a very long time (perhaps the rest of your life) but also your situation will be even more hopeless. Surviving bleach is the stuff of nightmares.

I'd advise to talk about what you're going through to at least keep the desperation (which I'm sure many here are familiar with) managable untill you can figure out what to do. I'm not suggesting anything but almost anything is better than what you suggested here. Don't do this.
Last edited:
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I am done as of 4-21-2023. Somewhere I am no more
Apr 29, 2020
That one can and will leave your throat and esophagus burned and then likely not kill you at all but have your stomach throw up all the contents and then burn on the way back up. But the burn will leave permanent scarring and ghastly upper GI, mouth and throat problems. This is not reliable, not a sure way and not something you should consider. Please don't try this, it is not even really a method of suicide just a way to cause burning and scarring of delicate tissue.
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Is Existence Just A Test?
Apr 27, 2020
Like most of people said... horrible idea. Horrible, veeery horrible.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Suggest you do a Google search of the term "bleach suicide." Results show it doesn't end in death very often, but instead with the long-term effects described here and even worse ones.
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May 6, 2020
I also wanted to try this method since it's inexpensive and sounds simple. But after some research it's not only extremely painful, you'll probably end up throwing it up. You'll end up with several fucked up organs and a lot of regrets. Don't try it man.
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Nov 7, 2019
From what ive read in the past, No.
As everyone above has stated, it will most likely just cause horrific pain, Im sorry that you feel so desperate to even consider this.
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May 1, 2020
holy shit do not drink bleach. this would be like setting yourself on fire as a CTB method, like you might not even die.

please reach out to some motherfuckers here before you do anything buddy i'm talking to a few people. i would never tell you NOT to CTB as i am pro choice but i'm willing to talk with ppl
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May 15, 2019
Anything that donald trump recommends shouldnt be followed.
Joking aside im sorry your in a desparate position but as above please dont do this. Bide your time, get the support on here until you are in a place of informed choice.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Anything that donald trump recommends shouldnt be followed.
Joking aside im sorry your in a desparate position but as above please dont do this. Bide your time, get the support on here until you are in a place of informed choice.

Well put. Especially the 'a place of informed consent'. I'm very much in favour of people making rational decisions, whatever they may be. Even if we recognise the individual's right to self-determination it's clear sometimes strong emotions make rational thinking difficult and it is indeed better to wait. To recognise when one isn't rational or in a good state of mind is a sure sign of wisdom. To point this out to others (respectfully of course) is sure sign of benevolence and good will.
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May 1, 2020
Sorry dont dontvget it. Do you mean bleach based?
nah based is like internet slang for when something is true/agreeable. like if i thought starcraft was a shitty game and i said "starcraft sucks ass", and if you agreed with me you'd say "based"


May 15, 2019
Well put. Especially the 'a place of informed consent'. I'm very much in favour of people making rational decisions, whatever they may be. Even if we recognise the individual's right to self-determination it's clear sometimes strong emotions make rational thinking difficult and it is indeed better to wait. To recognise when one isn't rational or in a good state of mind is a sure sign of wisdom. To point this out to others (respectfully of course) is sure sign of benevolence and good will.
Thanks very much. I suppose the op asked if the method was reliable, but i do feel a level of care for people on this forum and dont want anybody to feel any more pain than necessary. Seems like most of us have tolerated enough pain to the point where we are considering ending our lives early.
nah based is like internet slang for when something is true/agreeable. like if i thought starcraft was a shitty game and i said "starcraft sucks ass", and if you agreed with me you'd say "based"
Lol thank you for explaining !
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Memento mori
Oct 1, 2019
Yeah I shouldve listened
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Apr 6, 2020
Bleach was my first attempt. It tastes absolutely awful. Even a little will induce vomiting. It will severely irritate your mouth nose oesophagus and stomach so if you survive, recovery isn't great. It will take time for you to die and be very painful. Self instinct will likely kick in or you'll be rescued

I put bleach up there with paracetamol OD, dehydration and trains. All under a big NOPE.


Memento mori
Oct 1, 2019
Drank it a few hours ago. It was so painful and tasted absolutely disgusting. I threw up instantly. Now at the hospital and my throat and mouth is burned but other than that it did nothing
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Mar 21, 2019
Drank it a few hours ago. It was so painful and tasted absolutely disgusting. I threw up instantly. Now at the hospital and my throat and mouth is burned but other than that it did nothing
For real? How much did you drink? What is the treatment?


Apr 22, 2020
Drank it a few hours ago. It was so painful and tasted absolutely disgusting. I threw up instantly. Now at the hospital and my throat and mouth is burned but other than that it did nothing
Ugh... That's awful :aw: I hope you don't have any long term effects as a result.


Feb 4, 2020
I'm currently unable to buy anything dangerous because I'm under the careful watch of my family. So I'm a bit limited on resources. Is household bleach a reliable method? I know it will be painful but Im desperate.
Why are you controlled by your family if you dont mind asking?


Mar 5, 2020
even self immolation ranks above that in peacefulness!
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Feb 4, 2020
Drank it a few hours ago. It was so painful and tasted absolutely disgusting. I threw up instantly. Now at the hospital and my throat and mouth is burned but other than that it did nothing

You asked for opinions, every one was strongly against the idea, including some with references, and you still went ahead with it? What was the purpose in asking if you weren't going to take any notice of the mass of advice and concern shown for you?

Not trying to be an asshole here, just genuinely perplexed.

even self immolation ranks above that in peacefulness!

Maybe drink the bleach to put the fire out, get the worst of both worlds! :O
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
even self immolation ranks above that in peacefulness!

Probably because they drink bleach when there not looking, even against every bodies advice on SS with links to what damage can be caused.
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May 28, 2019
Drank it a few hours ago. It was so painful and tasted absolutely disgusting. I threw up instantly. Now at the hospital and my throat and mouth is burned but other than that it did nothing
If you are not still in the hospital , call ambulance . it is acide and it make a permanent damage


Feb 4, 2020
Probably because they drink bleach when there not looking, even against every bodies advice on SS with links to what damage can be caused.

I'm surprised those users who blindly support people making badly-bungled SN attempts aren't acting similarly here – claiming that individual differences mean bleach isn't painful for some people, saying the effects of drinking bleach aren't intuitive to those without medical backgrounds, saying our warnings against bleach are in fact unfair personal criticisms of the OP, and finally thanking the OP for providing us with such a useful data point (!)

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