

Feb 25, 2021
is everyone who kill themself just ugly as fuk. if u look good then why would u want to die. u can do anythign in the world cuz ur looks are accepted
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Always give 100% - unless you’re donating blood.
Sep 10, 2020
is everyone who kill themself just ugly as fuk. if u look good then why would u want to die. u can do anythign in the world cuz ur looks are accepted
Hmm... looks arent everything, especially if you're beautiful but dumb as fuck.
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Out of order
Feb 21, 2021
There are plenty of people who are less-than-attractive but are still successful. I don't think most people would consider Einstein "hot" and look at the achievements he made. I think knowledge and capabilities mean a lot more than looks, especially as looks are temporary and often fade with age whereas skills tend to be longer lasting.
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Feb 9, 2021
Looks arent the main cause, there has been celebrities where you can say they had everything fame, money and good looks yet they still ctb so its something much deeper
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Mar 22, 2020
There are lots of "ugly people" (according to the beauty standards of this society) who have lots of men/women and are happy.

Btw, dating and love are only part of the combo.

I could be more than happy with just more money, travelling and gaming all day long lol.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I'm going with "nah". Thank you for the excellent thread.
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Nov 5, 2020
Just be smart like Adam Driver.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
maybe because when you look good you get treated like shit. i could actually go into this a lot more and a comment like this is actually really offensive. looks have nothing to do with mental shit people go through. looks dont make that shit go away. good looking people get raped and molested too. it would be fucking nice to be able to leave my house without getting hit on. it would be nice to be treating like a normal human and not a fucking cum dumpster just because im pretty. pretty people are suicidal too why do people think they just should because theyre boobs can get them out of shit. maybe they dont want to be treated that way and actually know what the word respect means unlike most of the human population.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
If you're ugly you're not doomed to fail, you just go with a huge handicap, sadly. Which can lead to suicide.
It can be evidenced by the number of threads which are about this subject... on a suicide forum.
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In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
Jan 24, 2021
mama said beauty is in the eye of the beholder: & i worshipped them all (priest / artist / rentboy / musician / yoga-instructor / drug-dealer / game ranger / fashion model / ballet dancer / nightclub owner etc etc) & after the damage done to myself dating them i'm truly done: mama shoulda told me about co-dependancy & narcissism & hostage-taking & enabling. (& falling in love 2easy!)
they all told me i'm beautiful & worthwhile & after the destruction i recognised my ugliness, my deceitfullness, my indecisiveness, my self-loathing and self-destruction: those are my "beautiful" qualities that make me what I am.
maybe I am better off alone not distortedly bending my will to their desires: besides my self-torture is way too tricky:
"there are no more tickets to the funeral" - diamanda galas
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Tired of being lonely
Sep 3, 2020
Being ugly is a death sentence, don't mind the gaslighting normals
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Tired of being lonely
Sep 3, 2020
may i ask what you meant by that?
I think you mean the second part? I'm saying that, just like a white guy can't fully realize the oppression a black guy faces, a non-ugly-male person can't really comprehend what an ugly male lives everyday. I'm specifying male for 2 reasons:
1. Most people realize ugly females do face a discrimination
2. I believe that an ugly male will in fact have a worse life than an ugly female

I'm sure that you and all the others have all the best interests, but please don't talk of things you know nothing about


Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
I'm sure that you and all the others have all the best interests, but please don't talk of things you know nothing about
see this is what i thought you meant and i think you misunderstood.
they said

if u look good then why would u want to die. u can do anythign in the world cuz ur looks are accepted
and as someone thats good looking thats been molested by their stepfather, almost raped by their friend, molested by another friend, molested by the same friend that almost raped me, among other things. i think i know exactly what im talking about
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
I'd say having a fundamentally shitty personality is the biggest impediment to life satisfaction, or developing beneficial human relationships. Sadly, I happen to be one of these people. Lots of people can be ugly, or fat, or short, or poor, or physically disabled, but if they have a winning and upbeat personality, then everything will pretty much work out for them eventually. If you ask me, a strong spirit beats out a strong/attractive body every day of the week.

As someone with an irreparably weak and miasmic state of mind, I know that I'm pretty much fucked forever. Even if I transformed into the most physically attractive man in the world tomorrow, my brain is so far gone at this point that it literally wouldn't make any difference at all. My heart is too weak and my spirit is too brittle for living on this planet or within society, which is why even the ugliest people you can imagine have a superior chance of getting some kind of enjoyment out of living, and perhaps finding love, than I do. For what it's worth, I'd consider myself as someone who isn't really lacking in any department physically. Looks-wise I'm somewhat handsome and, while I could stand to lose a few pounds, I'm pretty healthy overall and everything else about me is pretty normal (like height, weight, and such). In the end however, none of it really helps me since, despite my normal outward appearance, I'm a complete mess inside. A tortured soul, with a crushingly bleak outlook on everything, suffering from numerous mental health problems, who has no idea at all how to engage or interact with others. And despite what you may think or believe, these aren't the sorts of things I can just "get over". It's woven into my very identity and is essentially who I am as a person.

Anyway, regardless of whatever it is we're lacking, I guess we all do the same sort of thing. That being, point to the one thing we don't have and say that this is the reason why we're alone and forever screwed. For me, it's my lack of emotional/mental stability, but for others it might be their weight, or height, or looks, or whatever else. It sucks that, in each of our own ways, we're pretty much stuck with whatever our unique impediments might be, and how whether it's just one or a bunch together, they continually kneecap our ability to enjoy life or to be accepted by others.
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Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage
Feb 4, 2021
I've been considered "handsome" yet here i am. I am dumb af and emotionally unstable, which led me to ruin every single relationship i've ever had. Looks are definitely not everything.
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Feb 5, 2020
maybe because when you look good you get treated like shit. i could actually go into this a lot more and a comment like this is actually really offensive. looks have nothing to do with mental shit people go through. looks dont make that shit go away. good looking people get raped and molested too. it would be fucking nice to be able to leave my house without getting hit on. it would be nice to be treating like a normal human and not a fucking cum dumpster just because im pretty. pretty people are suicidal too why do people think they just should because theyre boobs can get them out of shit. maybe they dont want to be treated that way and actually know what the word respect means unlike most of the human population.

Exactly. I'm attractive and still miserable. Being attractive doesn't cure mental illness and it doesn't stop you from noticing how messed up the world is and it doesn't stop shitty things from happening to you. It doesn't stop me from wanting to be treated like an actual person and not an object. Do people really think I should be happy just because people want to have sex with me? I have PSSD, I barely even want sex anymore.

Not saying being attractive doesn't help and isn't an ego boost, but it definitely can't make someone happy.. especially when you reach an age when you realize the attention you're getting is meaningless and you even start to resent it. Of course, I can only speak for myself.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Exactly. I'm attractive and still miserable. Being attractive doesn't cure mental illness and it doesn't stop you from noticing how messed up the world is and it doesn't stop shitty things from happening to you. It doesn't stop me from wanting to be treated like an actual person and not an object. Do people really think I should be happy just because people want to have sex with me? I have PSSD, I barely even want sex anymore.

Not saying being attractive doesn't help and isn't an ego boost, but it definitely can't make someone happy.. especially when you reach an age when you realize the attention your getting is meaningless and you even start to resent it. Of course, I can only speak for myself.
if thats how you feel then i have no problem letting you speak for me to on this matter :)
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Oct 30, 2020
being beautiful or having money mostly doesn't really help. it can make things easier. but it also can be a curse when it comes to want to be loved for being you and not only the image of you.

for women it's still often the curse of beauty and for men the curse of economic status.

i mean i am for sure a lucky bastard. partly don't have to work a lot. looking objectively maybe not that bad i guess but still hate my body and face since my early teenage years.
and it didn't safe me at all from getting three times actively suicidal and depressive for two decades for several reasons like growing up in a family with depression history and also getting psychical abused by a sociopath which destroyed me back then. and also always feeling worthless and failing cause of the far too high expectations on myself.

i guess if you don't have the luck to be really loved and supported in your childhood in a healthy environment to gain some inner strength which can be some base you can rely on, you are always at the risk to struggle no matter how good everything looks on the outside. and even with that you are never safe of some shit happening to you which impacts the rest of your life.

often things which look on the outside attractive like success can also quickly turn to a bad thing. it sometimes generates the inner pressure to have to be always that good or if you become famous you often loose privacy and get invaded by all kinds of assholes and lunatics.

i mean even a reckless a**hole like trump has his struggles cause he is so trapped in his narcissistic thinking that he feels he fails when he is not the center of the world.
it's all about how you subjective feel. and only cause somebody seems to have it all on the outside doesn't mean the person doesn't feel to be doomed to fail.

@Hirokami: btw. i think einstein is hot lol
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Well I've been told I actually look ok and I've still had no luck in areas where it counts so I think I'd rather just be blatantly ugly than lied to all the time.

I think ugliness on the inside matters more anyway. Being physically ugly means people won't jump over hoops to impress you and act fake around you. Mental ugliness is something nobody wants to deal with and that's why I've had no success anyway, because I'm one of the ugliest people on the inside.
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Nov 4, 2020
Honestly, good looking people have it easier, that's the truth. As much as you can try to not consider someone's appearance, it's always there as soon as you see a person. When I used to interview people, I would find myself giving the attractive, confident people higher ratings. I really tried not to, and I got better with time, judging people more on their skills and qualifications.

You can be successful based on your talents. Look like Channing Tatum in Magic Mike, and you can live that fuckboy lifestyle until you age out. If that's your goal, then you will absolutely fail if you're not attractive. But if you're great at math, you can be a very successful engineer, and look ugly as fuck.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
Being (objectively of course I never really thought of my self as either totally ugly or ~beautiful~) on both sides of the spectrum let me tell you this: After my "transformation" the year after high school when I lost a bunch of weight and styled my self more according to "societal standards" I soon felt like most people treated me differently. Whereas when I was chubby and just whatever looking - I was ignored but being somewhat "prettier" they started smiling at me or holding the door open for me. It was weird.
It didn't make me feel any better if anything it led me deeper into depression as I noticed how superficial most people are and that they really don't care about you as a person.
And being a woman I soon wished I was back to being ignored again - those minuscule advantages you might have at job interviews or making new friends (which isn't even guaranteed especially if you're very introverted plus as others put it "dumb") are nothing against the downside of constant "negative" male attention (as others described it here already) and even for handsome males objectification.
So I can definitely see "pretty" people being just as depressed as people who wish their looks was more like the current societal ideal.
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Oct 5, 2020
At the end of the day I think everyone is doomed
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Mar 2, 2021
Looks don't make you who are are. Its what is on the inside and your personality that makes a person.


Apr 11, 2018
Well, Mark Zuckerberg made it big, and he looks triggers my uncanny valley. Truthfully, it will definitely make things more difficult, there are things you can do to improve your appearance. At the risk of generalizing, there are places in America that are full of rednecks that look like they have potatoes for faces, and somehow they manage to find human connection with one another.


Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
In my opinion, I'm unattractive woman and I want to end myself because of that and being socially awkward, shy, unsociable, and weird.
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kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
is everyone who kill themself just ugly as fuk. if u look good then why would u want to die. u can do anythign in the world cuz ur looks are accepted
Not really true. I don't look too bad, at least from what I've been told and I am still a miserable piece of shit. On the other hand I have heard of heavily disfigured and crippled people finding love and happiness. It is more of a psychological thing, my brain is just fucked.


Sep 7, 2019
If you're young you can get in good shape and take care of your looks and with high probability you will look good. At least good enough not to be doomed to fail.


Apr 28, 2020
@Journeytoletgo You're a total catch, friend. Smart too :smiling:

Being ugly is supposed to be a death sentence. Yes yes, I agree with what people said here, looks will attract superficial people, but once I made an analogy:

Let's say you're close to the entrance of two caves.
One is a totally creepy, mold is at the entrance and it's pitch black.
The other is adourned with pretty flowers, there's a bit a light coming from what seems to be a crystal.

Now, I could say that the pretty cave is home to a vile creature that keeps the cave clean to attract prey. But I will only say that both caves are good as a shelter.
The difference is that people will never know how good was the other cave, simply because no one will go in.
Ugly people usually have beautiful minds, but no one can see it from a distance.
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