I am a mum myself, they are all under 10.
I also have a husband. I have always had issues, but its only after a mental break down earlier this year after being raped by one person twice in my own home when my husband wasn't here, that pushed me to the edge, then that these issues and my past became very clear and obvious and are now out of my control. They are young, but my husband their father is their main go to, as my mental health issues have put my family at risk of being torn apart by officials. If I wasn't here, when I am not here, my husband will have no worries, but right now we are living on a knife edge not knowing if we are going to lose the children if I suddenly have another uncontrollable meltdown. CPS are heavily involved its pure hell. I apparently don't meet their needs and their emotional needs are at risk.
I have tried to seek help, but I am being failed at every corner, the only thing helping me cope is my anon blog, Would I be allowed to share the link?
but I have yet to hit on the heavy stuff, when I do,fuck I am scared!!!
Should I have been a parent? Nope, Should I be a parent? Nope. Do I want to be a parent...Honestly I can't answer that one right now :(