
New Member
Jun 17, 2024
My teeth, particularly my molars, are rotting out my mouth and many of them need root canals and crowns. I've been told that I need to get them treated "NOW" or that I could die. It is certainly true that dental infections can be deadly. They can spread to the heart or even the brain if untreated. They can cause sepsis. I've struggled with dental health my whole life. My parents never cared to teach me why you should take care of them. They didn't give a fuck about me and so I grew up not giving a fuck about myself. There's many reasons I have for beint suicidal and depressed but this one is mostly my fault..

It seems fitting that death from complications from a dental infection would be my fate. It also has the advantage of not looking like a "suicide" at all and its a scenario where I don't even think people will feel bad about. I care a lot about minimizing the impact/trauma that my suicide might have. My ex hung himself earlier this year and it destroyed me and his family ofc. Its a different kind of grief when you know that someone you loved killed themself.

I don't know, maybe i'm just being stupid but i've had a mind numbing tooth ache for 3 weeks now and I just don't have the drive to go get it treated. The tooth is broken and black. I take a multitude of pain killers every day to cope with it because while I hate myself, tooth pain sucks. But maybe just maybe, tomorrow i'll get sepsis and soon it'll all be over.
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Apr 21, 2024
I went to hospitals a lot and saw many people with different problems and I think it might be a terrible idea since you're gonna be in an unbearable agony way way before you die
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Woefully Yours, Luka
Aug 7, 2023
I've been walking around with multiple broken teeth for quite a while, one that's been infected on and off again for well over a year because I haven't gotten it removed. (long story, bad genes means my teeth are weak as shit, but I want to keep some teeth)
it's unlikely to kill you quickly, and you're likely just making yourself suffer in agonizing pain. I've been on the floor crying and unable to move because of one of my teeth, and I'm still kicking.
you can certainly try to see if it kills you, but I say that this is not worth the suffering to have it *maybe* kill you
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Stray Fox
Nov 9, 2023
Agree with thinvy, while it could, it is unlikely to kill you any soon. But it will be a lot of pain. I dealt with an agonizing tootache for weeks too, and nothing happened. Healthcare sucks ass here anyways, but in the end I could not bare with it and just got it out my head. Still alive. I recommend a different type of technique if you are serious.

I wish you the best , dear.


Apr 11, 2024
Slow and painful, you'll find yourself wanting to commit suicide actively more than ever going through that. Since I'm assuming it's not about your parents, are there people close you would directly hurt from committing suicide?


May 29, 2024
Absolutely since my son passed I've not been to a doctor and I pray every day that I contract a disease or that something is growing inside me that will kill me. I don't plan to ever present to a doctor again and I hope my heart spontaneously stops at some point. Scoop me up , cremate me and scatter my ashes with my sons. The end
destroyed me and his family ofc. Its a different kind of grief when you know that someone you loved killed themself.
Absolutely it's a grief beyond comprehension. I'm sorry
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New Member
Jun 17, 2024
Slow and painful, you'll find yourself wanting to commit suicide actively more than ever going through that. Since I'm assuming it's not about your parents, are there people close you would directly hurt from committing suicide?
My roommate, sister, and my mom. Growing up my mom and dad were awful to me, didn't care about my feelings and hated me for being trans. They preferred my sister over me and blamed for all the problems in the family. I tried to run away so many times. Things are different now though, i'm 26 and my mom has tried really fucking hard to repair her relationship with me. Ig she loves me and always has even if she did a shitty job when I was a teenager.

My roommate though. I'm really concerned about her. She's my best friend and knows almost everything. She's had her own struggles with suicidal thoughts and depression and i'm worried that if I do this then she'll follow me. I'm afraid that i'm contuning the "chain of suicide" after my ex bf killed himself this year, then me, and then maybe someone close to me.
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memento mori
Mar 27, 2019
while i personally wouldn't wanna deal with tooth pain, yes, i picked up smoking because i'm hoping to get lung cancer. slowly trying to work my way up to a pack a day but quite frankly i don't have much of a tolerance and i keep throwing up from the nicotine!


Apr 15, 2024
My teeth, particularly my molars, are rotting out my mouth and many of them need root canals and crowns. I've been told that I need to get them treated "NOW" or that I could die. It is certainly true that dental infections can be deadly. They can spread to the heart or even the brain if untreated. They can cause sepsis. I've struggled with dental health my whole life. My parents never cared to teach me why you should take care of them. They didn't give a fuck about me and so I grew up not giving a fuck about myself. There's many reasons I have for beint suicidal and depressed but this one is mostly my fault..

It seems fitting that death from complications from a dental infection would be my fate. It also has the advantage of not looking like a "suicide" at all and its a scenario where I don't even think people will feel bad about. I care a lot about minimizing the impact/trauma that my suicide might have. My ex hung himself earlier this year and it destroyed me and his family ofc. Its a different kind of grief when you know that someone you loved killed themself.

I don't know, maybe i'm just being stupid but i've had a mind numbing tooth ache for 3 weeks now and I just don't have the drive to go get it treated. The tooth is broken and black. I take a multitude of pain killers every day to cope with it because while I hate myself, tooth pain sucks. But maybe just maybe, tomorrow i'll get sepsis and soon it'll all be over.
No, because long before dying, things like sepsis, cause amputations because someone wants to "save" your life, so you will suffer more and longer way before you die. I know if I get cancer, for example, that my family and doctor will beg and force me to undergo destructive painful treatments, and even if I succesfully reject treatments, the illness itself will be so painful that I turn around and accept treatment in hopes of escaping pain. I actually want to ctb BEFORE getting illnesses and getting weak and old due to my destructive lifestyle.
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I want to die slowly and painfully
Oct 11, 2023
My teeth, particularly my molars, are rotting out my mouth and many of them need root canals and crowns. I've been told that I need to get them treated "NOW" or that I could die. It is certainly true that dental infections can be deadly. They can spread to the heart or even the brain if untreated. They can cause sepsis. I've struggled with dental health my whole life. My parents never cared to teach me why you should take care of them. They didn't give a fuck about me and so I grew up not giving a fuck about myself. There's many reasons I have for beint suicidal and depressed but this one is mostly my fault..

It seems fitting that death from complications from a dental infection would be my fate. It also has the advantage of not looking like a "suicide" at all and its a scenario where I don't even think people will feel bad about. I care a lot about minimizing the impact/trauma that my suicide might have. My ex hung himself earlier this year and it destroyed me and his family ofc. Its a different kind of grief when you know that someone you loved killed themself.

I don't know, maybe i'm just being stupid but i've had a mind numbing tooth ache for 3 weeks now and I just don't have the drive to go get it treated. The tooth is broken and black. I take a multitude of pain killers every day to cope with it because while I hate myself, tooth pain sucks. But maybe just maybe, tomorrow i'll get sepsis and soon it'll all be over.
Yeah. I'm doing that, to a degree.


Apr 11, 2024
My roommate, sister, and my mom. Growing up my mom and dad were awful to me, didn't care about my feelings and hated me for being trans. They preferred my sister over me and blamed for all the problems in the family. I tried to run away so many times. Things are different now though, i'm 26 and my mom has tried really fucking hard to repair her relationship with me. Ig she loves me and always has even if she did a shitty job when I was a teenager.

My roommate though. I'm really concerned about her. She's my best friend and knows almost everything. She's had her own struggles with suicidal thoughts and depression and i'm worried that if I do this then she'll follow me. I'm afraid that i'm contuning the "chain of suicide" after my ex bf killed himself this year, then me, and then maybe someone close to me.
Got it, yeah that makes it pretty difficult. It's not exactly easy or reliable, but some people choose methods to try to make it look like an accident.


Dec 14, 2023
I have had two infected wisdom teeth for five - six years. In fact, they're not even teeth anymore because there's nothing left but these tiny little necrotic bone fragments. It stopped hurting about two years ago because the nerves are dead, there's just a little pressure sometimes. I'm pretty sure those will kill me. Once they spread to my jaw and it felt as if I had gotten anesthesia in it. Last year I got extremely cold in the middle of the night, to the point I could hear my own teeth rattle. I also got a fever, but if cleared up on its own. It's not very agonizing anymore, but it sure takes longer than anticipated. The waiting and not knowing is the worst part.


Apr 21, 2024
How the hell does this happen? I drink Coke and have Chocolate almost everyday of my life and have no problems, I also don't go to the Dentist or regularly brush or floss.

The only thing I don't do is take medication of any sort. I've had antibiotics and antipsychotics forced onto me but they were only one off incidents, my dad is the only one in the family that has dental problems but he's the only one that takes pills regularly.


Apr 14, 2024
I have same issues as well plus I drink like a fish and eat what I want. Normally I drink around a fifth a day, around half a bottle of borboun. Teeth are slowly rotting with 2 being pulled on the 18th. Just enjoy life as much as you can along with the intermittent periods of physical and emotional pain and suffering.


Mar 22, 2023
Terrible idea bro. You will just end up worse :/ you're choosing the longest and most painful way to kill yourself.


Feb 16, 2024
I have started eating unhealthy but i dunno if i would go as far as getting my teeth or organs infected like that. Cuz wouldnt it just lead to actual sustained pain ?


Jul 1, 2024
My teeth, particularly my molars, are rotting out my mouth and many of them need root canals and crowns. I've been told that I need to get them treated "NOW" or that I could die. It is certainly true that dental infections can be deadly. They can spread to the heart or even the brain if untreated. They can cause sepsis. I've struggled with dental health my whole life. My parents never cared to teach me why you should take care of them. They didn't give a fuck about me and so I grew up not giving a fuck about myself. There's many reasons I have for beint suicidal and depressed but this one is mostly my fault..

It seems fitting that death from complications from a dental infection would be my fate. It also has the advantage of not looking like a "suicide" at all and its a scenario where I don't even think people will feel bad about. I care a lot about minimizing the impact/trauma that my suicide might have. My ex hung himself earlier this year and it destroyed me and his family ofc. Its a different kind of grief when you know that someone you loved killed themself.

I don't know, maybe i'm just being stupid but i've had a mind numbing tooth ache for 3 weeks now and I just don't have the drive to go get it treated. The tooth is broken and black. I take a multitude of pain killers every day to cope with it because while I hate myself, tooth pain sucks. But maybe just maybe, tomorrow i'll get sepsis and soon it'll all be over.
I can relate to this. I believe it is clinically called "parasuicidal". I have moles on my back…one specifically and I pray for skin cancer and touch it every day, as it feels itchy and grows but I'm assured it's benign. But I can relate to the state of mind. I live with torturous chronic pain.