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What pill do you believe in?

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Jul 24, 2024
There's 3 pills:

Bluepill: The belief that life is all sunshine's and rainbows, there is someone for everyone and all you have to do is have a good personality in order to make friends and get a girlfriend. Another belief is that women only care about your personality and how vibrant you are.

Redpill: The belief that you should work on yourself but in a way that is achievable. Good haircut, beard, gym, getting rich, nice car, dressing well. Combine this with cold approaching and you'll get a girlfriend. Another belief is that women only care about your looks if you obviously work on yourself.

Blackpill: The belief that your life is purely genetics. Your height is genetics, and your looks are genetics. There is some salvageability as you are encouraged to improve yourself like the redpill, EXCEPT these are much more brutal manners. Such as steroids, surgery, things that are like, expensive, hard to find, and very risky. Most believe that combining all this still won't get you a girlfriend if you didn't have the genetics for it. Another belief is that women only care about looks and height.

It's so unfortunate because i've been a genetic dead end my entire life and tried self improvement for years, it has led to nothing. I have no friends to talk to and i've never had a girlfriend, let alone even talked to one. I'm not kidding, i've never had a girls number or talked to one from the perspective of wanting a relationship with her. I'm KHHV (Kissless, Hugless, Handholdless, Virgin) and I don't think that'll ever change 🙁
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
What about the whitepill? Me? I'm silverpilled @Rocinante
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May 5, 2024
Black, white, left, right, good and evil... the truth is often in the middle.
All those pill colors come with valid points. It's not factually wrong to blame genetics, but it will never yield any solutions.
Self improvement is great, but spending ones life trying to compensate for ones flaws is not. It takes some blue pill perspective for it to make sense.
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Jul 24, 2024
Overfuel for my life.
Black, white, left, right, good and evil... the truth is often in the middle.
All those pill colors come with valid points. It's not factually wrong to blame genetics, but it will never yield any solutions.
Self improvement is great, but spending ones life trying to compensate for ones flaws is not. It takes some blue pill perspective for it to make sense.
True, but it's not all sunshine's and rainbows. When you're born as a complete genetic dead end like me there's not much bluepill to enjoy. Before I was blackpilled, I defintely had a bluepilled mindset. Guess what? It led to nothing, I was a loner who got no girls then and i'm still a loner who gets no girls now.
Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I really dig all this Matrix stuff, it's helped me conduct my relationships effectively.


But seriously, subscribing to nopill probably isn't the worst way to get a girlfriend.
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Jun 20, 2023
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I'm sort of a blackpill in a way but I don't really care about improving myself. Life is heavily based on genetics as well as the family which you get born to. If you get born into a rich family, your life is set and you could potentially live your entire life as a neet in peace. If you get born into a family that isn't rich, you're forced to wage slave or to rope. Life is all based on luck and I believe that our genetics proves that point
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May 5, 2024
True, but it's not all sunshine's and rainbows. When you're born as a complete genetic dead end like me there's not much bluepill to enjoy. Before I was blackpilled, I defintely had a bluepilled mindset. Guess what? It led to nothing, I was a loner who got no girls then and i'm still a loner who gets no girls now.
Black pill perspective:
You're human, you have a consciousness, a body, and preferences, and a goal. It's a pretty good start compared to a vegetable, unable to form thought or take action.
You have a set of traits - strengths and weaknesses. Map those out, and you can find the areas where you're naturally most competitive.
The dangers here are inferiority and superiority complexes.

Red pill perspective:
You're not perfect, but you have the ability to improve. Through study and training you can both mitigate your weakness and boost your strengths. Don't be content with being mediocre, when you can do better. With time and hard work, you can become a better person.
The danger here is that you'll be prone to working yourself to death without fulfillment.

Blue pill perspective:
Worse people than you have good lives. Find your niche, and people who appreciate the qualities you have.
If you give up, your chances to accomplish anything at all drops drastically.
The danger here is that it's easy to grow complacent and lazy, never changing anything.

Use perspectives or "pills" as tools to solve problems and gain insight. Extremisms and narrowmindedness is bad. Creating change is hard.
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Apr 15, 2022
Have you even approached any women to show them you're interested? What do you say to them when/if you do? I know you probably don't want to hear this, but lower your expectations. Instead of only showing interest in the good-looking, slim, unattainable (to you) type women, start pursuing the less than attractive, overweight, awkward, homely women. ALL women deserve, and need, love and attention, as I'm sure you do, too. You might end up being pleasantly surprised by what you find - inner beauty. Oh, one other thing. Women can read desperation a mile away. It probably oozes off of you. You need to fix that. Desperation is not attractive. Just my 2 cents.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I'm some mix of all three. I'm hoping to overdose on all these pills til it kills me.
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Apr 5, 2024
redpill I guess because first impressions matter and you can definitely work on yourself physically, I think we should only like others for their personality though, there are plenty of people who look great but are awful people on the inside, you should set aside your primal desires and see them for who they are.

Honestly I could never find someone attractive no matter how they look unless I got to know them well, and if they refuse to even talk to me because of how I look then I wouldn't want to talk to them either.

I'm not saying I have a great personality, nobody would want to deal with my depression, only someone as broken as me could actually like me.
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May 19, 2024
Viewing a girlfriend as a goal to obtain & women as a shallow monolith as in blackpill thinking will always be a bigger barrier than looks. Attractive men may have an advantage, but their dating pool is only very attractive women. A lot of women date men who aren't in their league bc an ugly guy who has a good personality & respects you is more attractive than an average guy who views you as an object. If you're deep in this kind of ideology, what's going to get you out is working on self worth and how you talk about relationships & women. Incel ideologies like "blackpill" obviously don't stop anyone from being an incel
Last edited:
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Misanthrope is my religion
Oct 19, 2023
I'm just a misanthrope. I do not see people regardless of race, gender, age or ugly vs attractive as anything special. I've dated many attractive men, ugly ones with money. I married a good looking man at least an 8.5 on those face rating charts.

It's annoying seeing people take whatever thing they were born with race, being young because born in x time, being tall etc and brag. It's embarrassing to watch nobody can brag about those things logically because they didn't do anything. It's so bad now people get surgery then say how good they look, that's called cheating.

I do believe looks matter in life to a degree. However it's not like ugly people are loaded with empathy. A lot of them are bitter and hateful and believe attractive people have perfect lives. Which is a stereotype. All the attractive people I see online and I HARDLY ever see anyone like that in rl. So maybe it's certain people fault for falling for social media tricks and then self loathing about their own looks.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Viewing a girlfriend as a goal to obtain to obtain & a shallow monolith as in blackpill thinking will always be a bigger barrier than looks. Attractive men may have an advantage, but their dating pool is only very attractive women. A lot of women date men who aren't in their league bc an ugly guy who has a good personality & respects you is more attractive than an average guy who views you as an object. If you're deep in this kind of ideology, what's going to get you out is working on self worth and how you talk about relationships & women. Incel ideologies like "blackpill" obviously don't stop anyone from being an incel
It's funny because the OP himself isn't even bad looking, meaning that his issues when it comes to finding a partner likely don't have much to do with his looks. Honestly, this type of "___pilled" rhetoric isn't productive at all and may even worsen your issues. All these manosphere communities do is lead men to going from just being a upset over some minor issues, such as finding a gf, to becoming straight up dangerous to be around. They also lead to men becoming worse overtime, with these communities using the issues that affect men to further radicalized them, rather than properly addressing them. It's just one big mess.

Women don't find this appealing. Other men don't find this appealing. A lot of the issues that men face are due to the patriarchy and this "one pill, two pill, red pill, blue pill" stuff isn't going to us anywhere.
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May 19, 2024
It's funny because the OP himself isn't even bad looking, meaning that his issues when it comes to finding a partner likely don't have much to do with his looks. Honestly, this type of "___pilled" rhetoric isn't productive at all and may even worsen your issues. All these manosphere communities do is lead men to going from just being a upset over some minor issues, such as finding a gf, to becoming straight up dangerous to be around. They also lead to men becoming worse overtime, with these communities using the issues that affect men to further radicalized them, rather than properly addressing them. It's just one big mess.

Women don't find this appealing. Other men don't find this appealing. A lot of the issues that men face are due to the patriarchy and this "one pill, two pill, red pill, blue pill" stuff isn't going to us anywhere.

Yeah I'll never get listening to pill rhetoric from other incels. If you want to date women, listen to women! Even outside of the misogyny that becomes ingrained in these communities, listening to men who can't get a date about how to get a date just does not make sense. At some point the goal stops being any kind of improvement & becomes digging themselves a hole full of hate
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Yeah I'll never get listening to pill rhetoric from other incels. If you want to date women, listen to women! Even outside of the misogyny that becomes ingrained in these communities, listening to men who can't get a date about how to get a date just does not make sense. At some point the goal stops being any kind of improvement & becomes digging themselves a hole full of hate
It's sad, because the incel community was actually created by a queer woman and used to be a place where people would gather to get advice on what to do in order to improve their chances of getting into a relationship. It used to be positive online community but now it has turned into a complete dumpster fire.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
If you really want full on depression, join the blackpill full time.
I think at some point I was what would be considered fully blackpilled but it's kind of exhausting to keep up with any ideology or sentiment. These days I'm more anxious than depressed and I'm not sure if that's an improvement or not.
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Nov 22, 2023
Lurked on .is as a joke, then actually started relating to a lot of the posts. It's so over.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
You describe yourself as a loner with no friends. You're going to have to learn bare minimum social skills to get a girlfriend.

Ugly people get into fulfilling relationships all the time, but having at least some charisma really helps.
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Jun 21, 2024
The blackpill or redpill have nothing to do with it. It is genuinely all about personality and connecting with people. I'm an underweight, ugly, mentally ill freak and I have the most wonderful and loving girlfriend in the world who I just met through friends. I used to think like you did and it got me nowhere. Once I started going out and meeting people and trying to be nice it all changed and I was lucky to meet someone who puts up with me. You can do it and lots of people do, this blackpill redpill stuff isn't going to get you there though.
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Sep 15, 2019
im "its weird that all the worldview options revolve around getting a girlfriend" pilled

like sure, kissing is nice, its also not worth defining yourself over.
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Jul 24, 2024
You describe yourself as a loner with no friends. You're going to have to learn bare minimum social skills to get a girlfriend.

Ugly people get into fulfilling relationships all the time, but having at least some charisma really helps.
I do have solid enough social skills but i'm simply too ugly to be anyone's true friend. I'm always the backup and the scapegoat so I decided to just stop talking to people as a whole.

Lurked on .is as a joke, then actually started relating to a lot of the posts. It's so over.
It sucks man, it really does. I hope in our next lives we are reborn as something exotic, our skins and bones will turn into something beautiful. Like how we were meant to be.


Jun 11, 2024
I miss the days when talking about pills meant talking about drugs. I suppose actually taking pills would be less toxic than the incel discourse about metaphorical pills. I really wish there was a healthier and more inclusive incel community, like the original one, without all the hate. Lookism is a real and underestimated phenomenon.
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