I'm not american so not really, I'm usually detached from current politics other than very few things that personally affects me.
I do not like the globalism things being pushed into my country of origin(Japan) and while trump are supposed to be the guy who are going to "stop the evil globalist" I don't think he is even going to do that. I think he is just posing as anti-leftist for popularity.
The force replacement of palestinian seems like crazy idea, but again it doesn't personally affect me.
I'm not sure what you mean by globalism being pushed into Japan. The greatest problem with globalization is the economic inequality that neoliberalism has created. The xenophobia it has generated is exploited by far right parties/conservatives to blame people and immigrants. Globalization/neoliberalism meant free movement of money, trade, goods and people. Ultimately it has been only the money that has moved easily which has created massive inequality as it has benefited a tiny few over the vast majority globally. Blaming immigrants and selling hate is something conservatives use to deflect attention away from the real economic problems. Scapegoating immigrants has an ugly history.
The fact is we live in a globally connected world and to solve humanities problems there needs to be cooperation, with climate change being a prime example. The global south will
especially be affected by climate change and that
definitely includes Japan. The future portends mass migration northward which will cause untold levels of global instability. An immoral, parasitic economic system being another problem that needs to be addressed globally. climate change also is the result of this corrupt zero-sum economic system (more, more, more).
The forced replacement and genocide of palestinians is also a global problem in that it reflects a nations morals when they don't take some sort of stance. Else this erodes global human rights and renews dangerous regressive precedents. I suppose should N. Korea/China (and Russia) attack Taiwan and maybe S.Korea and Japan, the global community should just shrug and say, crazy thing, but oh well.
But I can understand on a personal level focusing only on what affects you. But many Americans are realizing the election has had many negative consequences on people's lives. This includes some amount of conservatives who voted based on emotion and spite rather than the reality of what their choice meant. So many conservatives have been trained to parrot things like socialism is bad, meanwhile so many of them need medicare/medicaid, something conservatives and capitalists want to abolish. It is no surprise that red states are amongst the poorest in America.