

New Member
Jul 23, 2020
I came from a pretty well-off family. Just that I got the gift of social anxiety. Results are simply hilarious if I can disassociate and look at my life from an external perspective. Born into wealth, accommodating parents, and all that shit I know most people would kill for, and still a fuckup. Just that my dad here doesn't particularly enjoy talking about my awfully obvious rapidly declining sanity, neither do I like visiting psychiatrists in a non-English speaking country. Most of my personality and thoughts are in English, and so is my infinite layers of irony I'm shielded with. I switch to my mother tongue and surprise surprise, I can't talk about serious shit at all, I become a dismissive, subservient, disgusting yes-man loser that I would put 2 in the back of their heads as an act of kindness in a heartbeat.

But let's rewind a little bit shall we? Take this as a cautionary tale about college, particularly medical school, if you'd like. *freeze frame* *picture of me tying up a noose in my room* *Baba O'Riley.mp3 starts playing* Yup. That's me, now you must be wondering how I got here.

It all started back in 2016, right after I got accepted into a computer science degree in a cheaper uni. Was about to get outta high school too. Then this dumb schmuck my dad calls his "buddy" came by and told me how easy medical school is. So I, a moronic double digit-IQ spineless sardine looking motherfucker bought it hook, line, sinker, and half the fucking pole. His son's a medical student too, and he's violently shooting me the "my parents are clinically insane, please PLEASE PLEEAAASE stop listening to these cum guzzling retards" stare, but I'm too affixed with this silver-tongued sonofabitch's story all glittery eyed to notice what this poor soul had to say.

So first year was pretty chill, pretty alright, a few expectations were wrong, but fine. Fast forward a year, and I noticed, the more ego you stroke, the more "dicks" you suck, the "luckier" you get. I got paired with the *worst* examiner twice-in-a-fucking-row for both presentations when there's plenty more that's infinitely more willing and nicer. I fucking wake up in the morning and vomit right before I go for the "hospital exposure" program where you stand around like a dim-witted lemming in a fucking lab coat to paint "hey people, I'm a fucking moron" all across your body. I don't wake up and just contemplate killing myself, I wake up, get on my knees in front of my toilet, vomit half my dinner out, and then I contemplate suicide.

It all stopped becoming the "professional" work I've been told about by that dumb cocksucker "buddy" of my dad, it's all about face, sucking dicks, and looking good much more so than being at least a fucking half-competent dimwit. One side of the ego-crazed asshats wants us to contact them one-by-one instead of one rep. contacting for the group, idk maybe they enjoy looking like a busy retard. One side wants us to contact them face-to-face, one side rejects all calls, one side rejects all text messages and they will all give you a stern bitching and writing up bullshit excuses for your "incompetence" and keep you in their vice for as long as they like to watch your pleb medical student ass squeal. I don't fucking know how do I even talk to these ego giants anymore except for a baseball bat to their face at terminal velocity my muscles can achieve, but that's too much hassle for me, I don't wanna do that to the wrong people who were actually nice, so I thought I'm just gonna live on a little longer, just to see what's in front. If I get lucky, one last time, maybe I'll keep going, if not, I already have a plan, and the materiel to execute the plan, all it takes is my input, and I'm done. No more of this retarded bullshit. My dad's probably gonna cry and shit, or not, I hope the fuck not since I'm doing him a major favor here. Either way I don't care too much, should've said shit and quit shitting himself early-on. Maybe none of this needs to happen. But fuck it all, maybe everyone's gotta learn, no, get used to the fact shit happens.

TL;DR Quit shitting yourself about wanting to go to college. Oh and the lesson? The "caution"? Yeah just think twice before you take college, here's a thing, right, you don't gotta "aim high" as your misguided peers probably told your dumb impressionable ass. Go for what you can do. You don't really *have* to be in college to make any useful money at all. There's trade school, freelancing, hell, go learn useful shit on your own, editing, writing, translating, welding, filming, cooking, gardening, various shit man, thousand ways to Rome my friends, you just gotta look for it, there's no shortage of help in a helping hand for the society.

Do us both a favor and take what this deranged suicidal fuck's saying for a second here will ya? I'm simply trying to prevent more of myself being made, use my crucified body as a scarecrow, look at it. Fucking gruesome ain't it? Don't be me. Whatever you do, do not, and I mean, do NOT fuck with college until you know *precisely* what you're doing. Never ask people how they "feel" about college. Ask them what they did and figure out how YOU feel about it. Take a gap year to figure it out, or two. Stay the fuck informed people, intel, is a life or death matter, in war, and in daily life. Figure out what you have to do, hell, your limits. Figure it all out, have a long good look in the mirror and quit shitting yourself. As I'm a fucking college kid, why dontcha ask me for starters? I may be biased towards my own type of experience, but hey, better than jumping head-first into this world of shit blind. AMA if you'd like idk. I write this shit here as a last-ditch sorta thing, not much attachment to the people here, idk if I like you all, but here it is, my actual unfiltered thoughts. One may call it a blogpost and they're right. I may or may not check back but fuck it.
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Apr 5, 2020
Thank you for sharing your tragedy. It really is horrific how much one's success depends on the ability to gel well with others, and tolerate their bullshit. I take your advice about university, it's very reasonable. Sadly everyone's experience is different, and nobody has perfect knowledge, so the only way to really know if it's going to be hell is once you're in it. Hindsight is 20/20, and we're all steering somewhat blind before then. I wish you the best.
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