There is no guilt or self blame in my mind. I did struggle with those thoughts as a child and as a teen but I destroyed such thoughts, a long time ago. I purged them from my mind, like the viruses they were... So this article doesn't apply to me. My depression is caused by other sources. I actually think very highly of myself to the point, fools have accused me of narcissism due to ignorance or jealousy. It's just my brain has been put through the meat grinder so many times from external sources and on top of that, constantly living in a hostile environment has caused my brain to react with depression. It would go away if only I had the power to change the world around me into something that meets my basic needs and desires and the power to undo all the damage done to my brain. I do see guilt and self blame, being the cause of depression for some people. So I'm not entirely writing this article off. The author just jumped to the false conclusion, this applies to all of us.