

Envoy of the Silence
Dec 15, 2021
Big business! We were talking and we were thinking, if we put our head together we might be able to save the world.

We don't have governments, we have sheltered workshops; There isn't a government on the planet that can make a decision without first checking in with big business. Do you have a problem with that? The problem with big business, is it's not made up of people, not really. People say. "Hey big business, you know how I work for you; Can you tell me what we're doing?" Big business says, "No!" I wish there was someplace we could go to confront big business. We could go there and do that, but there is no there there. Big business says they're there, here's some advertising to remind you of what's important. When you step back far enough to have a good look at the big picture you discover there's no one in charge, there aren't even mofos in charge!

What I'm saying is some kind of successful attempt to free government from the grip of big business, so we can get on with the business of governing ourselves. This wacky political thinking is based on a concept called adulthood! "Ah hey big business, we're grownups and we feel your nightmare death-clamp on our governmental systems is...well how can I put it? It's kind of like we vote for stuff and that stuff still doesn't happen! You see big business, we like making decisions and watching our plans unfold. We call this, having a future." Remember having a future? It was a concept that was quite popular for about two weeks in the sixties. *Sigh* Good times.

You know, sometimes I think we've got big problems on this planet and then I remember. "Hey! Hang on! Wait! We're here. Who you say?! Us. Humans. Maybe the humans can help us with our problems." I know, it's like I'm on drugs. It's weird, I feel like I'm in some kind of parallel universe where humans can change things. I just kind of think, people who spend a lot of time trying to predict a nasty future might be better off strapping themselves into the present and helping us with the now problems. I'm sure we'll have lots of problems tomorrow, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those problems spring from the fact that we're looking at tomorrow instead of looking at the problems in Mr. Pocket. In my little pocket here..bits of problems. Sure! We'll have problems tomorrow, but I'm pegging that then will be the time to get onto them. I'm thinking that people who spend a lot of time trying to predict a nasty tomorrow are maybe missing an opportunity to work on some issues today. But no, of course, you're right. Living for the present is madness! Living for the future, living for retirement, living for the day when things begin to make sense! I mean, sure, it won't happen, but anyway...whatever.

Governing ourselves is the future, but first we have to legally organize for big business to fudge off! Western people are constantly trying to export their idea of enlightenment, or some shirt, to other countries because apparently, brown people can't think for themselves. Maybe we should have a war on not being who we say we are. We're not democracies, we're democracies bound and gagged by big business. You know when I feel bad about myself, I remind myself, "Hey! We as a people suck!" and then I feel better. It's an insane concept, Western people getting involved in running their own worlds and leaving other peoples world the fudge alone! Maybe if we could manage to legally organize to get big business out of the business of governing us, we could vote, we might decide we want to continue to fudge with brown people. So be it, but let's at least give it a shot even if it turns out we are awful.

See, what I'm imagining is that when humans are in charge of their own governance; When they vote for stuff, that stuff will occur. Let me walk you through that fantasy illusion one more time. When we are in charge of our own lives we will be free. And with our new found freedom we'll be able to ask for stuff and probably even get it. We can say, "I don't want big business to run our prisons, jails, lockups. For if there are dehumanizing hellholes scattered about the place, demons surely must be being produced." We could say, "I don't want big business running our hospitals. For when healthcare is tied to the bottom line, people die in agonizing ways, in vast numbers that put doctors off their golf stroke and make them feel sad inside."

We can blame lawyers and business people and cops for our problems, but the fact of the matter is if we were in charge of our own government we could tell these people what to do. A cop who TASER'd an old lady thirty or forty times more than necessary would be told, "It's vote o'clock for you shirt breath!" The applications for democracy that isn't made up, pretend, farce, unreal BS...limitless! Of course nothing good can happen if we spend all our energy trying to predict how the epic failure is going to happen. And that's called voting with your brain for the inevitable sad, pathetic life you're going to have to live.

Big business through its advertising, marketing, and awful house products, and lobby groups, and lots of other stuff..who cares?!...Keeps us balls deep in a feeling of uninspired sadness. It's a cold feeling that makes your balls shrink and go up into your body. You stop feeling like a man and start waiting for someone to rescue you, tell you what to do next, or put you out of your misery. The good news is the world is starting to come out of a fifty year television marathon, take a look around and start making up it's own stories. Yes, all of those stories are complete BS but it's a start!

We've got the power now to make disposable three minute rants and throw them out into the world to see what happens, if anything. When I'm thinking about stuff like this, I think of it like sport, you don't not play because you might lose. You want to do it for better reasons than that and you want to say those reasons out loud. I don't care what happens to the world, I'm not interested. You know what it's like? It's like, with adulthood comes responsibility and a sense of obligation to the community. Thanks to retarded television and evil inter-webs, I know the world is there. It puts me in a position, philosophically. It's like, I'm not responsible for the worlds troubles. I mean if I was, I would be god and deserving of perhaps, I don't know, Crucifixion! But I do feel an obligation to help with whatever skills I have, however I feel I can. Some people help by playing Warcraft and keeping that chubby dream alive for humanity. Some people try to spread awareness by giving other people AIDS. Some people join a music band and sing songs of joy and hope and afterwards they give people AIDS. What I'm saying is, some people give people AIDS because AIDS is in their heart; Other people give people AIDS because they've just got AIDS. They don't know they've got AIDS. But if we were in charge of our own governance we could tell big business, "Hey! You know those cures for AIDS you're working on? How about instead of trying to work out how much they cost, lets just put them out there...shirt breath!" We would stop feeling like our whole society, top to bottom, has AIDS and we'd start to feel like we can cure AIDS, cure cancer, end poverty, stop wars from starting, and probably lose that feeling. You know that feeling? That feeling inside of being useless! You know that feeling like if we weren't such cowards life on earth wouldn't suck! And we wouldn't have to spend all day complaining about it!

Yeah that's a good way to finish Gideon. Rise up chinless softies, wannabees, and losers cuz it's our turn to be in charge. Yeah that's a convincing argument. Yeah when I publish this note, that will be the signal for world wide revolution to commence! People are gonna be like, "Why didn't I think of that?! Quick alert everybody!"
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