CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
Ppl specie no undrstd wat mean injury damage no undrstd any, me pain sffr all day no stop awfl species prttnd no hpn any awfl ppl no undrstd this awfl unq no ppl same this only me unvrs injury damage me spacetime injury damage me species injury damage me callous fiend injury damage me ,all awfl
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Reactions: Steff1337, LifeQuitter, davidtorez and 13 others


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It truly is so terrible how people suffer so unbearably, it's all just so cruel. But anyway I wish you the best.
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Reactions: LifeQuitter, CTB Dream, davidtorez and 2 others


Oct 15, 2023
I can try to empathize and share my story with traumatic nerve injuries in the hopes that it might bring you some sort of comfort that you're not alone suffering in this place.

I always had very weird nerve sensations throughout my life in my hands and fingers. I couldn't explain a whole lot of it most of it just appeared to be anomalous pain that came and went that I couldn't identify that well. I felt like my hands were always burning and when I worked my fingers felt like they were broken. In a span of about 10 years I went to numerous neurologists who couldn't figure out what was wrong and I went to hospitals begging them to take X rays in my hands because I thought I had to have had Numerous fractures in the bone somewhere they hurt so bad.

In 2017 I started to have Additional sensations where it felt like someone took in exacto knife and plunged it into this blade of my hand and cut down to the wrist. These sensations would appear for a month or so at a time and randomly disappear. I started to have extreme temperature sensitivity to the point where my hands would cook themselves. They would start together so much heat that the tissue would start to open up and bleed if I didn't cool them down with some water or take corrective action. My hands would leave a puddle of sweat if I put it on a table because this sweat glands were so damaged.

At the start of 2019 that exacto knife blade sensation that I described earlier went from stopping at the wrist to spreading up both of my arms up into the bicep and Was appearing and disappearing more rapidly now. I didn't make it until May of 2019 before I had a significant traumatic nerve injury to my right arm that I still haven't recovered from five years later.
I was using my right arm and my whole arm went limp and I couldn't move it for a few hours. There wasn't any pain initially but over the course of the next 24 hours some of the worst traumatic nerve damage to my right arms started to develop. Felt like someone dug a blade down to the bone And I completely lost use of my right arm for almost a year.

The damage will not as severe in my left arm greatly affected my left arm as well. I was reduced to the lowest form of life for so long groveling on the ground barely able to take the amount of pain that it took to eat food. I had to spend several years in physical therapy to attempt to recover the nerve trauma to my right arm. It was an unbelievably slow and arduous process. When I first started the only exercise that I could do was they would put my Arms in a cylinder that runs warm sand along the palms of my hands and arms to stimulate them a little bit.

My limbs and especially my right arm could barely tolerate big touched. I rested it on a pillow And the pain only became tolerable when I didn't move for 5 or 6 hours. When I got up to go to the bathroom the extreme pain down to the bone would start all over again.

In addition to the nerves in my right arm becoming extremely traumatized high eyesight suffered nerve trauma. My eyes would constantly water looking at sources of light and I could not tolerate looking at my computer screens and Japan animation anything with bright colors was especially irritating. My forehead would get a sensation that it was boiling when I looked at sources of light. It got so bad that when I woke up in the morning I would have to slowly open my eyes over the course of an hour. If I immediately opened them The muscles would get strained and it would feel like someone punched me in the face and I for several days.

Needless to say it wasn't until a neurologist decided to do a skin biopsy to test the nerve density in my arms and legs then my condition was even able to be Properly diagnosed as a form of small fiber neuropathy due to my immune system Attacking and weakening nerve fibers all over my body. A skin biopsy is a relatively simple procedure that almost any neurologist is familiar with but all the neurologists that I saw previously didn't care enough About being an effective doctor to suggest that I have a Sample taken.

If I had known about things sooner I might have been able to avoid the trauma to my eyes and right arm. My right arm has never been the same even 5 years later since the injury. For a few years now I've been on a type of immune system treatment called IVIG immunoglobulin treatment. They basically take And separate plasma from around up thousand people Donating to blood banks and they create a drug with it and inject it into me. Every two weeks I have a nurse that comes out and Starts up an IV and sits with me for 6 or 7 hours while the drug is infused into my system.

After years of doing IVIG treatment and physical therapy as well as some assistive technology to help me use a computer I've been slowly able to gain some amount of functionality back. To be honest I have so many symptoms all over my body most of which I didn't bother mentioning here, it's pretty overwhelming.

Even though there's difficulty with us communicating I can tell we've been through similar things. I'm so sorry you're suffering so badly every day. This is the most I've ever talked about my condition on these forums. If you ever want someone too talk to my DMS are always open. I'll do whatever I can to help you.

Wishing you nothing but the best. Take care of yourself.
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Reactions: ForgottenAgain, CTB Dream and davidtorez
CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
It truly is so terrible how people suffer so unbearably, it's all just so cruel. But anyway I wish you the best.
Rly awfl life crul life all pain sffr
I can try to empathize and share my story with traumatic nerve injuries in the hopes that it might bring you some sort of comfort that you're not alone suffering in this place.

I always had very weird nerve sensations throughout my life in my hands and fingers. I couldn't explain a whole lot of it most of it just appeared to be anomalous pain that came and went that I couldn't identify that well. I felt like my hands were always burning and when I worked my fingers felt like they were broken. In a span of about 10 years I went to numerous neurologists who couldn't figure out what was wrong and I went to hospitals begging them to take X rays in my hands because I thought I had to have had Numerous fractures in the bone somewhere they hurt so bad.

In 2017 I started to have Additional sensations where it felt like someone took in exacto knife and plunged it into this blade of my hand and cut down to the wrist. These sensations would appear for a month or so at a time and randomly disappear. I started to have extreme temperature sensitivity to the point where my hands would cook themselves. They would start together so much heat that the tissue would start to open up and bleed if I didn't cool them down with some water or take corrective action. My hands would leave a puddle of sweat if I put it on a table because this sweat glands were so damaged.

At the start of 2019 that exacto knife blade sensation that I described earlier went from stopping at the wrist to spreading up both of my arms up into the bicep and Was appearing and disappearing more rapidly now. I didn't make it until May of 2019 before I had a significant traumatic nerve injury to my right arm that I still haven't recovered from five years later.
I was using my right arm and my whole arm went limp and I couldn't move it for a few hours. There wasn't any pain initially but over the course of the next 24 hours some of the worst traumatic nerve damage to my right arms started to develop. Felt like someone dug a blade down to the bone And I completely lost use of my right arm for almost a year.

The damage will not as severe in my left arm greatly affected my left arm as well. I was reduced to the lowest form of life for so long groveling on the ground barely able to take the amount of pain that it took to eat food. I had to spend several years in physical therapy to attempt to recover the nerve trauma to my right arm. It was an unbelievably slow and arduous process. When I first started the only exercise that I could do was they would put my Arms in a cylinder that runs warm sand along the palms of my hands and arms to stimulate them a little bit.

My limbs and especially my right arm could barely tolerate big touched. I rested it on a pillow And the pain only became tolerable when I didn't move for 5 or 6 hours. When I got up to go to the bathroom the extreme pain down to the bone would start all over again.

In addition to the nerves in my right arm becoming extremely traumatized high eyesight suffered nerve trauma. My eyes would constantly water looking at sources of light and I could not tolerate looking at my computer screens and Japan animation anything with bright colors was especially irritating. My forehead would get a sensation that it was boiling when I looked at sources of light. It got so bad that when I woke up in the morning I would have to slowly open my eyes over the course of an hour. If I immediately opened them The muscles would get strained and it would feel like someone punched me in the face and I for several days.

Needless to say it wasn't until a neurologist decided to do a skin biopsy to test the nerve density in my arms and legs then my condition was even able to be Properly diagnosed as a form of small fiber neuropathy due to my immune system Attacking and weakening nerve fibers all over my body. A skin biopsy is a relatively simple procedure that almost any neurologist is familiar with but all the neurologists that I saw previously didn't care enough About being an effective doctor to suggest that I have a Sample taken.

If I had known about things sooner I might have been able to avoid the trauma to my eyes and right arm. My right arm has never been the same even 5 years later since the injury. For a few years now I've been on a type of immune system treatment called IVIG immunoglobulin treatment. They basically take And separate plasma from around up thousand people Donating to blood banks and they create a drug with it and inject it into me. Every two weeks I have a nurse that comes out and Starts up an IV and sits with me for 6 or 7 hours while the drug is infused into my system.

After years of doing IVIG treatment and physical therapy as well as some assistive technology to help me use a computer I've been slowly able to gain some amount of functionality back. To be honest I have so many symptoms all over my body most of which I didn't bother mentioning here, it's pretty overwhelming.

Even though there's difficulty with us communicating I can tell we've been through similar things. I'm so sorry you're suffering so badly every day. This is the most I've ever talked about my condition on these forums. If you ever want someone too talk to my DMS are always open. I'll do whatever I can to help you.

Wishing you nothing but the best. Take care of yourself.
V sry this rly scary amt pain sffr posbl hpn body rly awfl bio, v sry hpn all undrstd pain sffr rly sry hpn, this pain hdn many type rly awfl rly scary, anytm want post forum ok no wry, wsh bst v thank
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Reactions: ForgottenAgain, davidtorez, thebelljarrr and 2 others

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