
Aug 18, 2020
I am a mess. I am way too ill for college. Social interactions trigger so much. I am very close to quitting college forever. My family pressures me to keep going.
I had a hiatus for half a year. My pulse is still insanely high. It helped but not much.

I have two lectures next semester and both in presence at college (not online). I had to go to college three times a week. Something I could never stomach...yes I am that ill. I contacted both lecturers and told them that I am disabled (without specifying it) and it would be easier for me if the lecture was also streamed.
One of the two lectures will now be streamed (solely?) for me. The lecturer promised me that. If I tell this story to people close to me they tell me how savy and cool this move was. But I feel like such an inconvinience. I waste so much resources. The joke is I don't even know whether I will be able to do this. I had manic symptoms recently and I don't feel that good. These lecturers must think I am in a wheelchair or something like that. I have several mental illnesses instead and struggle with too many social interactions.

I feel like an embarrassment. At the same time it is a huge advantage for me. It helps me so much. And I don't know whether other students will also be able to watch the stream.

By the way I live in Germany. I think in other countries they would laugh their ass off.

What do you think about it?
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
This is an accommodation for a student who is too ill to be able to commit to the full schedule.

It's good they're offering this option.

Maybe we will get to a point where a student in your position won't have to feel guilty about "using up too many resources."

By the way I live in Germany. I think in other countries they would laugh their ass off.
I'd say I'm sorry to hear those "other countries" haven't progressed enough yet to do anything other than laugh at this. It must be hard for them to live that way.

What do you think about it?
Is this a good thing for you? What is the difference between accommodating our limitations and enabling our illnesses? I feel like only the individual can be the judge of that. (But I'm sure a lot of other people would happily judge anyway.)

So I'd say... Whatever it is that you think about it, that's what it is.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I expect they do have meetings about and protocols set in place for situations like this. Equal opportunities and all that. They probably do have certain responsibilities to make learning accessible for people who are struggling. Plus, they can boast about it in their prospectus. They must be better set up for this sort of thing following covid too.

Are your tuition fees huge? In a way, you're probably already paying for stuff like this. Plus, if they choose to record it too (if they can do that,) that could be useful for them to refer back to.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
You should not feel embarrassed for being able to attend online bc of your disability! I admire how much effort you put into college despite your severe MH-condition. đź«‚
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Jun 26, 2020
What @Praestat_Mori stated in his posts is exactly what I would say. His take is so thoughtful and kind.

You are a REALLY great person and never ever let anyone tell you differently. Being able to get a great education takes a lot of guts and determination and doing it online when one has limitations, then that makes you a super student with an iron will and massive amounts of intelligence.

Lots of well wishes and the knowledge that you are truly a winner in life.

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Aug 18, 2020
I expect they do have meetings about and protocols set in place for situations like this. Equal opportunities and all that. They probably do have certain responsibilities to make learning accessible for people who are struggling. Plus, they can boast about it in their prospectus. They must be better set up for this sort of thing following covid too.

Are your tuition fees huge? In a way, you're probably already paying for stuff like this. Plus, if they choose to record it too (if they can do that,) that could be useful for them to refer back to.
The tuition fees in Germany are very low. Less than 200 Euros for half a year. And I get money for still being in education despite my age approximately 200 Euros per month.
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