Deleted member 23885

Nov 18, 2020
You know, are we at SS a little bit rock n roll? Rough around the edges. Dark. Maybe, the reason we have problems and don't fit into the mould of society is because we're colourful people. True individuals. The kind of ppl who stand out like a sore thumb. Thoughts?
Also, relating to my depression. Even the decision to travel to America to ctb by gunshot, sounds very rock n roll. Like something Sid Vicious would have done. Is suicide rock n roll?
Another thing, it's really hard for me to be positive/upbeat/domesticated like most ppl. I can't binge watch the Food Channel like my mum. I'd rather watch paint dry than watch Cupcake Wars. I prefer listening to emotional/soulful music that captures my mood.
I'm also really grateful for the sense of community on SS. It makes me feel less alone- which is important as I was ostracised in high school.
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Jul 15, 2020
I mean I guess? I don't really get what's rocknroll. I know the music but idk about this..
The thing is I don't want to be like this. I wish I could fall into society and not care about working till I die and enjoy the few days of holidays the employer allows..this world is shit. I feel like we live in some kind of dystopia
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Deleted member 23885

Nov 18, 2020
I mean I guess? I don't really get what's rocknroll. I know the music but idk about this..
The thing is I don't want to be like this. I wish I could fall into society and not care about working till I die and enjoy the few days of holidays the employer allows..this world is shit. I feel like we live in some kind of dystopia
By rock n roll, I mean that we're the outlaws. The black sheep, so to speak.
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Jul 15, 2020
By rock n roll, I mean that we're the outlaws. The black sheep, so to speak.
Oh I see, I guess that's true. If you have any mental illnesses you're already kind of a black sheep:( it's kinda sad, I want to belong but I'm (or we) just too different
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Mar 22, 2020
Yeah, I just can't be a "normy"
I pretended to be one for 31 years. That's it.
Also, people like us DO wonder about the mysteries of the universe, life, death, etc whereas "normal people" just "eat, work, sleep, have a family" and do the same every single day. I certainly don't want that boring life!

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Deleted member 23885

Nov 18, 2020
Oh I see, I guess that's true. If you have any mental illnesses you're already kind of a black sheep:( it's kinda sad, I want to belong but I'm (or we) just too different
I don't know about all mental illnesses. But, low-level anxiety/depression/OCD are actually quite common. But, most ppl are too scared to admit it. I'd say around 10-15% of the population have low-level mental illness.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Idk I would love to be a sheep, a normie, whatever it can be. No matter where I go or what group of people I find I alway feel like there's some small difference that's enough to disqualify me from truly fitting in anywhere. I don't even fit in with anti conformist types because there are plenty of popular things I do sincerely enjoy but always in different ways from other people. The few minds I've felt close to left me anyway so I suppose that no one will ever truly be like me.
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Sep 28, 2020
Some people say that people with mental illnesses are more creative and sensitive than others. You can see that by so many talented celebrities that ctb.
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Mar 17, 2020
Sí, no puedo ser un "normal"
Fingí serlo durante 31 años. Eso es.
Además, las personas como nosotros SÍ se preguntan sobre los misterios del universo, la vida, la muerte, etc. mientras que la "gente normal" simplemente "come, trabaja, duerme, tiene una familia" y hace lo mismo todos los días. ¡Ciertamente no quiero esa vida aburrida!

Hello, I have tried or pretended to be normal, I have behaved like an empty person to have friends for many years, Since I decided to be My true self, I'm only looking for people with the kind of thoughts that you mention. In This life Is you don't behave like a machine, if you think beyond, then you are crazy
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Mar 22, 2020
Hello, I have tried or pretended to be normal, I have behaved like an empty person to have friends for many years, Since I decided to be My true self, I'm only looking for people with the kind of thoughts that you mention. In This life Is you don't behave like a machine, if you think beyond, then you are crazy

Yeah, I can't pretend anymore. Only with some students so that I can make a living.
I only talk and meet people like here, SS because you're the only ones who can understand me and I feel I can help you and understand you lots!
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Oct 12, 2020
We're outsiders or maybe truth seekers. We see life as it really is without any illusions or delusions. So yeah a bit rock n rolly I guess
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Jul 7, 2019
We are all sheep, the difference is that we are the sheep who decided to eat the poisonous berries or throw ourselves into the well.

I hate the entire sheep analogy, it always comes with a sense of superiority, and I'm sure that those "sheep" also see themselves as rockstars in their own way.

To be honest, I'd much rather be one of them than whatever I am, this is not a magical journey of creativity or discovering the truth, everyone has their own truth regardless of how they live and how they reach it, but theirs is far more functional and optimistic than mine.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Sometimes I do feel like most of the things on TV are utter brain rot too, newer shows I am seeing as well as repetitive content like the 4737828th season of milquetoast reality shows/Love Island bullshittery. Nothing willing to be risky or break the mould.

That's just an aside though, as I feel your annoyance at not being able to watch shows with others and enjoy them. Cupcake wars and bake off are good background noise when you want to zone out and do absolutely nothing, imo.

I do feel like there's a culture of conformity and playing by the book, otherwise standards of normalcy and behavior wouldn't be so strictly enforced.

For example, everyone knows that business suits are uncomfortable and do not typically contribute to a worker's productivity, so why isn't comfortable, casual clothing allowed in a white collar workplace? Having a strict dress code for aesthetic reasons upholds cultural and societal norms of power and control, preserving that style of clothing as a symbol class and status as well.

So there are many different sociological and behavioral factors at play here when we try to define and examine what it means to be normal. We have heard since childhood that uniqueness should be celebrated, and that diversity is a crown jewel for humanity, but there is always a very thin line when it comes to how much deviance is acceptable.

I used to love cosplay and alternative fashion, if you've ever heard of lolita/gothic kei and things like that, but I don't have that passion anymore. People stare at you and mock you simply for wearing an article of clothing that's different to their default attire. Everytime I wanted to share interesting facts I learned in my Japanese history and economics class, or talk about new food I had tried with my ex-boyfriend (A Japanese man, mind you) people laughed and called me a weaboo.

I wasn't being over the top, cringey, or gushing about some niche mecha anime or something. My hobbies have just always been unconventional, and so they are stigmatised and seen as weird to society. From day one, I have had all my interests pretty much squashed out of me to try to appear less autistic and more by the book.

When it comes to the dilemmas that the people on this site face, I think that our existence goes against the life is a gift, stay positive mantra that is pretty much the oil keeping the cogs of the world turning, so we are often outcasted for this reason. As Fragile eloquently said, your average Joe/non SS member's truth is more positive, and therefore, more functional than ours.

One of my friends told me the other day, in confidence, that he didn't think my physical health conditions would ever improve, but that I must stay positive even if the chances for recovery are pretty much zilch. What a trite thing to say to someone, to simply deny reality so that one's conviction that the world is fair and just can be upheld.

Some people are absurdists and recognise that the world can be cruel, while still enjoying other aspects of their life. So not everyone basks in boundless optimism, although it is certainly the norm, because it enables you to keep going and functioning in life if you believe that life is inherently good or can be improved.

Would I be optimistic like they are, if I had not suffered trauma, disabilities, and physical illnesses? Perhaps. I won't ever know, so it's pointless to speculate. After the things I've seen in life, I don't think I can ever share their perspective again.

There are insights that I would not have thought of, if I had not suffered so much in my life, but I would give anything to be able to simply blend in with the world. I was much more "special" to others when I had profitable talents.
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