

If my name is crossed out, hopefully I'm dead.
May 28, 2023

- captain Jim = everyone;
- shipwreck = birth;
- island = world;
- warm food = hope (trap);
- monster = life;
- spear = suffering and death (shattering of hope).

ENGLISH VERSION (fully translated and improved with DeepL)

Captain Jim had lost count of how long he had been wandering aimlessly on the island where his ship had been wrecked. He was ravenously hungry, wearing tattered rags of cloth that barely protected him from the cold, and huge scars covered much of his body. Such was his misery that only in the thought of death did he find solace, for in life there was not a shred of peace to comfort him.

One night, however, Jim caught sight of a puff of smoke that gave off an irresistibly pleasant aroma. Desperate, and with nothing left to lose, the captain decided to investigate. He was pleasantly surprised when he reached the source of the smoke and found a grill full of hot, good food, so much needed and so scarce in such a poor and deprived area. Had he been a Christian, he would have mistaken such a stroke of luck for a miracle, but Jim denied any belief in God, whom he regarded as either imaginary or diabolical. He knew that it was nothing but pure chance that had brought about such good fortune.

So the castaway, consumed by necessity, did not hesitate to try such food. He began to eat greedily like a starving dog, and as he did so, the bright flame of hope, which so many years of misery had almost completely extinguished, was rekindled in his eyes. He remembered, in short, how pleasurable it was to satisfy the desires that gnawed at his insides.

Yet so passionate was he in his appetite for food that he was blinded to the lurking danger, for, while he was still engrossed in his feast, a hideous monster emerged from some nearby bushes. A stream of saliva poured from the creature's mouth down to the ground, and judging by its repulsive and unusual appearance, it seemed to be a being from another world. To make matters worse, it wielded a long spear with a tip as sharp as a lion's fangs.

It did not take long for the sinister abomination to pounce on the captain like a predator on its prey, viciously impaling him with its weapon. Jim collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath in his dying state. It was then, in the moments before his death, that he realised the cruel trap that had been set for him.


El capitán Jim había perdido la cuenta del tiempo que llevaba vagando sin rumbo por la isla donde su barco había naufragado. Tenía un hambre voraz, vestía unos deshilachados harapos de tela que apenas lo abrigaban del frío, y unas cicatrices enormes cubrían buena parte de su cuerpo. Tal era su desgracia que sólo en la idea de la muerte hallaba consuelo, pues en la vida ni un ápice de paz lo confortaba.

Una noche, sin embargo, Jim avistó una humareda que desprendía un aroma irresistiblemente agradable. Dada su desesperación, y no habiendo ya nada que perder, el capitán decidió acercarse a echar un vistazo. Grata fue la sorpresa cuando, al llegar al origen de la nube de humo, encontró una parrilla atestada de comida caliente y en buen estado, que tanta falta le hacía y tanto escaseaba en un territorio tan pobre y desprovisto como aquél. De ser cristiano, por un milagro habría confundido semejante golpe de suerte, pero Jim renegaba de la fe en Dios, a quien consideraba, o bien imaginario, o bien diabólico. Él sabía que no era sino puro azar el causante de tamaña dicha.

Así pues, el náufrago, consumido por la necesidad, no dudó en probar tales alimentos. Comenzó a comer ávido cual canino famélico, y al hacerlo, se reavivó en sus ojos la fulgurante llama de la esperanza, que tantos años de miseria habían extingido casi por completo. Rememoró, en suma, cuán placentero era satisfacer los deseos que carcomían sus entrañas.

No obstante, tan apasionado era su atiborramiento de comida que lo cegaba del peligro al acecho, y es que, al tiempo que él seguía absorto en su festín, un monstruo espeluznante salió de entre unos arbustos que había cerca. De la boca de dicha criatura emanaban caudalosas cataratas de saliva que llegaban hasta el suelo, y a juzgar por su aspecto repugnante e insólito, diríase que era un ser proveniente de otro mundo. Para colmo, empuñaba una larga lanza con una punta tan afilada como los colmillos de un león.

No tardó la escalofriante abominación en abalanzarse sobre el capitán cual depredador sobre su presa, y sirviéndose de su arma, lo empaló con despiadado ensañamiento. Jim se desplomó en el suelo, donde no pudo más que respirar ahogadamente a causa de su estado moribundo. Fue entonces, en los instantes previos a su muerte, que se percató de la cruel trampa que le habían tendido.
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